Saturday, February 15, 2014

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Dendritic Quartz

Assists one in reconnecting to the earth, the elemental kingdom and accessing past life information from Lemurian times. Works with all the chakras, stimulating, clearing and purifying.

It creates a peaceful environment and encourages the enjoyment of each moment. Deepens your connection to the earth.

Dendritic Quartz aids in the re-connection process to the higher self. The manganese crystals that form the dendrites resembling small branches create the frequency of unity and co-operation.

On a more subtle level, dendritic quartz helps the bearer to maintain equilibrium in a period when one’s life path presents a tangled mass of possibilities, and facilitates clear thinking and spiritual guidance which are necessary to enable the highest form of discernment, enabling the bearer to understand complex situations and to choose the one path forward which will be for the best and highest good of all concerned.

It is beneficial for those with their Chiron in Aquarius. It also has a balancing and grounding effect on the physical body.


Astrological Sign: Gemini

Chakra: All

Element: Air

Crystals By Rob:

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