Tanzurine is a recently discovered stone consisting of one of the purest Quartz and either Lepidolite (cherry) or Fuchsite (emerald). Because of the purity of the Quartz, the included minerals are able to fill these stones with vibrant color as if it were water. The deep reds and vibrant greens of Tangerine Quartz are totally natural and create a truly unique stone.
Red Tanzurine Quartz, also known as Cherry Tanzurine, is a stone of vibrancy and endurance; a new talisman for warriors and first responders. It is a stone of resolve and endurance. It is a gentle, but vital, stimulator of chi, or Life Force, bringing physical strength and energy, stamina, focus, and determination. Its steady frequency calms the emotional body creating lasting, stable energy for improving health or overcoming illness, setting goals and following through to completion, facing unpleasant tasks, and havingthe courage to rectify wrongs.
Open to creative, empowering, life-giving vibrations with this Cherry Tanzurine You Got This Heart from Tanzania. Cherry tanzurine is a combination of earth and fire elements. It works in the physical realm vigorously and assists with transformation. Cherry tanzurine is a stone of vitality, confidence, creativity, and sexuality. It motivates you to make your dreams a reality. This gem also makes it easier to forgive yourself. The heart-shaped carving symbolizes Divine Love, adding properties of kindness, emotional connection, and compassion. Work with this heart to experience its confidence-boosting, transformative powers.
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Red Tanzurine Quartz (Cherry Tanzurine)
Red Tanzurine Quartz activates the Base Chakra and stimulates the rise of the kundalini energy throughout the chakras, cleansing and strengthening the aura. It is a powerful stone for those who work with Earth energies to make a deep connection with Earth spirits and guardians.
Red Tanzurine Quartz is an opaque, microcrystalline variety of Quartz with large, grainy crystals rather than the fibrous layers of Chalcedony or Agate. It occurs in large masses in Tanzania. The source of its color is not determined officially. One source believes it is caused by Lepidolite - purple-red mica with lithium. Mindat tells us it is a Quartz with aluminum, potassium, manganese, iron, phosphorous, and titanium. So, stay tuned on this as more research comes to light.
The wearer of Red Tanzurine has high energy, courage, and joy. A positive outlook and a sense of optimism are key components to surviving difficult times and achieving success. It improves low enthusiasm and build physical strength & comfort
With the help of the Tanzurine enchanting red hues. You will be able to reclaim your self-confidence and courage. The micro entries of Lepidolite, mica and lithium work on it, and strengthens, enhances, and revitalizes the powers of a Red Tanzurine crystal for long periods.

Uses and Purposes:
Wear or carry Red Tanzurine Quartz to alleviate stress and reconnect with Earth’s grounding energies. Its cleansing effect eliminates negativity, returning it to its source, and stabilizing the aura. It is an ideal worry or rubbing stone for soothing the nerves and restoring balance.
A valuable stone of protection, Red Tanzurine Quartz guards against physical threats and assists in situations of danger. Keep one in the car to prevent accidents, theft, or road rage. Wear two or three items of Red Tanzurine Quartz jewelry or a pouch of three small tumbled stones to shield against psychic attack or when working with spirit rescue, potentially violent, or psychologically disturbed individuals.
Red Tanzurine Quartz also stimulates passion in one’s creative work, manifesting new ideas and freshness, and the energy to continue a project even after the initial excitement has dwindled. Its energy brings focus and self-mastery. Red Tanzurine Quartz may be used as a professional support stone for all jobs requiring physical strength and stamina, from police officers to trades workers, waitresses and waiters, and other high activity professionals. It also brings energy, alertness, and emotional endurance to accountants, computer operators, military personnel, and all who must continuously be focused and on task.
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Red Tanzurine Quartz (Cherry Tanzurine)
Red Tanzurine Quartz is often used with Green Tanzurine Quartz in balancing the Heart Charka, grounding the spirit, and the active and passive energies of the etheric body.
Physical Healing Energy:
Red Tanzurine Quartz helps regulate the metabolic energies of the body, providing strength and vitality, and increasing physical stamina. It is particularly beneficial for those needing extra support during prolonged illness, injury, or hospitalization.
Red Tanzurine Quartz is thought to support the circulatory system, and to strengthen the heart and enhances circulation, and may be useful as an adjunct to medically treating anemia, exhaustion, and heart conditions, including the recovery of bypass or transplant surgeries.
Emotional Healing Energy:
Red Tanzurine Quartz is a stone of empowerment, bringing strength to resist emotional domination by others, and the courage to overcome domestic violence Red Hummingbird Quartz is a perfect stone of courage and strength for a child being teased or bullied at school. It is a bright, tangible reminder and a great confidence builder.
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Red Tanzurine Quartz (Cherry Tanzurine)
Red Tanzurine Quartz can re-activate a passion for living when one is feeling blue or unemotional, apathetic, or spiritually defunct, and is commonly used creative energies.

Chakra Healing and Balancing Energy:
Red Tanzurine Quartz connects to the Earth and may be placed on the Base Chakra to stabilize and
energize the physical body. Red Hummingbird Quartz stimulates the Base, or Root Chakra, located at the base of the spine, and controls the energy for kinesthetic feeling and movement. It is the foundation of physical and spiritual energy for the body.
When physically out of balance the symptoms manifest themselves as lethargy, low levels of activity, low enthusiasm, and a need for constant stimulation. When spiritual energies are out of balance, one may feel flighty, disconnected from reality, or distant. When the Base Chakra is in balance, the physical body regains its strength and stamina, and the spiritual energy is rekindled in the form of security and sense of one’s own power. It often leads to independence and spontaneous leadership.
Spiritual Energy:
Red Tanzurine Quartz is a remarkable crystal for awakening the energetic kundalini “serpent” dwelling at the base of the spine. The spiraling of this energy up through the body provides a powerful spiritual experience as it activates, clears, and strengthens each of the chakras, infusing them with vital Life Force
Red Tanzurine Quartz attunes to the frequency of fairness and offers assistance to anyone trying to rectify an unjust situation. Meditating with this stone provides insight into the best way to accomplish this and helps bring future problems to light before they become too big.
Color Energy:
Red Tanzurine Quartz brings a self-confidence built on fearlessness, a call to action, and excitement. It raises our enthusiasm and speeds up our metabolism. Red reflects the color of passion, energy, and life. It motivates. It is a very strong color - the color of fire and blood. Dark Red crystals embody strong, deep feelings, durable energy, and quiet passion. It is a masculine color, particularly useful for increasing devotion and seeing the seriousness of life.

Meditation Uses:
Red Tanzurine Quartz is a marvelous tool for meditation, providing a calm, harmonious energy, ideal for grounding and centering at the beginning of a ritual and easing the transition into a meditative state. Red Tanzurine Quartz encourages the affirmation of nurturing the self and being embraced lovingly by Mother Earth. It facilitates the reiteration of dreams as if in a video-type mechanism, accessible during meditative states, that allows the dreamer to recall information that could be consequential for one’s life.
Divination Uses:
Red Tanzurine Quartz seems to bring dreams of a vast landscape of adventure. Dreams with Red Tanzurine Quartz are often those of adventure and conquest. Quite invigorating actually. Use sparingly.
Connection with Goddesses:
Red Tanzurine Quartz honors Cerridwen, the Welsh Goddess of Inspiration and Knowledge. She rules the gifts of prophecy and magic, and powers death and rebirth. Red Tanzurine Quartz may be used to honor Isis, the Egyptian Goddess of Life. She is widely respected as a Goddess of the divine feminine and is known for her steadfastness in taking care of her family and using her power to protect them. Red Tanzurine Quartz honors Bona Dea, the Roman Earth Goddess of Fertility and the Greek Goddess of Women. She protects women through all of their changes, and is a skilled healer, particularly with herbs.
As a Natural Birthstone:
Red Tanzurine Quartz is one of the natural birthstones of those born in midautumn (October 22- November 20). Red crystals bring you energy, courage, passion, and love.
As a Zodiac Stone:
Red Tanzurine Quartz is not specific to any zodiac sign but is thought to bring Cancer and Capricorn compassion and patience. Aries and Scorpio are also reported to benefit. It is also associated with the Mansion of the Desert, the 22nd Mansion of the Moon.
Talisman and Amulet Uses:
Red Tanzurine Quartz is a Seeker Transformer crystal. Seekers contain a crystal energy structure that aligns the natural energy of the crystal to the natural power of the human mind in finding the way to new horizons and new capabilities. They’re pointers, directors, and compasses; the fresh start crystals. These are talismans of the scientist, the adventurer, the hunter, wanderer, and explorer. They’re also
crystals of the student and the researcher. Transformer crystals enhance efforts to change our situations, prospects, health, outlook, or relationships. By transforming ourselves we transform our lives. We learn to dance, speak a new language, grow stronger, or become a better spouse or child. Seeker crystals with the earth power of the Transformer are excellent talismans to aid our efforts to grow, develop new capabilities, and change our lives.

Feng Shui Uses:
Red Tanzurine Quartz utilizes Fire Energy, the energy of enthusiasm, warmth, brightness, illumination, and activity. It is Yang in nature. It is the energy of heat, action, emotion, and passion - of ideas, of concepts, and sex. It is traditionally associated with the south area of a home or room, and with the fame and reputation area of your dwelling. Use its energy to give your life the boost it needs to enhance your standing in the community and within your family. Red gemstones should be used sparingly, to bring the sun's power and the fire element's energy to your space.
Lepidolite is in the mica group of minerals and contains good amounts of lithium which makes it a beneficial healing stone. While many people believe it is the amount of lithium that creates its specific color, its exact color does depend on the amount of manganese in the stones.
Lepidolite crystal has long been utilized as a potent source of lithium. Lithium also derives its name from the Greek word for stone, ‘lithos’ as this element is found in trace quantities in almost all rocks. Therefore, Lepidolite serves as an effective balm to the soul for those experiencing intense mood swings, emotional instability, or overwhelming moments of anxiety and depression.
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Red Tanzurine Quartz (Cherry Tanzurine)
Lepidolite crystal is here to turn up the volume on your dopamine levels, to serve a feast of feel-good vibes, and to harmonize all those emotions that may be running riot in your body, mind, and soul. Instantly soothing in its soft lavender and lilac shade, it’s easy to immediately connect with the calming nature of Lepidolite. Boasting a long history with inner peace and harmony, Lepidolite has long been used as a source of lithium – a remedy often turned to for those who suffer jangled emotions, high mood swings, and symptoms of bipolar.
Lepidolite is a stone of calm, trust, and acceptance. It is extremely useful in the reduction of depression as well as stress. It is used to halt obsessive thoughts, and relieves despondency, as well as overcomes insomnia. Lepidolite is supportive in releasing one from addictions and complains of all kinds, including anorexia. This stone encourages independence and protects from any number of external influences when it comes to setting and following your priorities. It is of great help to relieve the consequences of everyday stress. Placed near the pillow, it promotes peaceful sleep without bad dreams and nightmares. In combination with rose quartz, lepidolite becomes stone of renewed love.
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Red Tanzurine Quartz (Cherry Tanzurine)
It helps us to let go of those patterns that are no longer serving us, to reorganize and restructure our behavior patterns and thoughts, and to embrace times of change in flux and flow rather than kicking out against it. This is a stone that not only wants to nurture you but wants to teach you how to self-soothe and make choices that come with a heightened sense of awareness and commitment to your own health and happiness. It does all of this with the gentlest of care, keeping you free from the waves of overwhelm and feeling guided and supported not only by the stone in your pocket but from the universe as a whole. After all, you are a part of this world.
Lepidolite is sometimes used to increase spirituality, or increase the desire to seek spirituality. Carried often as a touchstone, simply due to it’s calming properties, it is also known to attract good luck, and drive off negativity – although it protective qualities are not superior. Lepidolite is considered a reassuring gemstone for those who may be new to psychic work, have had bad experiences with it, or who as a child may have dabbled with Ouija boards, played with tarot cards, or held seances not quite understanding their meaning. Lepidolite will offer a strong screen against negative energies. To promote a restful nights sleep free of nightmares, place Lepidolite near the headboard or under the pillow.
Lepidolite clears electromagnetic pollution. Strengthens the immune system, soothes the nervous system and can be used to restructure DNA. Lepidolite relieves exhaustion and aids in the relief of tension and related disorders. It can relieve allergies and greatly help with epilepsy and Alzheimers. It numbs sciatica and neuralgia, and overcomes joint problems. Lepidolite stabilizes mood swings and is excellent for the menopause. It treats illnesses caused by “sick-building syndrome” or computer stress. Excellent for bipolar disorders.
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Red Tanzurine Quartz (Cherry Tanzurine)
This lovely lilac crystal has a truly unique resonance that aids a Divine connection with the deep innermost part of yourself known as The Divine Presence. It has a quite unusual vibration that helps to activate your connection with your higher self, and aids you to recognize the Divinity within your own self. This is a highly spiritual energy, that aids you to feel a spiritual sense of love, for yourself and for others. Its effect within the heart and higher heart chakra, creates an abundance of joy, peace, serenity and love to flow into your being.
It brings deep emotional healing, soothing and reducing stress and depression. Lepidolite dissipates negativity and insists on being used for the highest good. It activates the throat, heart, third eye chakras and the intellect. It opens the crown chakra, clearing blockages and bringing cosmic awareness. Lepidolite facilitates astral travel and accesses the Akashic Record. It helps to take you forward into the future, tuning you in to thoughts and feelings from other lives that are creating a blockage in your life now.
It stimulates a stronger ability for you to be in harmony with Spirit, and it aids you to feel more settled and serene about life. By this encouragement for you to be more in the flow of life, this beautiful lilac stone creates an increased number of powerful coincidences or synchronicities. These coincidences allow the Divine mind to create amazing situations, to aid you to bring into your life those things that you desire and have been thinking about. This is of course strongly linked to the law of attraction. Lilac Lepidolite has powerful metaphysical properties, and a lovely vibration that will work through all chakras. It has strong spiritual powers, with an energy that resonates strongly within the thymus or higher heart chakra, the heart chakra and the crown chakra.
A “stone of transition”, Lepidolite assists in the release and reorganization of old behavioral and psychological patterns, gently inducing change. It brings deep emotional healing, soothing and reducing stress and depression. Lepidolite dissipates negativity and insists on being used for the highest good. It activates the throat, heart, third eye chakras and the intellect. It opens the crown chakra, clearing blockages and bringing cosmic awareness. Lepidolite facilitates astral travel and accesses the Akashic Record. It helps to take you forward into the future, tuning you in to thoughts and feelings from other lives that are creating a blockage in your life now.
Quartz (also known as rock crystal) is often called the master healer crystal, and for good reason, as it’s one of the most (if not THE most) powerful crystals to work with for healing, manifestation and amplification. It’s the one crystal that every crystal enthusiast and spiritually-inclined person should have. Clear quartz also happens to be the most abundant mineral found on the Earth’s surface.
Quartz crystal is known for having high vibrations. The stone can clear the mind, body and spirit of clutter and can help to align the bearer with the highest form of themselves so that they may reach their full potential. The meaning associated with this crystal is a very powerful one, particularly for those who are setting new goals. This quartz is a supportive one and helps us to carve out a vision that is unique to us. In addition to this, the crystal has the power to drown out any noise from the outside world to create a pathway to your goals and to turn them into a reality in the mind’s eye.
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Red Tanzurine Quartz (Cherry Tanzurine)
Throughout history, Quartz held valuable meaning to several cultures. Its ability to reflect and refract light led many to view it as a source of mystical powers that go beyond our understanding of Earth. It was seen as a gift from Mother Earth that connected us to ethereal realms. The name “Quartz” comes from the Greek word for “ice.” Take one look at a cluster of Quartz, and you’ll see where the inspiration comes from. Greek philosophers believed that the stone was a permanent form of ice that was so cold it would never thaw.
Quartz is known as the “master healer” and will amplify energy and thought, as well as the effect of other crystals. It absorbs, stores, releases and regulates energy. Quartz draws off negative energy of all kinds, neutralizing background radiation, including electromagnetic smog or petrochemical emanations. It balances and revitalizes the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual planes. Cleanses and enhances the organs and subtle bodies and acts as a deep soul cleanser, connecting the physical dimension with the mind. Clear Quartz enhances psychic abilities. It aids concentration and unlocks memory. Stimulates the immune system and brings the body into balance. Quartz (Crystal Quartz, Rock Crystal) harmonizes all the chakras and aligns the subtle bodies.
Every crystal has its own unique energetic properties, and Quartz is especially great for energy amplification. This makes it the perfect addition to meditation, spiritual communication, prayer, or ritual intended to expand on your consciousness, as it will take your positive intentions and reverberate them further through the universe. The crystal is also believed to help its owner attract love, friendship, abundance, peace and vitality, so many choose to wear it on their person each day on jewelry.
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Red Tanzurine Quartz (Cherry Tanzurine)
In addition to mental clarity, quartz is also very powerful for the purposes of manifestation. Once you are fully aware of what it is that you want from life, you can start putting plans into action to turn these ideas into realities. When you are ready to manifest the life that you’ve been dreaming of, you may consider calling on the energy that the stone brings. It can help you to take this manifestation to the next level and to turn it into reality. This crystal has the power to raise its bearer’s vibration and to enhance the clarity of what they wish to create. While the entire quartz family may be known for their abilities to manifest, the clear stone is especially useful in this regard because it is able to supercharge your intentions and amplify the power that you have within yourself to make something happen.
Energetically, Quartz can be used to clear and stimulate all chakra systems and energy points in the body. It is especially useful in working with the heart and the third eye. When placing a Quartz crystal on the Third Eye during meditation, one will notice an increased sense of clarity and focus. This clarity and focus will allow one to achieve the “empty” state of mind necessary for effective meditative states. When the mind has been silenced to this degree, one can begin to remember and connect with one’s own innate psychic abilities.
When it comes to Quartz’s metaphysical properties, many shamans and spiritual healers consider it to be a precious gift from Mother Earth that facilitates transformational healing and protection. Every cut of Quartz is different, in its shape, its clarity, its quality, its luster – they are all unique, and many people believe that it will attract the owner that needs its guidance most.
Astrological Sign: Libra, Scorpio
Chakra: Root
Element: Earth
Planet: Earth
Crystals By Rob: https://www.crystalsbyrob.online
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