Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Asterite

Asterite is a unique stone with an appearance resembling that of a snake. It can be found in various colors, including green, black-green, brown-yellow, and white. This earthing stone serves to open new pathways for Kundalini energy and is often used in meditation practices to enhance spiritual exploration.

Asterite is a multidimensional stone that is believed to offer a range of energetic uses in metaphysical healing. It is said to create a protective bubble that helps maintain mental clarity and physical energy.

This stone can be placed around the house, work area, carried during the day, or included in meditation practices to heal and uplift energy.

Asterite is also known to form a unique connection to promote healing in the way that is best for each individual.

It can be used to attract or manifest what you want into your life, such as abundance on all levels, prosperity, love, and healing.

It aligns your intent with the Heart Chakra and Source energy. It also aligns with your Root Chakra to help ground you.

Asterite is believed to assist in the retrieval of wisdom, helping to regain memory of past lives.

Asterite is thought to assist the conscious direction of healing energy toward problem areas and correct mental and emotional imbalances, helping you to feel more in control of your life.

Asterite, with its distinctive appearance, is celebrated as the stone of transformation. Its energy is akin to the winding path of a snake, guiding you through profound changes and spiritual growth.

Asterite is a multidimensional stone that offers a range of energetic uses. Its protective bubble helps one maintain mental clarity and physical energy. 

Asterite is a unique and rare crystal that has powerful healing properties that can affect the mind, body, and spirit. It is known to help reduce stress and anxiety, increase focus and clarity, and promote a sense of inner peace and calm. It is also believed to help stimulate creativity and enhance intuition.

Asterite aids in the full-body healing process,emotional, mental and physical , and helps improve manifestation skills to help you get what you want out of life.

In crystal medicine, the Asterite crystal stone meaning embodies the power of creation, sexuality, and fertility, which represents the life force of our ever-spinning planet. On a physiological level, it helps balance out the hormones, making it an excellent energy supplement for that time of the month. And yes, men also have hormonal cycles, which makes Serpentine a powerful stone for both the male and female energies.

The Asterite meaning reminds us to shoot for the stars, because everybody’s inner child knows their true purpose in life. Even if your dreams have been buried by societal expectations and demands of adulthood, the Asterite crystal stone meaning serves as the catalyst to free you from the shackles of society and self-imposed limitations.

Asterite helps to clear out and release the clouded/dense areas of all chakras so that healing can occur. It also enhances the meditative state and retrieval of ancient wisdom. An earthing stone, Asterite also opens new pathways for the Kundalini energy. It aids in meditation and enhances spiritual exploration.

This inner power is accessed through realms such as deep meditation, the use of Asterite crystals, and yoga. Once released, an effect known as a Kundalini Awakening will begin to take place. When experiencing this great awakening you may feel more in-tune with yourself and notice signs of your inner intuition come to life.

This intellectual upgrade tends to lead to an expansion of the mind and attunement to higher realms. To reach these realms one must be willing to open their pineal gland and restore the true confidence of our own mental abilities.

Asterite assists in the retrieval of wisdom, helping to regain memory of past lives. It clears the chakras and stimulates the crown chakra, opening psychic abilities.

It has been known that Asterite helps guides us towards our true purpose in life by giving us the wisdom to take responsibility for our lives and increase ones prosperity. Also it helps one to heal ones heart from relationship challenges, loss of family, friendship, or lover, opening heart to relax into relationships again. Asist one in healing of the mind-body-spirit within mediation.

Asterite helps to communicate with ancient beings, divinities, and extraterrestrials. Connects with primal energies & elements. Facilitates psychic messages.

Asterite minerals have a harmonious connection with our heart center and assists in bringing our truest desires to life. This will help in our ability to love and display compassionate emotions.

Asterite minerals aid in the release of useless emotions that may feel as though they are glued to our beings. It will feel extremely difficult to let go of these feelings if you still feel as though you were wronged.

Asterite minerals will act as a dissolvent to release these sticky emotions. Once they have been lifted, the relief will be worth all of the hard work. We must learn to love ourselves before we can begin to spread love into this world. A final lesson that Asterite aids to teach us is the residual effect of promoting love in even the darkest of spaces around us.

Friday, May 17, 2024

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Celestobarite

There are many beautiful but often ignored minerals and stones under the crevices of the Earth that are often unknown or so rare that very few people know about them. This in no way means that they are not impressive, beautiful or filled with wonder. Celestobarite is one such stone that many may not have heard of. It is an enchanting stone that deserves to be known and celebrated by one and all. 

Celestobarite is a cream, coral or orange-colored gemstone that is composed of properties and energies of Celestite and Barites – hence the name. Barium and strontium sulfate are known to be present in this stone. It is believed that through a rare stone, it is a highly effective stone that can heal the body physically and spiritually.

Celestobarite is known to be a shamanic oracle that clears your understanding and vision of things. It is believed that with the help of the stone you can find answers to things which aren’t clear to you. One of its most invigorating properties is its ability to help a wearer take an informed decision. It is a multidimensional stone, one which helps explore and also understand the multiple layers of one’s being. Known as a shielding stone, it is known to help work on many of the chakras. It helps align the soul with the physical necessities and struggles of everyday living allowing us to cut through barriers. Moreover, it does all of it without being over-powering but has a rather soothing and sweet energy.  

Celestobarite is said to be a powerful cleansing crystal that can remove negative energy from the body and aura. It is also said to be helpful in treating physical health problems, such as digestive disorders, skin problems, and headaches. Celestobarite is also believed to promote emotional healing and well-being.

Celestobarite is used to promote physical healing by helping open up our minds which can help us better understand the realities of the world. It is also said to keep our minds stable and powerful. Further, since it contains barite, it is beneficial for our brain and memory as well. It can stimulate our vision, soothe our digestive system, calm our nervous system and heal the soreness of the throat. 

With its emotional healing abilities, celestobarite crystal enables its wearer to keep an open mind in dealing with different circumstances that might otherwise appear difficult. It can empower us emotionally to make tough decisions that might alter the course of our lives — how we act and respond to the external environment and function.

This gemstone also aids spiritual healing and upliftment. It helps us get connected with the highest guiding forces that exist in this universe by channeling high-frequency vibrations through us for healing. When you meditate with this gemstone, you can connect with your guardian angel and spirits. It also helps us communicate with visions and understand what it is that we saw. Since it is a shamanic gemstone, it can promote balance in our thoughts by acting as our guiding light and guardian. 

Celestobarite helps us remember that nothing in our lives remains constant, everything keeps changing with time. So we need to find happiness and acceptance in all that we do. Celestobarite is also said to stimulate dreaming and dream recall with greater ease. 

Along with these, celestobarite is also helpful in chakra healing. It beautifully resonates with our root, earth star and crown chakras and keeps them active. Hailed as a journeying stone, it is also said to align with our solar chakra.

Regarded as a stone for harmony, celestobarite crystal is excellent for harmonizing, especially in choirs, marital relationships, and business partnerships. It helps recognize all voices and deems each one of equal importance. This is the reason why this gem is said to be the perfect choice for singers, artists, counselors, and mediators, among others. It helps them detect and realize the actual worth that lies on both sides, and allows them to combine them for the greatest good. Celestobarite is often recommended for bringing balance and harmony in friendships and relationships by offering a deeper and clearer insight into what needs to be seen.

Celestobarite is also said to be great for detoxifying our body, beating chronic exhaustion, and also overcoming addiction. It also has deeply motivating effects that may cleanse and rebalance our chakras, enabling us to go after our dreams with nothing holding us back. It helps release trapped negative emotions like fear and obsession and pushes us towards personal freedom of the mind. We can overcome feelings of shyness or hesitation and focus on our strength and mental confidence to speak out. 

The greatest metaphysical benefit of celestobarite lies in guiding us to find out our true spiritual purpose in life, our true calling and how we can achieve our purpose in life. This is brought about by its ability to open up our senses to receive guidance from the higher energies in the cosmic world — the angelic realms. We may attain a higher sense of mindfulness and step into our personal powers to use them for our greater good. 

Celestobarite stone encompasses our past, present, and future to open up our senses during shamanic journeys. Since it is a shielding stone, it also keeps us guarded during such journeys and keeps us suspended between the soul star chakras and the earth. It acts as a shamanic anchor for both the upper and lower worlds’ journeys and stabilizes our energy to the core of our planet and at the center of the galaxy.

According to some metaphysical practitioners, celestobarite stone also bears an affinity with the joker energy or coyote, which helps represent the darker side of life joyfully and acts as a reminder that nothing is constant in this world. It is also said to help us take a step back and be able to laugh at ourselves.


Animals: Cow, Bull, Horse, Ant, Bear, Wolf, Dog

Archangels: Solar Pelxus - Michael, Root - Uriel, Earth Star - Sandalphon

Astrological Signs: Solar Plexus - Aires, Leo, Sagittarius, Root And Earth Star - Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo

Candle Color: Solar Plexus -Orange, Root - Red, Earth Star- Brown

Chakra: Solar Plexus, Root, Earth Star

Element: Solar Plexus - Fire, Root And Earth Star - Earth

Essential Oils: Lavender, Cedarwood

Goddess: Lua, Neriene

Gods: Adonis, Athos, Arawn, Dionysus, Mardyk, Pan, Tammuz, Cernunnos

Herbs: Ashwagandha Root, Ginger Root, Turmeric Root, Dandelion Root

Incense: Solar Plexus - Bergamot, Cinnamon, Root And Earth Star - Patchouli, Vetiver

Planet: Solar Plexus - The Sun and Mars, Root And arth Star - Saturn and Mars

Spirits: Gnomes, Dwarfs, Trolls, Leprechauns

History Of Celsestobarite


The Intriguing History of Celestobarite

Celestobarite is a fascinating mineral that has captivated the attention of geologists, collectors, and enthusiasts alike. Its unique history spans centuries, weaving a tale of scientific discovery and cultural significance.

Celestobarite, a barium sulfate compound, was first identified in the early 19th century. Its distinctive blue-green hues and crystalline structure set it apart from other barium minerals, sparking the curiosity of early mineralogists. As research progressed, the origins and formation of celestobarite became a subject of intense study, revealing insights into the geological processes that shaped our planet.

Over time, celestobarite has been found in various locations around the world, each deposit offering clues about its complex history. From the towering mountains of Europe to the arid deserts of North America, this mineral has left its mark, captivating those who seek to unravel its secrets.

The study of celestobarite has not only advanced our scientific understanding but has also inspired artistic and cultural expressions. Its mesmerizing colors and intricate crystal structures have been celebrated in jewelry, sculptures, and even architectural designs, showcasing the enduring fascination with this remarkable mineral.

As we delve deeper into the history of celestobarite, we uncover a story that is as captivating as the mineral itself – a tale of scientific discovery, geological evolution, and the human desire to understand the natural world around us.

Origins of Celestobarite

Celestobarite is a rare and fascinating mineral that has captured the attention of geologists and mineral collectors alike. But have you ever wondered about its origins? Let's delve into the intriguing story behind this captivating gemstone.

Celestobarite's formation can be traced back to the primordial days of our planet's history. It is believed to have originated deep within the Earth's crust, where intense heat and pressure create the perfect conditions for the crystallization of this unique mineral.

The key ingredients in the creation of celestobarite are barium and strontium, two elements that are closely related in the periodic table. When these elements combine under the right geological circumstances, they form the distinctive blue-green crystals that we know and love as celestobarite.

The journey of celestobarite from the depths of the Earth to the surface is a testament to the dynamic and ever-changing nature of our planet. Through processes like volcanic activity and tectonic plate movement, celestobarite-bearing rocks are slowly brought closer to the surface, where they can be discovered and appreciated by those with a keen eye for natural wonders.

So the next time you gaze upon the mesmerizing beauty of a celestobarite specimen, remember that it is the product of a remarkable geological odyssey, millions of years in the making. This knowledge only serves to heighten the wonder and appreciation we can have for this truly unique and captivating mineral.

Ancient Civilizations Uses of Celestobarite

Celestobarite, a unique mineral compound, has been a subject of fascination for scholars studying the ancient world. Emerging evidence suggests that several advanced civilizations of antiquity recognized the remarkable properties of this rare substance and incorporated it into their cultural and technological practices.

The ancient Egyptians, renowned for their mastery of the natural world, were among the first to harness the potential of celestobarite. Archeological findings indicate that they utilized this mineral in the construction of their iconic monuments, leveraging its structural integrity and unique visual qualities to create awe-inspiring architectural marvels.

Similarly, the Mesopotamian cultures, known for their pioneering advancements in astronomy and mathematics, are believed to have employed celestobarite in the fabrication of specialized astronomical instruments. These tools, used to track the movements of celestial bodies, were instrumental in the development of their sophisticated calendars and navigation systems.

Furthermore, the ancient Chinese civilization, celebrated for its rich traditions and innovative spirit, is thought to have incorporated celestobarite into the production of advanced ceramics and glassware. The mineral's unique properties, such as its resistance to heat and chemical weathering, likely contributed to the creation of these highly prized artifacts.

The widespread use of celestobarite by these ancient cultures underscores the remarkable versatility and significance of this remarkable natural resource. As we continue to unravel the mysteries of the past, the study of celestobarite's role in the development of these civilizations promises to shed new light on the ingenuity and resourcefulness of our ancestors.

How Was Celestobarite Used In Ancient Egypt

Celestobarite, a rare and intriguing mineral, played a fascinating role in the ancient Egyptian civilization. Discovered in the remote regions of Egypt, this unique compound captivated the attention of the ancient Egyptians, who recognized its remarkable properties and incorporated it into their cultural and religious practices.

Through meticulous archaeological investigations, we have uncovered evidence that celestobarite, with its distinctive blue-green hues, was highly valued by the Egyptians. This mineral was not only used for its aesthetic appeal, adorning the tombs and temples of the pharaohs, but also held deep symbolic significance within their belief systems.

The ancient Egyptians believed that celestobarite possessed mystical powers, and they often incorporated it into their rituals and ceremonies. The mineral was thought to have the ability to connect the earthly realm with the divine, making it a crucial component in their spiritual practices. Powdered celestobarite was even used in certain embalming processes, as it was believed to aid in the preservation of the deceased and their journey to the afterlife.

Furthermore, the Egyptians recognized the practical applications of celestobarite, utilizing it in the production of pigments and paints. The vibrant hues derived from this mineral were used to adorn the walls of their grand monuments, adding depth and richness to their artistic expressions.

As we delve deeper into the ancient Egyptian civilization, the role of celestobarite continues to captivate and intrigue us, shedding light on the ingenuity and reverence of this remarkable culture.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Sulfur Quartz



Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Sulfur Quartz, Crystal Attributes:

  • Represents the light and heat of the sun.
  • Can be used to clear negative energy in the home.
  • Helps to cleanse and eliminate negative thoughts and unhealthy behaviour patterns.
  • Can release anger and encourages us to express it in a constructive manner.
  • Mood lifting and inspiring, leaving us feeling lighter, energised and joyful, and bringing in new ideas and creativity.

Sulfur quartz gets its yellow color from the presence of the element sulfur. Sulfur is one of the three alchemical principles, known as the Tria Prima. The other two are mercury and salt. Sulfur symbolizes spirit or the human soul, mercury the mind, and salt the body. Alchemy is truly a spiritual path of transformation, not literally focused on turning lead into gold.

Sulfur is a stone that allows you to get in touch with who you really are and discover what your true purpose is in this lifetime. By allowing you to see this it helps you to dissolve patterns that are holding you back and no longer serve a purpose in finding your true purpose and move forward with a peace that you are going in the right direction.

On a physical level Sulfur is great for any issues that are ‘hot’ such as fevers, menopause, and sunburn. Due to its detoxifying nature, it helps with joint issues including arthritis and joint pain.


Silicon dioxide, (SiO2) aka silica, aka quartz, is part of the trigonal crystal system with a hexagonal crystal structure; hence why, a well-formed quartz point will be six-sided. It has a Mohs hardness of 7, making it a relatively durable mineral. Although there are many lovely cut and polished pieces, it’s quite easy to find a natural point formation in clear quartz.

Clear Quartz (also known as rock crystal) is often called the master healer crystal, and for good reason, as it’s one of the most (if not THE most) powerful crystals to work with for healing, manifestation and amplification. It’s the one crystal that every crystal enthusiast and spiritually-inclined person should have. Clear quartz also happens to be the most abundant mineral found on the Earth’s surface.

Clear quartz crystal is known for having high vibrations. The stone can clear the mind, body and spirit of clutter and can help to align the bearer with the highest form of themselves so that they may reach their full potential. The meaning associated with this crystal is a very powerful one, particularly for those who are setting new goals. This quartz is a supportive one and helps us to carve out a vision that is unique to us. In addition to this, the crystal has the power to drown out any noise from the outside world to create a pathway to your goals and to turn them into a reality in the mind’s eye.

Throughout history, Clear Quartz held valuable meaning to several cultures. Its ability to reflect and refract light led many to view it as a source of mystical powers that go beyond our understanding of Earth. It was seen as a gift from Mother Earth that connected us to ethereal realms. The name “Quartz” comes from the Greek word for “ice.” Take one look at a cluster of Clear Quartz, and you’ll see where the inspiration comes from. Greek philosophers believed that the stone was a permanent form of ice that was so cold it would never thaw.

Sulfur In Quartz

The appearance of sulfur quartz is characterized by its distinctive yellow hue, ranging from pale yellow to deep golden shades. The sulfur inclusions often form intricate patterns or cloudy areas within the transparent quartz matrix, giving the crystal a unique and captivating appearance. Sulphur quartz typically exhibits a vitreous luster and can vary in transparency from translucent to opaque, depending on the concentration of sulfur inclusions.

Sulfur Quartz is a unique crystal that combines the properties of quartz and sulfur, two elements commonly used in alchemy. It is associated with the Solar Plexus chakra, which is located in the abdomen and is responsible for personal power, self-esteem, and confidence. Sulfur Quartz helps individuals develop these qualities, as well as strengthen their willpower and overcome hesitation. The color of Sulfur Quartz is typically yellow or yellow-green, which is associated with the Solar Plexus chakra and represents energy, vitality, and personal power. Overall, Sulfur Quartz is a powerful crystal that helps individuals on their spiritual path of transformation and self-discovery.

Sulfur in Quartz is an amazing stone to use for detoxification as it carries a negative charge and helps to absorb and neutralize any negative situation. Due to its delicate yellow colour it works wonderfully on any issues in and around the Solar Plexus or stomach area. Sulfur helps you to clear away any blockages you might have and allows you to open yourself up to find out what is causing your blockages.

Once you have identified the blockages it allows you to release the issues and move forward free of any roadblocks that are stopping you from achieving your true potential. Sulfur is a very ‘sunny’ stone that allows you to see the brighter side of things and by doing helps you to release any anger or ‘hot’ emotions you experience. It is great for anyone that has anger management issues or a quick temper.

Sulfur Quartz resonates directly with one's personal will and helps reignite the inner emotions that drive us forward each day. A renewed growth cycle will begin to engage your body when tapping into this stone’s energies. This new found perspective of yourself and the world around you will help you see what it is you truly want. A majority of souls that are lost in the world have no vision of what they view as important and achievable. This leads people down a scary path full of sadness, monotony, and emotional carnage.

One of the major defining factors of Sulfur Quartz is it’s passive ability to lead one’s mind while providing hope for your emotional body and spirit. Allow your newly illuminated core to infuse with your own unique cognitive abilities. Remind oneself of the power you possess, and begin to display it through creating, manifesting, building, and driving forward each day.

In terms of metaphysical properties, sulfur quartz is believed to have powerful cleansing and healing properties. It is associated with the solar plexus chakra and is said to promote vitality, confidence, and abundance. Sulfur quartz is often used in crystal healing practices to clear negative energy, enhance personal power, and facilitate spiritual growth. Additionally, its vibrant yellow color is thought to bring warmth, positivity, and joy into one's life.

Sulfur Quartz enables you to truly create your own path in this world while directing your full attention to achieving your goals and desires. As you begin working with this stone and become more comfortable with it’s vibrations, one must begin to channel their own energies into it. Grab a piece of Sulfur Quartz and begin placing your most desired intentions into it. This can be done through extreme mental focus or vocal repetitions. This is vital as it makes your dreams and desires physical and known to the universe.

Sulfur Quartz is transformative in nature. It’s a Solar Plexus Chakra stone that helps you push past any hesitation or reservations. Sulfur quartz increases self-esteem and inner power.

Sulfur Quartz is an enhancing crystal and will strengthen this newly conjured energy, while channeling it directly towards your personal will. This allows one’s body to become enchanted and strengthened, while maintaining a clear mind with laser sharp focus. Lastly, this crystal will provide you with reassurance that the journey you are on is the right one.

This gem helps you identify your beliefs and thoughts and change them to better align with your truest self. Sulfur quartz also instills the confidence to own your actions and ideas – even when they vary from what others perceive as best. Work with this offering to support inner shifts of growth and healing.



Archangels: Archangel Michael

Astrological Sign: Aires, Leo, Sagittarius

Candle Color: Yellow

Chakra: Solar Plexus

Element:  Fire

Essential Oils: Cinnamon, Bergamot

Goddess: Helios, Neriene

Gods: Agni, Horus, Prometheus, Vulcan

Herbs: Lemongrass, Fennel, Chamomile and Goldenrod

Incense: Bergamot, Cinnamon

Planet: The Sun and Mars

Spirits: Salamanders, Firedrakes

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Ancestralite

 Ancestralite is an unusual, new addition to the Mineral Kingdom. Originally found in the Minas Gerais region of Brazil, it is slowly becoming one of the most popular minerals of recent times.

Ancestralite is a pseudomorph of Martite, which is a variety of Hematite formed under increased oxygen activity. It also has some similarity to Magnetite and would have been one of the first minerals created before any other form of life existed. It was created deep within the Earth’s core as the planet formed, making its energy ancient and extremely powerful.

The presence of sparkly, shimmery specks suggests that Ancestralite underwent other processes within the Earth’s core and that it took millions of years for it to be pushed to the surface, blending with other minerals along the way.

  • Opens the Earth Star Chakra — your energetic portal to Gaia, the ancestors, crystal and mineral spirits, and the faerie realm.
  • Stone of grounding, clearing, healing, and protection. Helps you clear away the old and make way for the new.
  • Gem of integration that encourages you to make peace with the light and darker aspects of yourself, helping you acknowledge your entire self so you can move forward from a space of wholeness.
  • Aids manifestation by calling upon the Earth’s deepest creative power and infusing it into your spiritual practice.

This leads to Ancestralite having the dual ability of being able to clear energy and ground it at the same time. It’s like it came from deep within the Earth and the dawn of time on our planet to appear now to support us in healing the past and reaching for the stars.

Ancestralite ensures that toxic karmas and attitudes do not carry into future generations. It is a stone of clearing, grounding, healing, karma, and protection. Its name reflects the energetic effects of the stone on one's energetic body and energy fields. It can clear energy and ground it at the same time.

Ancestralite is about your life journey, the process, the experiences, the lessons and the growth. Life today is fast paced and our attention spans are short. We are always looking ahead to the next thing. We rarely speak in full sentences and often jump into a conversation without allowing the other to finish their thought first. Ancestralite reminds us to slow down so that we can see and be aware of things often missed in our rush.

On an energetic level, Ancestralite clears out the old and makes way for the new, the difference to other crystals that have this affect, is that it doesn’t do the work for you. If the ‘old’ energy is hanging around because we haven’t addressed an issue in our lives, then Ancestralite seems to clear it out of our physical energy system, but brings the issue right to the front of our emotions and mind in order that it be healed and brings us good, solid intuitive guidance on how to go about it. This crystal makes us work, it helps to make the work easier, but doesn’t do it for us. Personally, I find that really empowering.

Ancestralite brings me a lot of comfort because it has an earthy, supportive energy similar to that of Red Jasper. The Hematite element isn’t too overwhelming and grounding occurs really easily with this mineral. When consciously working with it however (as opposed to simply carrying it around) in meditation or with focused intent, it seems to open up a Pandora’s Box of information. Information that again is familiar, but new to me here and now.

Nature has its way of healing. The ancestralite stones are connected to the universe. They expose and erase the past to give way to a new, clear future.

Ancestralite is said to be good for bones, teeth, jaws, structure, and inherited diseases. It is thought to heal inherited diseases transmitted through familial DNA, or diseases and ingrained attitudes passed down the family line. It works with generic ancestors to heal racial issues carried in subtle-energy bodies and junk DNA.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Ulexite

Ulexite is a sodium calcium borate mineral that comes from the American southwest. It’s known to be colorless or have a deep, pearly white hue. This stone was first reported in 1850 by J.D. Dana and was named after George L. Ulex, the German chemist who first described its chemical composition. It is most commonly found in Boron, California and Nevada (United States), but can also be found in China, Germany, Turkey, Argentina, and Canada.

Ulexite is found with the mineral borax and is directly deposited in arid regions from the evaporation of water in intermittent lakes called playas. The playas form only during rainy seasons due to runoff from nearby mountains. The runoff is rich in the element boron and is highly concentrated by evaporation in the arid climate. Eventually the concentration is so great that crystals of ulexite, borax and other boron minerals form and accumulate to great thickness.

Ulexite is a structurally complex mineral that contains unusual optical characteristics that allow it to raise your vibrations on inner and spiritual levels. Each color of Ulexite has a different energy quality. The most common color of Ulexite – white – symbolizes enlightenment, clarity, and divine connection. Colorlessness is another symptom of openness to new ideas.

Ulexite is also known as TV Stone (or TV rock), due to its curious ability to magnify images when held in front of the eyes like a lens (in a similar way to how a television screen works). Its closely packed fibrous crystals allow the internal reflection of light to guide you on your spiritual journey.

Ulexite helps heal and balance physical vision. It can be used to help strengthen your eyesight and to overcome eye fatigue blurred or double vision. It will remove wrinkles, ease headaches. This stone will help in overcoming difficulties with the nervous system, especially with unexplained stabbing nerve pain. Ulexite will improve your memory and concentration.

These acicular crystals help you see your dreams’ messages and understand their meaning. It can also be used for out-of-body experiences and astral travel. The crystal can be used to release old patterns and behaviors that are no longer serving you. It helps you to let go of the past and move forward into the future.

Ulexite is a stone of clairvoyance. It helps to open the inner eye to "far seeing". This can manifest as viewing events of the probable future, current happenings in distant places or past episodes that matter in terms of current issues. 
Ulexite activates your latent intuitive abilities. It sensitises the "self" to the field of consciousness around and beyond the body and allows you to read the energies and intentions of others. 

Ulexite activates the third eye and is used to enhance inner visions, imagination, and creativity. It allows you to see the truth and energy you may not have picked up on before. This mineral is highly vibrational and brings about knowledge regarding your true self. Ulexite also activates the telepathic abilities in every person through meditation or deep slumbers. It’s a heavy amplifier, working on a high vibrational energy field which allows for the production of projections. It’s recommended to put a piece of Ulexite on your third eye while asleep or when meditating for maximum potential.

Awakening a curious mind, Ulexite promotes quick thinking, absorbing new information, and simplifying complex problems. Elevating the imagination, it unlocks the gateway to creativity, facilitating a constant flow of inspiration and new ideas. Seeing through the illusions of fear and dis-empowerment imposed by society, Ulexite inspires the creation of your reality.

Ulexite can quicken your mental processes, allowing you to see the answers to complex problems instantly. This stone can accelerate your learning of foreign languages, mathematics, science, engineering and other fact based topics. Carrying ulexite into study situations, you may experience enhanced memory and a clearer grasp of abstract concepts. 

On top of Ulexite’s telepathic abilities, it is also a mental enhancer. This mineral will quicken users’ minds while also accelerating decision-making. Ulexite is recommended for anyone who is constantly studying or trying to memorize things in a short period of time. This stone will allow users to grasp thoughts and ideas more easily and allow for less stress on the mind. 

This luminous crystal has a unique optical ability to project an image through the stone. This embodiment and reflection of light harmonize the frequencies of the subtle bodies, uniting the aura into perfect synergy. Offering a clear and truthful perspective of your divine nature, it serves as a reminder that we are multidimensional beings.

Ulexite enhances psychic vision and insight. If placed on the third eye chakra, ulexite will stimulate clairvoyance and telepathy. Use this stone when doing dream recall as it will enhance the imagery and your understanding of what is being sent to you. 

Ulexite is a stone of far vision. It helps unblock psychic and physical vision and can enhance your ability to correctly interpret your visions and psychic information. Ulexite acts upon the third eye chakra to open interdimensional gates, so that you may see and interact with beings from the higher planes. It also can be programmed to vibrate at various frequencies, allowing you to connect with extraterrestrials, spirit guides and other entities. 

Enhancing meditation and dreamwork, Ulexite allows you to look within and connect with your inner knowing. Perceiving beyond the naked eye, it invites the exploration of non-physical realms and journeying to other worlds. Developing telepathic and clairvoyant abilities, it increases the occurrences of communicating with spirit guides and distant entities.

Ulexite inspires and stimulates visual imagery, visions and information from other dimensions and planets. It opens a window on new and other worlds. This stone facilitates the ability to create and heal by visualisation. It aids willed transformations or reality. It has been known to create new opportunities and realities in your life by being able to see them and then make them real.

It will help with manifesting and help with the precision of that manifesting.
Ulexite brings things into focus on the inner and spiritual levels, giving you much needed objectivity and clarity. It will help you understand the meanings of dreams and visions. Ulexite shows you the path to take on you spiritual journey.


Animals: Eagle, Raven, Spider

Archangels: Archangel Metatron

Astrological Sign: Aquarius, Gemini, Libra

Candle Color: Indigo

Chakra: Third Eye

Element:  Spirit

Essential Oils: Patchouli, Hyacinth

Goddess: Lua,  Salacia

Gods: Enlil, Kheoheva, Merawrim, Shu, Thoth

Herbs: Cinnamon, Shankhpushpi, Cardamom, Passionflower

Incense: Cinnamon, sage

Planet: Saturn and Neptune

Spirits: Sylphs, Zephyrs, Fairies of Trees, Flowers and Winds

Sunday, May 5, 2024

History Of Black Tourmaline

Black tourmaline, also known as schorl, is a popular gemstone that has been used for centuries for its healing properties and protective energy. This dark, opaque crystal has a rich history that dates back to ancient civilizations. In this article, we will explore the history of black tourmaline and its significance in different cultures.

The Origins of Black Tourmaline

Black tourmaline is a mineral that belongs to the tourmaline family, which includes a variety of gemstones with different colors and properties. The name "tourmaline" comes from the Sinhalese word "turmali," which means "mixed colors." This is because tourmaline can come in a wide range of colors, including black, pink, green, blue, and more.

The first recorded discovery of black tourmaline was in the 1500s in the Schorl Mountains in Germany, which is where the name "schorl" comes from. However, it is believed that black tourmaline has been used for centuries before this discovery.

Black Tourmaline in Ancient Greece

In ancient Greece, black tourmaline was known as "achates" and was believed to have magical powers. It was often used in amulets and talismans for protection against negative energy and evil spirits. The Greeks also believed that black tourmaline could help with physical and emotional healing.

Black tourmaline was also used in ancient Greece for its electrical properties. When heated or rubbed, it can produce static electricity, which the Greeks used to attract light objects like feathers and ash.

Black Tourmaline in Roman Times

During the Roman Empire, black tourmaline was highly valued for its protective properties. It was often used in jewelry and amulets to ward off negative energy and protect against curses and spells. The Romans also believed that black tourmaline could help with physical healing and used it to treat various ailments.

Black tourmaline was also used in Roman baths as a way to purify the water and cleanse the body. It was believed that the crystal could absorb negative energy and impurities, making the water more beneficial for the body.

Black Tourmaline In Egyptian Times

  • Ancient Egyptians believed that black tourmaline came from the center of the Earth, pushed to the surface by the sun’s force.
  • They used black tourmaline amulets for protection, believing it could ward off negative energies and evil spirits.
  • In medieval times, it was incorporated into jewelry and armor, providing a sense of security to warriors heading into battle.
  • During the 19th century, gemstone enthusiasts appreciated its unique beauty and metaphysical properties, ensuring its enduring significance.

Black Tourmaline In Chinese Times

In ancient Chinese culture, black tourmaline held significant value and was associated with various qualities. Let’s delve into its historical context:

  1. Protection and Grounding:
    • Black tourmaline, also known as schordark elbaite, and aphrizitel, is characterized by its deep black color. It’s part of the tourmaline group of minerals, which come in a wide range of colors.
    • The Chinese revered black tourmaline for its protective properties. It was believed to create an energy barrier and help individuals feel grounded.
    • This gemstone was used to make buttons for the caps of mandarins (high-ranking officials) in ancient China.
  2. Stimulating the Mind:
    • Black tourmaline was also valued for its ability to stimulate the mind. It was used in ritual work by Shamans and Native Americans as protection against negative spells, earth demons, and past life curses.
    • Its deep black color symbolized strength, resilience, and inner fortitude.

Black Tourmaline in Modern Times

In the 18th century, black tourmaline became popular in Europe as a gemstone for jewelry. It was often used in mourning jewelry due to its dark color and was believed to bring comfort and protection to those who wore it.

In the 19th century, black tourmaline gained popularity in the United States as a gemstone for jewelry and decorative objects. It was also used in electrical devices due to its ability to produce static electricity.

Black Tourmaline in Crystal Healing

In recent years, black tourmaline has become a popular crystal for healing and spiritual purposes. It is believed to have powerful protective and grounding properties, making it a popular choice for those seeking to balance their energy and protect themselves from negative influences.

Black tourmaline is often used in crystal healing to help with physical and emotional healing. It is believed to help with anxiety, stress, and other mental health issues by absorbing negative energy and promoting a sense of calm and balance.

Black Tourmaline in Feng Shui

In Feng Shui, black tourmaline is considered a powerful crystal for protection and grounding. It is often placed near the entrance of a home or office to absorb negative energy and create a sense of balance and harmony. It is also believed to help with concentration and focus, making it a popular crystal for workspaces.

How to Use Black Tourmaline

There are many ways to use black tourmaline to benefit from its healing properties and protective energy. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Wear black tourmaline jewelry, such as a necklace or bracelet, to keep its energy close to your body.
  • Place black tourmaline in your home or office to absorb negative energy and promote a sense of balance and harmony.
  • Carry a piece of black tourmaline with you in your pocket or purse to protect yourself from negative influences throughout the day.
  • Use black tourmaline in meditation to help with grounding and balancing your energy.


Black tourmaline has a rich history that spans across different cultures and civilizations. From ancient Greece to modern times, this powerful crystal has been valued for its protective and healing properties. Whether you believe in its mystical powers or not, there is no denying the beauty and energy of black tourmaline. Consider incorporating this crystal into your life to experience its benefits for yourself.