Monday, July 2, 2012
How Crystals Grow And How To Select A Crystal
Generally, quartz crystals grow in a hexagonal (six sided) structure, with additional faces sloping towards a point at one end. A crystal withe these features is itself called a point. Points may be totally clear, or may contain streaks, rainbows, water bubbles, or other inclusions. They may also appear cloudy if they have grown in a place where it freezes in the winter. Optical clarity usually has little to do with the crystal's quality and ability to amplify subtle energies.
To select a crystal, first put yourself in a calm place. Hold the crystal in your hands with the point towards you. Feel it physically. Be open to feelings such as tingling, changes in temp. Also feel the crystal emotionally. Think of the purpose you want for it, such as: healing, intuition, dream work...and see if you feel attracted to the crystal. Be more concerned with how the crystal feels to you rather than how it looks. Allow the crystal to pick you by interacting with it in this way. And remember to go with your initial feeling. If you need a specialized crystal to work with, consider one of the types below.
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