Friday, June 29, 2012

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Sapphire

This gemstone used during meditation can help you find your hidden potential, and sharpen the vision of your life's work, it will help you to clear a mental path so you can begin your journey.

Sapphires can help work with you to achieve your material dreams and desires, as well as sustain your wealth once it is acquired. The gem will also be of assistance in keeping a balanced perspective, allowing you to better organize your thought processes, ensuring continued success as your material situation evolves.

It will also promote fair play and loyalty amongst partners and employees, as well as bring about correct conclusions to potentially unjust situations, if you are in the right.

The yellow sapphire is a wonderful and gentle too for working through leftover wounds of childhood abuse. It provides a protective golden shield during the healing process and allows for safe expression of the words needed to release the pain.

Healing Information

Healing Properties:
Sapphire is the most effective healing stone for the nervous system. It it told to regulate the function of the thyroid gland and is therefore quite useful as a remedy for lack of appetite and nervous heart trouble.

In the far East, it was used as protection against the plague. On a psychological level, it gives the patient focus and instills the intent to get well, which in turn assists healing in all levels of the body.

The gem may also aid in strengthening the walls of your blood vessels and stop nose bleeds. The green and blue crystals are especially helpful in healing energies.

Dark blue sapphire will allow one to use their full creative potential. it is like a mother stone because it tends to your needs as your creative juices flow so that you do not become scattered about but remain grounded. It is also good for helping solve problems, sexual relationships because it tends to make deep bonding between people and creates loyalty.

Light blue sapphire is the inspiration stone. It helps to bring in new thoughts or ways of thinking. it is also an excitement stone as it helps to bring the feeling of life being exciting and full.

Green sapphire brings a lucky sense to ones life for it allows things to run smoothly and rightly. lilac sapphire allows your creativity to flow freely however intensely. This would be used by someone who already uses their creative potential but may be feeling a bit blocked.

Orange sapphire works on a totally different level for it does not allow you to deceive yourself at any level. It makes you look at things in their basic and pure form without distorting it to conform to what you want it to be. It helps you learn true knowledge. this is a good stone for students, teachers, writers and researchers.

Pink sapphire allows one to surrender to another for the good of the all. it allows us to not need to be the one in control of what is happening but to allow another to take charge and trust that they will get the job done better than we can.

White sapphire is a personal stone for it helps you to take care of yourself and to tend to your personal needs. it helps you to be nice to yourself and assist you in protecting yourself from needless sufferings.

Yellow sapphire connects you to the total you with all of your inner knowledge. at the same time it helps you to see what you do not know so you can find the answers instead of believing that you already know the answer. it also helps you to learn and retain what you have learned as you seek the answers.

Astrological Signs: Virgo
Chakra: White - Crown, Blue - Throat, Padparadscha - Sacral, Yellow - Solar Plexus, Green - Heart
Element: water
Planet: Saturn, Moon

Crystals And Gemstones For Sale At Crystals By Rob:

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