Actinolite possesses the qualities of balance, harmony and equilibrium.
Actinolite brings your body's functions into harmony and balance. It can affect the color vibration of other stones and enhances their overall effectiveness.
Actinolite can increase one’s self-esteem by getting rid of negative feelings, especially those of isolation that can hinder progress. It makes us more in tune with nature and all of our surroundings. Use Actinolite to connect with spirit guides.
Actinolite helps strengthen the processes of your physical body, and allows it to accept what has taken place. It encourages your spirit to explore new directions, and gives awareness if you have strayed from your original goals. It promotes a feeling of self-worth and strength and encourages inner balance and patience. Actinolite is an excellent stone for psychic shielding, as it expands your aura and crystalises its edges, connecting you to higher awareness while bringing body, mind, psyche and spirit into balance.
For individuals who wish to become more spiritual, actinolite serves as a sort of gateway into that realm. Life is all about balance, and sometimes we can all use a little help from the earth. If you want to bring some positive energy into your life, consider using Actinolite.
It is a protective shield which repels your own negative thoughts - this is particularly true of black Actinolite - and assists your body in adjusting to changes or traumas. An effective aid to visualization and imagery. It also helps instigate the balancing process of emotional and physical acceptance, and produces the openness and the well-being that allows you to be available and receptive to Divine energies.
Astrological Sign: Scorpio
Chakra: Heart
Element: Water
Planet: Pluto
Crystals By Rob:
Monday, March 3, 2014
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Lodolite Quartz
Lodolite is a type of included quartz crystal with inclusions of many possible colors and types. It's often used in meditation practices. Another metaphysical use of lodolite is to bring energies to effect manifestation of one's desires. Lodolite is also said to enhance communication with beings on the spiritual plane and heighten one's spiritual energies.
Lodolite Included Quartz has a fantastic healing vibration, the wonderful qualities of Clear Quartz plus the additional vibrations of its inclusions. The Clear Quartz amplifies the vibration of the inclusions. Included Quartz aides in emotional healing by releasing past-life trauma or early childhood memories that may have caused fear or stress. Meditating with Inclusion Quartz brings soothing guidance from spirit guides.
It is used mystically to increase ESP and bring knowledge from your past lives. Lodolite is said to bring loving energies and energies of gentle strength. Mystically and in crystal healing, lodolite is purported to be an excellent healing stone bringing strong healing energies and energetic shifting so that healing will occur. Lodolite is associated primarily with the crown chakra.
Astrological Sign: All
Chakra: Primarily Crown Chakra, But can be used will all
Element: All
Planet: All
Lodolite Included Quartz has a fantastic healing vibration, the wonderful qualities of Clear Quartz plus the additional vibrations of its inclusions. The Clear Quartz amplifies the vibration of the inclusions. Included Quartz aides in emotional healing by releasing past-life trauma or early childhood memories that may have caused fear or stress. Meditating with Inclusion Quartz brings soothing guidance from spirit guides.
It is used mystically to increase ESP and bring knowledge from your past lives. Lodolite is said to bring loving energies and energies of gentle strength. Mystically and in crystal healing, lodolite is purported to be an excellent healing stone bringing strong healing energies and energetic shifting so that healing will occur. Lodolite is associated primarily with the crown chakra.
Astrological Sign: All
Chakra: Primarily Crown Chakra, But can be used will all
Element: All
Planet: All
Crystals By Rob: https://www.crystalsbyrob.on;ine
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Dendritic Quartz
Assists one in reconnecting to the earth, the elemental kingdom and accessing past life information from Lemurian times. Works with all the chakras, stimulating, clearing and purifying.
It creates a peaceful environment and encourages the enjoyment of each moment. Deepens your connection to the earth.
Dendritic Quartz aids in the re-connection process to the higher self. The manganese crystals that form the dendrites resembling small branches create the frequency of unity and co-operation.
On a more subtle level, dendritic quartz helps the bearer to maintain equilibrium in a period when one’s life path presents a tangled mass of possibilities, and facilitates clear thinking and spiritual guidance which are necessary to enable the highest form of discernment, enabling the bearer to understand complex situations and to choose the one path forward which will be for the best and highest good of all concerned.
It is beneficial for those with their Chiron in Aquarius. It also has a balancing and grounding effect on the physical body.
Astrological Sign: Gemini
Chakra: All
Element: Air
It creates a peaceful environment and encourages the enjoyment of each moment. Deepens your connection to the earth.
Dendritic Quartz aids in the re-connection process to the higher self. The manganese crystals that form the dendrites resembling small branches create the frequency of unity and co-operation.
On a more subtle level, dendritic quartz helps the bearer to maintain equilibrium in a period when one’s life path presents a tangled mass of possibilities, and facilitates clear thinking and spiritual guidance which are necessary to enable the highest form of discernment, enabling the bearer to understand complex situations and to choose the one path forward which will be for the best and highest good of all concerned.
It is beneficial for those with their Chiron in Aquarius. It also has a balancing and grounding effect on the physical body.
Astrological Sign: Gemini
Chakra: All
Element: Air
Crystals By Rob:
Friday, January 17, 2014
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Stilbite
Stilbite unlocks the messages inherent within dreams. Stilbite provides for direction, purpose and clarity. It is a crystal of inner peace, love and balance.
Stilbite allows the person to be free from too many external influences including fear, and assists one in making decisions and choices that are correct for the evolvement of this person’s spiritual path. Stilbite will also help to allow one to make good decisions by showing them that there are no such thing as wrong decisions. It does this by allowing one to see that all decisions are part of the path of learning.
Stilbite is a wonderful stone that connects the heart chakra with the upper chakras. Stilbite allows the heart chakra to connect with the upper three chakras when usually the heart chakra stands alone in the middle. Because of this effect stilbite has on the upper chakras, it allows us to bring heart into everything we work on within the realms of these three higher chakras.
Stilbite has a delicate quality, gently expanding a sense of self and beyond into the astral realm. This is a powerful stone that brings a calming influence and has been used to assist in restful sleep and vivid dreaming. It brings inner peace during meditation.
When stilbite and apophylloite occur together, this enhances the effect of their energy. This combination of stones, which is pretty common, will allow interdimensional travel from apophylloite to become more heart centered and gentler by the stilbite energy.
Astrological Sign: Heart, Throat, Third Eye, Crown
Chakra: Aries
Element: Fire
Planet: Mars
Stilbite allows the person to be free from too many external influences including fear, and assists one in making decisions and choices that are correct for the evolvement of this person’s spiritual path. Stilbite will also help to allow one to make good decisions by showing them that there are no such thing as wrong decisions. It does this by allowing one to see that all decisions are part of the path of learning.
Stilbite is a wonderful stone that connects the heart chakra with the upper chakras. Stilbite allows the heart chakra to connect with the upper three chakras when usually the heart chakra stands alone in the middle. Because of this effect stilbite has on the upper chakras, it allows us to bring heart into everything we work on within the realms of these three higher chakras.
Stilbite has a delicate quality, gently expanding a sense of self and beyond into the astral realm. This is a powerful stone that brings a calming influence and has been used to assist in restful sleep and vivid dreaming. It brings inner peace during meditation.
When stilbite and apophylloite occur together, this enhances the effect of their energy. This combination of stones, which is pretty common, will allow interdimensional travel from apophylloite to become more heart centered and gentler by the stilbite energy.
Astrological Sign: Heart, Throat, Third Eye, Crown
Chakra: Aries
Element: Fire
Planet: Mars
Crystals By Rob:
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Elestial Quartz
Elestials are recognized by multi- terminations on the body and/or faces of a layered and/or etched crystal.
Elestial quartz crystals have an extremely high vibration and are powerful stones to aid your spiritual growth. These crystals are attuned to the vibration of the higher spiritual realms and they will help you to make a stronger connection to the beings there.
Elestial quartz crystals carry a frequency that structures and regulates energy, allowing one access to higher frequency energy at a level that is comfortable and most needed by the individual. It is an excellent tool for meditation and accessing information or guidance. Elestial Quartz can aid in cleansing the emotional body and perceiving where the roots of negative patterns may lie.
They are an excellent crystal to keep nearby as they continuously receive spiritual vibrations, which they regulate and attune to the energy of those who are nearby and receiving it.
Elestial's can come in clear quartz, citrine, smokey quartz and in rarer occurrences amethyst.
Astrological Sign: Refer to which variety of quartz it is
Chakra: Refer to which variety of quartz it is
Element: Refer to which variety of quartz it is
Planet: Refer to which variety of quartz it is
Crystals By Rob:
Elestial quartz crystals have an extremely high vibration and are powerful stones to aid your spiritual growth. These crystals are attuned to the vibration of the higher spiritual realms and they will help you to make a stronger connection to the beings there.
Elestial quartz crystals carry a frequency that structures and regulates energy, allowing one access to higher frequency energy at a level that is comfortable and most needed by the individual. It is an excellent tool for meditation and accessing information or guidance. Elestial Quartz can aid in cleansing the emotional body and perceiving where the roots of negative patterns may lie.
They are an excellent crystal to keep nearby as they continuously receive spiritual vibrations, which they regulate and attune to the energy of those who are nearby and receiving it.
Elestial's can come in clear quartz, citrine, smokey quartz and in rarer occurrences amethyst.
Astrological Sign: Refer to which variety of quartz it is
Chakra: Refer to which variety of quartz it is
Element: Refer to which variety of quartz it is
Planet: Refer to which variety of quartz it is
Crystals By Rob:
Monday, October 28, 2013
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Rain Forest Jasper
Rain Forest Jasper is known as a stone of resolution and perseverence. It is said to help communication of all kinds, and helps one listen easily and without distorting the message one is hearing. It is also a wonderful stone for meditation. Rainforest Jasper balances the Yin/Yang energies. It can help one allow other people into their lives, even if one has been reclusive or solitary. It is also a stone of protection. The rainforest jasper has a gradual and subtle energy –hence, attracting more joyful and pleasant energies in life. If you are someone who has a deep connection to the earth and feel motivated in helping to the world healing, the energies that the rainforest jasper has will surely benefit you. This particular stone may give you a much deeper connection with the environment and nature, as well as the Mother Gaia.
Rainforest Jasper connects you to Planet Earth, the joy of being alive, the energy of growth, and the desire to be in balance with nature. Working with Rainforest Jasper can help you realign your busy life and find your own natural rhythm of balance and harmony. It can help you let go of negative physical habits like overeating or smoking, and create a naturally healthy state of everyday existence. Rainforest Jasper makes us more aware of our inner strength and ability to deal with difficult life circumstances. It helps us to stay calm and concentrate on what is most important. It is a highly creative stone, especially for anyone whose creativity is consciously being connected to their spiritual life.
Rainforest Jasper has a subtle and gradual energy, and it will attract more pleasant and joyful energies into your life. If you’re someone who has a deep connection the earth and feels motivated to help heal the world, the energies of Rainforest Jasper will greatly benefit you. This stone will give you a deeper connection with nature and the environment, and even with Mother Gaia herself. It will encourage you to have a more heart-centered love for the earth.
It brings awareness and joy for the natural state of things, such as your own body, emotional balance, interaction with other living people and organisms. Rainforest Jasper can be used to invigorate or renew your emotional state. It brings hope and positive energy to alleviate depression or lethargy. It is used to encourage the acceptance of responsibility and also thought to increase patience.
Rainforest Jasper has a vibration of happiness and joy for life that will flow outwards, throughout your life. This stone also carries a strong vibration for change. This is a stone that has a soft gradual energy, and will contribute to more cheerful, pleasant people entering your life. It gives you a deeper connection with nature and with plants, trees and animals, and with Mother Gaia herself. Rainforest Jasper connects us to the web of life and helps us to realize that we are a part of nature and play an integral role within it. Rainforest Jasper is a wonderful stone for attracting devas and other nature spirits. It is particularly good for helping maintain a spiritual state once it has been reached, making it an intriguing meditation stone. Rainforest Jasper is attuned to ALL Chakras and linked to the astrological signs of Leo and Capricorn. It is connected to the element Earth and vibrates to the numbers 6 and 8.
Rainforest Jasper connects you with the heart of nature. It teaches that as humans we are not separate from animals, plants or minerals. It opens the heart and mind to the beauty of life and it’s potentials. Rainforest jasper reminds us to feel joy at our existence. It is said to assist us in recalling our purpose on this earth whilst helping us to see that we must treat our fellow living beings with respect, for each has its role in the greater plan.
This stone is also known as Green Rhyolite, and is a strong stone to help you to understand who you really are. Like most green stones, its energy resonates within the heart chakra. It is a helpful stone to connect with Mother Gaia and the energy of the natural world, and may be used in earth healing rituals. It will aid you to make a stronger connection to the great forests and green areas of the planet, as Rainforest Jasper encourages you to have a deeper, more heart based love for the earth.
Rainforest jasper is said to contain the spiritual teachings of nature and is often used during earth healing rituals. Its energy strengthens the physical body and calms the emotions. It also has the ability to restore ones faith, creating a vibration of love and peace. It is thought to provide a channel through which to contact nature spirits and devic beings if desired, allowing them to work in harmony with the individual. Rainforest Jasper strengthens feelings of self-respect and self-value. With it we can more clearly see and accept ourselves as we currently are, without longing for a purer past or better future. Instead, we stay in the present moment and find what has value within it. Rainforest Jasper brings feelings of hope, renewal, and energy. It is a wonderful stone to work with if you suffer from depression, nature-deficit disorder, or have need to more actively engage in the life around you.
Astrological Sign: Libra, Taurus
Chakra: Heart
Element: Earth
Planet: Venus
Crystals By Rob:
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Laser Wand Quartz Crystals
A laser wand is recognized by its long slenderness with small faces at the point, with the crystal being wider at the bottom.
Crystal laser wand points are used to direct energy to specific points in the physical body or any of the energy bodies to cause healing, or to dissolve unwanted energies. They may also be used to enhance the natural flow or your unique energy pattern, bringing balance to your inner Self, your major Chakra Energy Centers, to your entire Be-ing.
Laser Wand crystals are pointers of the crystal world. They focus energy very precisely where they are pointed. This makes them excellent tools for psychic surgery. They are also noted for helping with communication and meditation on other dimensions and worlds.
Laser Wands can be used to clear an area of negativity, to create protective barriers and to beam healing energy to yourself or another by holding the wand in your hand and directing the flow of energy directly to your target. In advanced healing practices, Laser Wands can be used to perform psychic surgery. The wand assists in surgically removing attitudes, feelings, blocks and attachments which may be causing potential issues. Wands have also been used to facilitate healing by removing an unwanted condition from the physical body. They allow you to recognize the perfection and beauty within your self and to manifest the totality externally. They combine the healing vibrations of Mother Earth with the energy of the stars.
Protecting the self with the laser energy field can be accomplished, in a similar manner, by directing the energy to surround the physical body, it can also be accomplished by wearing or carrying the laser wand.
Some Laser wand Crystals are also Singing Quartz Crystals which have a clear sweet resonance when two of these crystals are allowed to touch one another.
Astrological Sign: All
Chakra: All
element: All
Planet: All
Crystal laser wand points are used to direct energy to specific points in the physical body or any of the energy bodies to cause healing, or to dissolve unwanted energies. They may also be used to enhance the natural flow or your unique energy pattern, bringing balance to your inner Self, your major Chakra Energy Centers, to your entire Be-ing.
Laser Wand crystals are pointers of the crystal world. They focus energy very precisely where they are pointed. This makes them excellent tools for psychic surgery. They are also noted for helping with communication and meditation on other dimensions and worlds.
Laser Wands can be used to clear an area of negativity, to create protective barriers and to beam healing energy to yourself or another by holding the wand in your hand and directing the flow of energy directly to your target. In advanced healing practices, Laser Wands can be used to perform psychic surgery. The wand assists in surgically removing attitudes, feelings, blocks and attachments which may be causing potential issues. Wands have also been used to facilitate healing by removing an unwanted condition from the physical body. They allow you to recognize the perfection and beauty within your self and to manifest the totality externally. They combine the healing vibrations of Mother Earth with the energy of the stars.
Protecting the self with the laser energy field can be accomplished, in a similar manner, by directing the energy to surround the physical body, it can also be accomplished by wearing or carrying the laser wand.
Some Laser wand Crystals are also Singing Quartz Crystals which have a clear sweet resonance when two of these crystals are allowed to touch one another.
Astrological Sign: All
Chakra: All
element: All
Planet: All
Crystals By Rob:
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