Monday, April 17, 2023

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Red Tanzurine Quartz (Cherry Tanzurine

Tanzurine is a recently discovered stone consisting of one of the purest Quartz and either Lepidolite (cherry) or Fuchsite (emerald). Because of the purity of the Quartz, the included minerals are able to fill these stones with vibrant color as if it were water. The deep reds and vibrant greens of Tangerine Quartz are totally natural and create a truly unique stone. 

Red Tanzurine Quartz, also known as Cherry Tanzurine, is a stone of vibrancy and endurance; a new talisman for warriors and first responders. It is a stone of resolve and endurance. It is a gentle, but vital, stimulator of chi, or Life Force, bringing physical strength and energy, stamina, focus, and determination. Its steady frequency calms the emotional body creating lasting, stable energy for improving health or overcoming illness, setting goals and following through to completion, facing unpleasant tasks, and havingthe courage to rectify wrongs.

Open to creative, empowering, life-giving vibrations with this Cherry Tanzurine You Got This Heart from Tanzania. Cherry tanzurine is a combination of earth and fire elements. It works in the physical realm vigorously and assists with transformation. Cherry tanzurine is a stone of vitality, confidence, creativity, and sexuality. It motivates you to make your dreams a reality. This gem also makes it easier to forgive yourself. The heart-shaped carving symbolizes Divine Love, adding properties of kindness, emotional connection, and compassion. Work with this heart to experience its confidence-boosting, transformative powers.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Red Tanzurine Quartz (Cherry Tanzurine)

Red Tanzurine Quartz activates the Base Chakra and stimulates the rise of the kundalini energy throughout the chakras, cleansing and strengthening the aura. It is a powerful stone for those who work with Earth energies to make a deep connection with Earth spirits and guardians.

Red Tanzurine Quartz is an opaque, microcrystalline variety of Quartz with large, grainy crystals rather than the fibrous layers of Chalcedony or Agate. It occurs in large masses in Tanzania. The source of its color is not determined officially. One source believes it is caused by Lepidolite - purple-red mica with lithium. Mindat tells us it is a Quartz with aluminum, potassium, manganese, iron, phosphorous, and titanium. So, stay tuned on this as more research comes to light.

The wearer of Red Tanzurine has high energy, courage, and joy. A positive outlook and a sense of optimism are key components to surviving difficult times and achieving success. It improves low enthusiasm and build physical strength & comfort

With the help of the Tanzurine enchanting red hues. You will be able to reclaim your self-confidence and courage. The micro entries of Lepidolite, mica and lithium work on it, and strengthens, enhances, and revitalizes the powers of a Red Tanzurine crystal for long periods.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Red Tanzurine Quartz (Cherry Tanzurine)

Uses and Purposes:

Wear or carry Red Tanzurine Quartz to alleviate stress and reconnect with Earth’s grounding energies. Its cleansing effect eliminates negativity, returning it to its source, and stabilizing the aura. It is an ideal worry or rubbing stone for soothing the nerves and restoring balance.

A valuable stone of protection, Red Tanzurine Quartz guards against physical threats and assists in situations of danger. Keep one in the car to prevent accidents, theft, or road rage. Wear two or three items of Red Tanzurine Quartz jewelry or a pouch of three small tumbled stones to shield against psychic attack or when working with spirit rescue, potentially violent, or psychologically disturbed individuals.

Red Tanzurine Quartz also stimulates passion in one’s creative work, manifesting new ideas and freshness, and the energy to continue a project even after the initial excitement has dwindled. Its energy brings focus and self-mastery. Red Tanzurine Quartz may be used as a professional support stone for all jobs requiring physical strength and stamina, from police officers to trades workers, waitresses and waiters, and other high activity professionals. It also brings energy, alertness, and emotional endurance to accountants, computer operators, military personnel, and all who must continuously be focused and on task.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Red Tanzurine Quartz (Cherry Tanzurine)

Red Tanzurine Quartz is often used with Green Tanzurine Quartz in balancing the Heart Charka, grounding the spirit, and the active and passive energies of the etheric body.

Physical Healing Energy:

Red Tanzurine Quartz helps regulate the metabolic energies of the body, providing strength and vitality, and increasing physical stamina. It is particularly beneficial for those needing extra support during prolonged illness, injury, or hospitalization.

Red Tanzurine Quartz is thought to support the circulatory system, and to strengthen the heart and enhances circulation, and may be useful as an adjunct to medically treating anemia, exhaustion, and heart conditions, including the recovery of bypass or transplant surgeries.

Emotional Healing Energy:

Red Tanzurine Quartz is a stone of empowerment, bringing strength to resist emotional domination by others, and the courage to overcome domestic violence Red Hummingbird Quartz is a perfect stone of courage and strength for a child being teased or bullied at school. It is a bright, tangible reminder and a great confidence builder.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Red Tanzurine Quartz (Cherry Tanzurine)

Red Tanzurine Quartz can re-activate a passion for living when one is feeling blue or unemotional, apathetic, or spiritually defunct, and is commonly used creative energies.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Red Tanzurine Quartz (Cherry Tanzurine)
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Red Tanzurine Quartz (Cherry Tanzurine)

Chakra Healing and Balancing Energy:

Red Tanzurine Quartz connects to the Earth and may be placed on the Base Chakra to stabilize and
energize the physical body. Red Hummingbird Quartz stimulates the Base, or Root Chakra, located at the base of the spine, and controls the energy for kinesthetic feeling and movement. It is the foundation of physical and spiritual energy for the body.

When physically out of balance the symptoms manifest themselves as lethargy, low levels of activity, low enthusiasm, and a need for constant stimulation. When spiritual energies are out of balance, one may feel flighty, disconnected from reality, or distant. When the Base Chakra is in balance, the physical body regains its strength and stamina, and the spiritual energy is rekindled in the form of security and sense of one’s own power. It often leads to independence and spontaneous leadership.

Spiritual Energy:

Red Tanzurine Quartz is a remarkable crystal for awakening the energetic kundalini “serpent” dwelling at the base of the spine. The spiraling of this energy up through the body provides a powerful spiritual experience as it activates, clears, and strengthens each of the chakras, infusing them with vital Life Force

Red Tanzurine Quartz attunes to the frequency of fairness and offers assistance to anyone trying to rectify an unjust situation. Meditating with this stone provides insight into the best way to accomplish this and helps bring future problems to light before they become too big.

Color Energy:

Red Tanzurine Quartz brings a self-confidence built on fearlessness, a call to action, and excitement. It raises our enthusiasm and speeds up our metabolism. Red reflects the color of passion, energy, and life. It motivates. It is a very strong color - the color of fire and blood. Dark Red crystals embody strong, deep feelings, durable energy, and quiet passion. It is a masculine color, particularly useful for increasing devotion and seeing the seriousness of life.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Red Tanzurine Quartz (Cherry Tanzurine)
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Red Tanzurine Quartz (Cherry Tanzurine)

Meditation Uses:

Red Tanzurine Quartz is a marvelous tool for meditation, providing a calm, harmonious energy, ideal for grounding and centering at the beginning of a ritual and easing the transition into a meditative state. Red Tanzurine Quartz encourages the affirmation of nurturing the self and being embraced lovingly by Mother Earth. It facilitates the reiteration of dreams as if in a video-type mechanism, accessible during meditative states, that allows the dreamer to recall information that could be consequential for one’s life.

Divination Uses:

Red Tanzurine Quartz seems to bring dreams of a vast landscape of adventure. Dreams with Red Tanzurine Quartz are often those of adventure and conquest. Quite invigorating actually. Use sparingly.

Connection with Goddesses:

Red Tanzurine Quartz honors Cerridwen, the Welsh Goddess of Inspiration and Knowledge. She rules the gifts of prophecy and magic, and powers death and rebirth. Red Tanzurine Quartz may be used to honor Isis, the Egyptian Goddess of Life. She is widely respected as a Goddess of the divine feminine and is known for her steadfastness in taking care of her family and using her power to protect them. Red Tanzurine Quartz honors Bona Dea, the Roman Earth Goddess of Fertility and the Greek Goddess of Women. She protects women through all of their changes, and is a skilled healer, particularly with herbs.

As a Natural Birthstone:

Red Tanzurine Quartz is one of the natural birthstones of those born in midautumn (October 22- November 20). Red crystals bring you energy, courage, passion, and love.

As a Zodiac Stone:

Red Tanzurine Quartz is not specific to any zodiac sign but is thought to bring Cancer and Capricorn compassion and patience. Aries and Scorpio are also reported to benefit. It is also associated with the Mansion of the Desert, the 22nd Mansion of the Moon.

Talisman and Amulet Uses:

Red Tanzurine Quartz is a Seeker Transformer crystal. Seekers contain a crystal energy structure that aligns the natural energy of the crystal to the natural power of the human mind in finding the way to new horizons and new capabilities. They’re pointers, directors, and compasses; the fresh start crystals. These are talismans of the scientist, the adventurer, the hunter, wanderer, and explorer. They’re also
crystals of the student and the researcher. Transformer crystals enhance efforts to change our situations, prospects, health, outlook, or relationships. By transforming ourselves we transform our lives. We learn to dance, speak a new language, grow stronger, or become a better spouse or child. Seeker crystals with the earth power of the Transformer are excellent talismans to aid our efforts to grow, develop new capabilities, and change our lives.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Red Tanzurine Quartz (Cherry Tanzurine)
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Red Tanzurine Quartz (Cherry Tanzurine)

Feng Shui Uses:

Red Tanzurine Quartz utilizes Fire Energy, the energy of enthusiasm, warmth, brightness, illumination, and activity. It is Yang in nature. It is the energy of heat, action, emotion, and passion - of ideas, of concepts, and sex. It is traditionally associated with the south area of a home or room, and with the fame and reputation area of your dwelling. Use its energy to give your life the boost it needs to enhance your standing in the community and within your family. Red gemstones should be used sparingly, to bring the sun's power and the fire element's energy to your space.


Lepidolite is in the mica group of minerals and contains good amounts of lithium which makes it a beneficial healing stone. While many people believe it is the amount of lithium that creates its specific color, its exact color does depend on the amount of manganese in the stones.

Lepidolite crystal has long been utilized as a potent source of lithium. Lithium also derives its name from the Greek word for stone, ‘lithos’ as this element is found in trace quantities in almost all rocks. Therefore, Lepidolite serves as an effective balm to the soul for those experiencing intense mood swings, emotional instability, or overwhelming moments of anxiety and depression. 

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Red Tanzurine Quartz (Cherry Tanzurine)

Lepidolite crystal is here to turn up the volume on your dopamine levels, to serve a feast of feel-good vibes, and to harmonize all those emotions that may be running riot in your body, mind, and soul. Instantly soothing in its soft lavender and lilac shade, it’s easy to immediately connect with the calming nature of Lepidolite. Boasting a long history with inner peace and harmony, Lepidolite has long been used as a source of lithium – a remedy often turned to for those who suffer jangled emotions, high mood swings, and symptoms of bipolar.

Lepidolite is a stone of calm, trust, and acceptance. It is extremely useful in the reduction of depression as well as stress. It is used to halt obsessive thoughts, and relieves despondency, as well as overcomes insomnia. Lepidolite is supportive in releasing one from addictions and complains of all kinds, including anorexia. This stone encourages independence and protects from any number of external influences when it comes to setting and following your priorities. It is of great help to relieve the consequences of everyday stress. Placed near the pillow, it promotes peaceful sleep without bad dreams and nightmares. In combination with rose quartz, lepidolite becomes stone of renewed love.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Red Tanzurine Quartz (Cherry Tanzurine)

It helps us to let go of those patterns that are no longer serving us, to reorganize and restructure our behavior patterns and thoughts, and to embrace times of change in flux and flow rather than kicking out against it. This is a stone that not only wants to nurture you but wants to teach you how to self-soothe and make choices that come with a heightened sense of awareness and commitment to your own health and happiness. It does all of this with the gentlest of care, keeping you free from the waves of overwhelm and feeling guided and supported not only by the stone in your pocket but from the universe as a whole. After all, you are a part of this world.

Lepidolite is sometimes used to increase spirituality, or increase the desire to seek spirituality. Carried often as a touchstone, simply due to it’s calming properties, it is also known to attract good luck, and drive off negativity – although it protective qualities are not superior. Lepidolite is considered a reassuring gemstone for those who may be new to psychic work, have had bad experiences with it, or who as a child may have dabbled with Ouija boards, played with tarot cards, or held seances not quite understanding their meaning.   Lepidolite will offer a strong screen against negative energies. To promote a restful nights sleep free of nightmares, place Lepidolite near the headboard or under the pillow.

Lepidolite clears electromagnetic pollution.  Strengthens the immune system, soothes the nervous system and can be used to restructure DNA.  Lepidolite relieves exhaustion and aids in the relief of tension and related disorders.  It can relieve allergies and greatly help with epilepsy and Alzheimers.  It numbs sciatica and neuralgia, and overcomes joint problems.  Lepidolite stabilizes mood swings and is excellent for the menopause.  It treats illnesses caused by “sick-building syndrome” or computer stress.  Excellent for bipolar disorders.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Red Tanzurine Quartz (Cherry Tanzurine)

This lovely lilac crystal has a truly unique resonance that aids a Divine connection with the deep innermost part of yourself known as The Divine Presence. It has a quite unusual vibration that helps to activate your connection with your higher self, and aids you to recognize the Divinity within your own self. This is a highly spiritual energy, that aids you to feel a spiritual sense of love, for yourself and for others. Its effect within the heart and higher heart chakra, creates an abundance of joy, peace, serenity and love to flow into your being.

It brings deep emotional healing, soothing and reducing stress and depression.  Lepidolite dissipates negativity and insists on being used for the highest good.  It activates the throat, heart, third eye chakras and the intellect.  It opens the crown chakra, clearing blockages and bringing cosmic awareness.  Lepidolite facilitates astral travel and accesses the Akashic Record.  It helps to take you forward into the future, tuning you in to thoughts and feelings from other lives that are creating a blockage in your life now.

It stimulates a stronger ability for you to be in harmony with Spirit, and it aids you to feel more settled and serene about life. By this encouragement for you to be more in the flow of life, this beautiful lilac stone creates an increased number of powerful coincidences or synchronicities. These coincidences allow the Divine mind to create amazing situations, to aid you to bring into your life those things that you desire and have been thinking about. This is of course strongly linked to the law of attraction. Lilac Lepidolite has powerful metaphysical properties, and a lovely vibration that will work through all chakras. It has strong spiritual powers, with an energy that resonates strongly within the thymus or higher heart chakra, the heart chakra and the crown chakra.

A “stone of transition”, Lepidolite assists in the release and reorganization of old behavioral and psychological patterns, gently inducing change.  It brings deep emotional healing, soothing and reducing stress and depression.  Lepidolite dissipates negativity and insists on being used for the highest good.  It activates the throat, heart, third eye chakras and the intellect.  It opens the crown chakra, clearing blockages and bringing cosmic awareness.  Lepidolite facilitates astral travel and accesses the Akashic Record.  It helps to take you forward into the future, tuning you in to thoughts and feelings from other lives that are creating a blockage in your life now.


Quartz (also known as rock crystal) is often called the master healer crystal, and for good reason, as it’s one of the most (if not THE most) powerful crystals to work with for healing, manifestation and amplification. It’s the one crystal that every crystal enthusiast and spiritually-inclined person should have. Clear quartz also happens to be the most abundant mineral found on the Earth’s surface.

Quartz crystal is known for having high vibrations. The stone can clear the mind, body and spirit of clutter and can help to align the bearer with the highest form of themselves so that they may reach their full potential. The meaning associated with this crystal is a very powerful one, particularly for those who are setting new goals. This quartz is a supportive one and helps us to carve out a vision that is unique to us. In addition to this, the crystal has the power to drown out any noise from the outside world to create a pathway to your goals and to turn them into a reality in the mind’s eye.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Red Tanzurine Quartz (Cherry Tanzurine)

Throughout history, Quartz held valuable meaning to several cultures. Its ability to reflect and refract light led many to view it as a source of mystical powers that go beyond our understanding of Earth. It was seen as a gift from Mother Earth that connected us to ethereal realms. The name “Quartz” comes from the Greek word for “ice.” Take one look at a cluster of Quartz, and you’ll see where the inspiration comes from. Greek philosophers believed that the stone was a permanent form of ice that was so cold it would never thaw.

Quartz is known as the “master healer” and will amplify energy and thought, as well as the effect of other crystals. It absorbs, stores, releases and regulates energy. Quartz draws off negative energy of all kinds, neutralizing background radiation, including electromagnetic smog or petrochemical emanations. It balances and revitalizes the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual planes. Cleanses and enhances the organs and subtle bodies and acts as a deep soul cleanser, connecting the physical dimension with the mind. Clear Quartz enhances psychic abilities. It aids concentration and unlocks memory. Stimulates the immune system and brings the body into balance. Quartz (Crystal Quartz, Rock Crystal) harmonizes all the chakras and aligns the subtle bodies.

Every crystal has its own unique energetic properties, and Quartz is especially great for energy amplification. This makes it the perfect addition to meditation, spiritual communication, prayer, or ritual intended to expand on your consciousness, as it will take your positive intentions and reverberate them further through the universe. The crystal is also believed to help its owner attract love, friendship, abundance, peace and vitality, so many choose to wear it on their person each day on jewelry.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Red Tanzurine Quartz (Cherry Tanzurine)

In addition to mental clarity, quartz is also very powerful for the purposes of manifestation. Once you are fully aware of what it is that you want from life, you can start putting plans into action to turn these ideas into realities. When you are ready to manifest the life that you’ve been dreaming of, you may consider calling on the energy that the stone brings. It can help you to take this manifestation to the next level and to turn it into reality. This crystal has the power to raise its bearer’s vibration and to enhance the clarity of what they wish to create. While the entire quartz family may be known for their abilities to manifest, the clear stone is especially useful in this regard because it is able to supercharge your intentions and amplify the power that you have within yourself to make something happen.

Energetically, Quartz can be used to clear and stimulate all chakra systems and energy points in the body. It is especially useful in working with the heart and the third eye. When placing a Quartz crystal on the Third Eye during meditation, one will notice an increased sense of clarity and focus. This clarity and focus will allow one to achieve the “empty” state of mind necessary for effective meditative states. When the mind has been silenced to this degree, one can begin to remember and connect with one’s own innate psychic abilities.

When it comes to Quartz’s metaphysical properties, many shamans and spiritual healers consider it to be a precious gift from Mother Earth that facilitates transformational healing and protection. Every cut of Quartz is different, in its shape, its clarity, its quality, its luster – they are all unique, and many people believe that it will attract the owner that needs its guidance most.


Astrological Sign: Libra, Scorpio

Chakra: Root

Element: Earth

Planet: Earth

Crystals By Rob:

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Trolleite

Trolleite facilitates meditation. Its energetic field of tranquil serenity envelops us during meditation to encourage us to let go of the distractions of the world, and of old habits. It allows us the calmness to explore the clarity and expansiveness of life, the earth, and the universe, so we can connect to our higher consciousness and spirituality. Trolleite alleviates stress and imbues us with a sense of purpose. It can help us to sleep, and to better remember our dreams.

As with most blue stones, we might expect trolleite to be particularly useful for communication. If you’re looking for support to speak truthfully and from the heart and to listen effectively, then trolleite could be a good fit. Others may notice that trolleite helps them connect with their higher self and spirituality. Trolleite could even have a reputation as a stone of ascension because it contains lepidolite, and those pieces can aid with personal awakenings. Ultimately, though, it’s all about trusting your intuition.

Trolleite and it’s sister minerals (Scorzalite and Lazulite) are all stones that engage your upper chakra system, promoting a divine connection between you and your higher self. As one’s consciousness and awareness begins to expand and ascend, significant symbolic events will begin to stand out to your newly awakened third eye. Such events can be extremely minute and last seconds, but have a stinging effect on the brain and body. Something small and normally unacknowledged by the brain can hold such strong meanings, ultimately changing your entire way of thinking. This “new” head on your shoulders will work towards maintaining clarity of the mind, allowing your soul to forge a connection to the universe. Through dimensional travel, one will have the opportunity to understand the secrets of life and the purposeful reason for your place on Earth.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Trolleite

Trolleite is a powerful stone to open and energize your chakras and energy centers and helps to release blocked energies. It resonates strongly with the Crown and Throat chakras. It is a perfect crystal for all healers and lightworkers to use, with its ability to activate and balance all energy centers. It facilitates openness to divine connection to increase your metaphysical abilities. 

As Trolleite is an ascension crystal, it facilitates a higher awareness of ourselves and the universe. It is very beneficial when used in meditation and energy healing and helps create calmness and serenity, and clarity of focus. Ascension stones can connect the body and mind with the spiritual realm and aid you in spiritual growth. These stones are said to vibrate at a high frequency, which helps to align the chakras and promote balance in the body.

Trolleite amplifies sensitivity and intuition, and encourages self-discipline, ethics, and personal responsibility. It supports mental and emotional focus, so it is easier to embrace independence and accountability, and set and attain goals. It helps us to live in harmony with others and to solve problems with a clear mind, while protecting us from outside influence to ensure that we can see our path with clarity.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Trolleite

It teaches you compassion and love for all beings. We learn and are supported to live in harmony with others. It encourages us to listen and communicate clearly and it lends support and courage to live from the heart. It aids non-verbal communication and amplifies your sensitivity, increasing your intuition and telepathy.  Connecting with the deep cellular memories of your life’s journey, Trolleite helps to bring them into conscious understanding and then propels you forward along your timeline to explore all your future possibilities. It brings forth all knowledge for your conscious mind to access, guiding you to live more in line with your soul’s purpose.

It helps to deepen meditation and connects you to your deep cellular memories from previous existences.  This supports your access to Inner Wisdom and to determine why you feel and react the way you do to situations in the current life. Trolleite actively helps you dissolve the barriers you’ve placed on ourselves that are blocking your spiritual progress. This stone is also very soothing and healing as unearthed issues arise and you are processing them. It will enable you to release with the least amount of pain.

Encouraging us to listen and to communicate clearly, Trolleite lends support and courage, so it is easier to tell the truth and to speak from the heart. It encourages tolerance, and allows us the wisdom to see others with compassion, and to accept their strengths and weaknesses, and learn from them with an open heart.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Trolleite

If you are in need of a stone for manifesting, Trolleite is a great choice. It will be a light for your soul path and highest good. Helping to bring your intentions into your reality, releasing you from negativity, or fearful energy that is holding you back. It helps you realize and remove your block; whatever they may be. Trolleite is an activator for all your energy centers, helping to open them up. Releasing blockages. It is an excellent stone for energy work leading you to knowing your own divine connection to your spiritual powers. 

This stone is a powerful manifestation stone, so the Trolleite spiritual properties are most useful during moon rituals, vision rituals, and bringing your dreams to reality! When you are planning out your future goals, wear or hold Trolleite to help inspire ideas and develop plans to implement your visions. This gemstone will actively motivate, inspire, and attract opportunities for you to life your very Highest Life.

On a physical level, Trolleite helps with headaches, migraines, reduced vision, speech or pronunciation problems, sense of smell, motion sickness, strengthening hair and nails, nerve pain, sciatica, and neuralgia.


Astrological Sign: Aries, Gemini, Virgo

Chakra: Crown, Heart, Throat

Element: Water

Planet: Jupiter, Neptune, Uranus

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Color Change Diaspore

Diaspore from Turkey is here to support you as you move from where you are to where you want to be. Diaspore, sometimes known by its trade name as zultanite, comes from the Greek word “diaspora” meaning “to scatter” because of the way the mineral scatters when exposed to heat. This is a shapeshifting stone – it helps you move from one state of matter (mind) to another. Diaspore possesses a unique quality called “pleochroism,” which means it can change colors when held or looked at under certain lighting conditions. Work with this Natural Diaspore to help you morph into who you’re meant to be.

Diaspore enhances psychic abilities, intuition, intentions, and desire. It’s a healing crystal that helps you adapt to new or changing circumstances and improves focus and memory retention. Diaspore changes colors under light and empowers you to see situations under a new light as well. It provides exactly what you need, including a boost of energy or a calming effect. Work with Diaspore for support through change and transformation. 

This crystal can help you remember your dreams and can enhance the dream experience. Quite often you will notice an increase in dreams about past lives. If you hold a piece of Diaspore during meditation, it will help you get answers to any questions you meditate about. Diaspore stimulates the Crown Chakra and simultaneously grounds you. It can also be used to connect to the Higher Self. This crystal also provides a safe meditation experience for you.

Diaspore gives an energetic boost or sedates, depending on what is needed. When viewed from different directions, the crystal changes colors which enables you to see things in a new light. It strengthens the mind and intuition.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Color Change Diaspore

Diaspore Specifications & Characteristics

Diaspore is an aluminum oxide hydroxide. The diaspore formula is AlO(OH), but manganese, iron, or chromium may be present. Diaspore’s hardness on the Mohs scale is similar to tanzanite, at 6.5-7.

Outside of Turkish material, what does a diaspore gemstone look like? Most diaspore color-change stones are green in sunlight, yellow-green in fluorescent light, and reddish-pink in incandescent light. Some show multiple colors at once in the right lighting.

Color-Changing Diaspore

Turkish color-changing diaspore shows kiwi green, rich pinkish-red, and champagne hues under different lighting. Is Turkish diaspore rare? Yes. Turkey produces large rough specimens, but gem-quality diaspore is still rare. 

How Does Diaspore Change Color?

Diaspore’s color-changing happens through light absorption in the crystal lattice. 

The visible spectrum of colors includes the colors of the rainbow, each occupying a wavelength. Generally, a gemstone’s color is the only wavelength it doesn’t absorb — e.g., blue gemstones absorb every wavelength but the blue wavelength. 

However, different light sources emit different wavelengths. If the light is low in a certain wavelength, objects that don’t absorb that wavelength (i.e. are that color) look different under that lighting. 

A “transmission window” is when a gemstone has low absorption of a wavelength (color). Color-changing gems have multiple transmission windows. So, if a light source emits more green wavelengths, the gem looks green; if a different light emits more red wavelengths, the gem looks red. 

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Color Change Diaspore

Diaspore Healing Properties

Like all crystals, diaspore’s energies and colors give it particular abilities as a healing stone. Many metaphysical diaspore uses are transformative, be it transforming your perspective or dealing with sudden life changes. 

Like all pink gemstones, pink diaspore can encourage self-love, heal emotional scars, and provide nurturing reassurance. 

Power & Benefits of Diaspore:

Diaspore gives an energetic boost or sedates, depending on what is needed. When viewed from different directions, the crystal changes colors which enables you to see things in a new light. It strengthens the mind and intuition.

Spiritual & Emotional Influence:

This stone stimulates the mind and is great for studying or memorizing information. It helps you remember what is important and helps you focus. It has very soothing and calming energy which is great for relaxation. It will help you be more resilient in situations you may have feared in the past.

The Physical Connection:

It is thought that Diaspore is good for brain function and balance of the nervous system. It is said to be great for improving memory and relieving stress.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Color Change Diaspore

The Chakras Connected to Diaspore:

Third Eye Chakra, Crown Chakra, Heart Chakra, and Solar Plexus Chakras. It opens the higher Crown Chakras, and grounds high-vibration energy to the Earth.

Astrological Signs:


Locations Found & History:

The main place Diaspore is found in Turkey but it can also be found in the United Kingdom, Russia, China, New Zealand, Hungary, Argentina, Brazil, and the United States. Diaspore comes from the Greek word meaning scatter. This is because the mineral scatters when it’s heated up. In Turkey in the 1950s large Diaspore crystals were found in a Bauxite deposit. The deposit was originally called Zultanite Gems LLC, so they originally called the crystal Zultanite. Some of the Diaspore stones from Turkey still go by this name.

Rarity, Value & Variations:

This stone is usually found in Bauxite clay or Limestone in larger masses. Diaspore is one of the three minerals that make the aluminum ore Bauxite. It’s also called Kayserite, Empholite, or Tanatarite, and there are trademarked stones from Turkey that are called Csarite and Zultanite. The interest in these gemstones increased when people realized they could be made into beautiful gemstones. It can be a variety of different colors including green, white, grey, brown, yellow, and colorless. There are also pearly stones with a nice pink, lilac, or purple sheen. These stones have a natural pleochroism which means they change color depending on the lighting. Its hardness is from 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale of hardness.

How to Use Diaspore:

Place on the forehead, it promotes lucid dreaming. Wear the crystal to enhance psychic connections when reading for other people. Placed on the solar plexus, the crystal fills the body with golden light. Great to have when you’re getting older and want to remain youthful. Have Diaspore with you while you study or work to enhance memory and to stimulate the mind. If you’re feeling stressed, keep a piece of Diaspore with you. Avoid water with this crystal.


Astrological Sign: Pisces

Chakra: Crown, Heart, Throat

Element: Water

Planet: Neptune

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Creating Your Own DIY Wealth And Abundance Bowl (Money Bowl)

Creating Your Own DIY Wealth And Abundance Bowl (Money Bowl), Everyone could use a little pick-me-up in their home, especially if it can help boost their financial well-being! A money bowl is a great way to bring money or abundance into your home or business. It is so simple and anyone can do it!

Items Needed:

Creating Your Own DIY Wealth And Abundance Bowl (Money Bowl)

  • Green Aventurine (for luck and good fortune)
  • Jade (for blessings and protection)
  • Citrine (merchant stone and attract positivity)
  • Yellow Quartz (abundance and prosperity)
  • Emerald (abundance and good luck)
  • Bloodstone (wealth and abundance)
  • Chiastolite (prosperity and wealth)
  • Tigers Eye (increase abundance and prosperity)
  • Moss Agate (abundance, prosperity, success and wealth)
  • Malachite (success and prosperity)
  • Amazonite (success and abundance)
  • Garnet (money and success)
  • Aditional Pyrite (to attract financial and material success)
  • Cinnamon (for good luck)
  • Bay Leaf (for manifestation)
  • Abundance Spell Candle (to manifest your desires for wealth)
  • Money Draw Oil (to attract money to your home)
  • Place coins around your bowl (to attract money)

Creating Your Own DIY Wealth And Abundance Bowl (Money Bowl)


  1. If you are using the Abundance Spell Candle, dress your candle with money draw oil and light it before beginning.
  2. Set up your Selenite Bowl near the entryway to your home. This could be on a table by the front door or even a windowsill. 
  3. If you're using Cinnamon and/or Bay Leaf, add 2-3 pinches now if using ground herbs or add whole bay leaf or cinnamon stick.
  4. Place your crystals next in any order you'd like. If you're using the drawing oil, add 3 drops now.
  5. If using coins place them around your bowl now
  6. Let the candle burn for at least one hour if using. You can continue to let it burn next to the bowl for one hour a week to increase its power over a 7-week period.

Pyrite Properties:

The pyrite use for wealth and abundance combines the principles of Feng Shui with the energy of the gold pyrite. Pyrite was dubbed fool’s gold for its striking resemblance to good. For centuries, pyrite has been viewed as a symbol for money and good luck.

Raw pyrite use works to foster the energy of wealth and abundance. First, its energy is connected to the solar plexus chakra, which provides you with the motivation and will power you need in order to move forward in your career or investment decisions. It also removes any fears or doubts you may have that are blocking you from achieving success, which are a result of an out-of-balance third chakra. It will provide you with the energy you need in order to complete projects and tasks.

It helps protect you from negative energy, stressful situations, and keeps you rooted in the earth’s energy. It helps with mental clarity and inner strength, keeping you calm and clear even in stressful environments.

It has a long history of attracting financial success and removing energetic blocks towards receiving wealth. It’s helpful in your home’s feng shui wealth area or near your front door to attract good vibes and the energy of abundance into your home.

One of the most powerful crystals for wealth, Pyrite's linguistic origins lie in the Greek word “Pyr,” meaning fire. And that's exactly what you'll have in your belly after working with this crystal. It ignites passion of the likes you've never seen and inspires you to pursue your wildest dreams. Everything feels possible with Pyrite.

Green Aventurine Properties:

This stone is all about opportunities and attracting good fortune. There are many stories of people winning big or coming into money thanks to their use of green aventurine to manifest their financial desires. It’s certainly not a bad crystal for money to keep around.

As the “stone of opportunity”, green aventurine will help you to see an abundance of opportunities all around you. More so, this crystal will inspire the courage you need to go after those opportunities, whether that means applying for that job, starting that business, asking that person out, asking for that raise, or any other act of bravery.

Aventurine is all about abundance, and abundance is all about sharing the wealth. It's our pleasure to share with you how to capture abundance. When programming Aventurine, you want to infuse each crystal with money-related manifestations. The more specific, the better. Cater your intentions to your life condition.

Green Aventurine is associated with the element of air. Among its many properties, it is a crystal for luck and opportunity. It helps you come up with new ideas and inspiration. The stone teaches you that your talents are limitless, and your limiting beliefs are self-imposed. When you wear Green Aventurine earrings, you will notice opportunities and know when to seize them.

Jade Properties:

Green jade has been used in connection to wealth for centuries. This member of the green gemstone family attracts harmony, giving you the ability to think clearly and keep calm. These are vital characteristics in someone who wants to manifest wealth in their life.

Jade is renowned as a stone for money. The most common color of jade is green, to the point that the word "jade" is often used as a synonym for a shade of green. According to color magic, this ties it to growth, abundance, and prosperity. Historically, jade has also been considered a precious, energy-elevating stone for use in jewelry and carvings. Using jade to attract wealth is relatively simple. There are many different spells and rituals that incorporate this beautiful gem.

Citrine Properties:

Citrine encourages generosity, as well as acquiring and retaining wealth. Sharing wealth and retaining wealth may seem to cancel each other out, but they actually go hand in hand. The more abundant you feel, the more likely you are to share what you have. As you feel more abundant, you will also increase your capacity to hold onto wealth for yourself. 

Citrine has a high vibrational energy that aligns with the one of wealth and abundance. It is also one of the most powerful crystals you can use for manifestation.  If you want to attract more money, using a Citrine can be an easy way to align your energy with financial success. You can use it with the law of attraction to amplify its properties. 

Citrine is a crystal with a warm energy that can assist you in achieving your financial goals. It encourages you to let go of negativity and leave the necessary space for attracting abundance.  If you own a business, one of the best things you can do is to keep a piece of Citrine in your cash register or on your business card to attract money. 

Citrine also has warm vibrations that boost your confidence and self-esteem. This encourages you to go after your dreams and accomplish everything that you want. It’s a crystal that is filled with positive energy, which is key to achieving your aspirations.

Emerald Properties:

Emerald symbolizes prosperity making it ideal for businessmen. People believe that wearing this gemstone would result in profit gains and reach the peak of success. Astrologers recommend the Emerald for those who are in the profession of baking, marketing, textile and traveling.

 As one of the standard manifesting stones, emeralds can help attract wealth and encourage success in your financial pursuits. If you’re looking to bring more prosperity into your life, you might want to set your intentions with emeralds.

Emerald is regarded as the ‘Stone of Prosperity’. It represents vitality and growth. Wearing a good quality Emerald gemstone helps to gain better income opportunities and growth in finance. Its is helpful in removing relationship blockage any kind. 

Bloodstone Properties:

Bloodstone can be worn to attract money and wealth and has been traditionally used in spells to gain prosperity. Merchants used to put Bloodstone in the cash box to attract sales. In your home put Bloodstone in the rear left hand side of your home to attract wealth.

Bloodstone not only keeps your money corner well protected but also invites even more flow into that space. It’s a stone that echoes with all the energy of strength, power, courage, and building endless resilience along the way. When we are tapped into all of those traits, we are better equipped to deal with the ups and downs that can come with money issues. As Bloodstone keeps us stable in our root chakras, it means that we are unshakable and therefore don’t collapse under pressure but stay open to receiving all that could come our way if we ride the storm.

Moss Agate Properties:

Moss Agate is a stone that is thought to encourage growth and abundance. It will bring new opportunities your way and stimulate the flow of wealth.

There is more than meets the eye when it comes to this magnificent gemstone. From physical to emotional cleansing properties, Moss Agate is said to promote balance, success, and prosperity. Spiritually, Moss Agate is correlated with awakening a deeper spiritual connection to the self.

Cinnamon Properties:

Cinnamon has this tendency to ward off evil spirits and attract positive energy. You can use this property of cinnamon to manifest money. 

You can keep a cinnamon stick or sprinkle a drop or two of cinnamon essential oil in your wallet or handbag to manifest money. Burning cinnamon incense sticks is also a popular method used to take advantage of its ability to lure prosperity. 

You can make your own abundance pouch with cinnamon and other plants with wealth-attracting properties like nutmeg, basil, and ginger. You can keep this pouch in your handbag for that extra help.

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Top 13 Stones For Money, Wealth And Prosperit

 Top 13 Stones For Money, Wealth And Prosperity, In this article we will discuss the top stones for attracting money, wealth, abundance and prosperity.

1) Pyrite

Also known as Fool’s Gold, these money crystals look so much like the real deal. It might not be worth what real gold is but it can help bring abundance into your life by opening you up to the possibility of prosperity. Pyrite is a very lucky crystal in many instances. For business owners, this is a good crystal for prosperity to keep next to your cash register to attract wealth. Many people will also carry a small sample in their wallet or purse for the same reason.

If you find yourself feeling like you’re not worthy of abundance, the crystal ally for you is Pyrite. Pyrite looks just like gold, and shimmers with rich, luxurious energy. Simply looking at this stone fills you with an energy of abundance. This is one of the most popular crystals for money because it is known to remedy financial hardship and attract wealth. It supports your financial journey by filling you with confidence and a stronger sense of self-worth so you can become a magnet for wealth. Through these properties, Pyrite fosters wealth in both subtle and larger ways.

While not holding the immediate value of gold, Pyrite is well-known for being a great stone for attracting abundance. Keep a little nugget of Pyrite with you if you want extra luck while attending interviews or striking business deals. The fool's gold amplifies your intentions towards success, boosting the probability that you will achieve exactly what you set out to.

One of the most powerful crystals for wealth, Pyrite's linguistic origins lie in the Greek word “Pyr,” meaning fire. And that's exactly what you'll have in your belly after working with this crystal. It ignites passion of the likes you've never seen and inspires you to pursue your wildest dreams. Everything feels possible with Pyrite.

The Chinese have been using green jade in connection to wealth for centuries. This member of the green gemstone family attracts harmony, giving you the ability to think clearly and keep calm. These are vital characteristics in someone who wants to manifest wealth in their life.

Green jade is a quiet stone, meaning it can be hard to feel the stone’s vibrations during the day when so much is going on. It’s best to keep green jade in your bedroom next to your bed. As you sleep, it will help turn your dreams towards what you want.

If you’re thinking of starting a new business or project, and you need to plan for financial longevity, Jade is the crystal to turn to. Jade is not that quick-fix crystal for wealth. It’s that crystal that reminds you to stay wise, remain consistent and keep working towards your prosperity goals. Crystals for good luck and prosperity may be powerful, but their effects may not be immediately apparent.

Since ancient times, Jade has been one of the most recognized crystals for prosperity, wisdom and harmony. It is considered an extremely lucky stone and can promote the flow of prosperity and abundance into our lives. Combine green Jade with other green stones to increase their prosperity energy.

Like most green crystals, Green Jade is a prosperity crystal. Ancient Chinese used the healing stone energy for attracting wealth and abundance. It's believed that Green Jade's lucky charm lies in the stone's ability to heal your heart chakra. The Jade crystal opens up your heart to giving more, which consequentially opens you to receive more. You don't necessarily have to give your money. You could also give your attention, your time, and your love to others around you.

Wear a Green Jade braclet to kickstart the abundance flow. You can also place a Green Jade stone under your pillow or in a power grid in your bedroom to make your dreams clearer. You could manifest money while you sleep! The stone will help you remember your dreams and understand their meanings.

Wearing a Green Jade necklace over your heart also keeps you in harmony and balance. So, you end up thinking clearly and making wise decisions to keep your current wealth and make more. The stone will help enhance your long-term vision and increase your focus to achieve your financial goals.

When your Green Jade stones feel weak, place in a selenite bowl or selenite charging plate all night to cleanse any accumulated negative energy. Keep in mind that sometimes to manifest wealth, you need to let go. As you try to manifest wealth, you need to create space in your energy field for new ideas. So, you will need to let go of the things that hold you back.

Clear quartz amplifies the energy that you put into it or surround it with. This means that if you use the crystal when setting your financial goals and your intentions around how you will achieve these goals, the crystal will help you to reach them.

The best way to use clear quartz is as part of a crystal grid with one or several of the other money crystals. The combination of prosperity crystals you choose will help you to really solidify what you want to achieve and give you the strength to achieve it.

One of the best crystals for setting intentions, Clear Quartz helps you get clear on your goals and then helps you bring them to fruition. To work with Clear Quartz properties, first start by identifying your intention. Clear Quartz clears your mind to help you uncover what you truly want.

Top 13 Stones For Money, Wealth And Prosperity

You may not consider Clear Quartz as one of the must-have crystals that bring wealth, it’s so helpful when you start making financial or wealth plans. Have you ever tried to get a professional degree, business plan or marketing campaign off the ground without having a super clear plan first? Spoiler alert: we don’t recommend it! The Clear Quartz meaning amplifies your sense of clarity and makes it easy to raise your vibrations, making you a human magnet with an empowered, focused mindset.

Another green stone, malachite, gives you strength and confidence. It also shows you that it’s all right to change. These are important qualities when going after dreams because you’ll know that you can keep moving forward even when there are obstacles in your way.

Malachite is linked to the heart and is incredibly effective when worn in a necklace over your chest. This will help to remind you to stay passionate about your financial goals and to follow your heart when making decisions. It’s one of the best crystals for money as it keeps you on track and following your financial goals.

The same qualities that make the Malachite healing properties such a powerful tool for transforming your love life also make it a powerful crystal for transforming your finances. Connecting with this crystal can help you acknowledge the financial patterns that are preventing you from calling in the wealth, abundance, and prosperity you desire. Because the Malachite crystal meaning represents growth and vitality, it is also a powerful energy to tap into when manifesting financial growth. Whether you are working toward financial freedom or a specific financial goal such as buying a house or getting a pay increase, the Malachite energy can support you in a variety of ways. The joyful energy of both Aventurine and Malachite make them powerful crystals for luck and money to add to your crystal toolkit. 

Malachite is a transformation crystal. When you have self-limiting beliefs about money, you could wear Malachite or carry a piece in your pocket to dissolve the inhibitions. The stone guides you to explore your situation, see the role you played to get you where you are, and take responsibility to get to the next level. When you have distractive money spending patterns, Malachite can help you breakthrough and get your finances in order.

Malachite also works on your heart chakra, inviting you to embrace life and change. The stone gives you the courage to step out and do what needs to be done for financial success. Finally, Malachite is an energy magnet that can help you attract money. Have some of these stones in your purse, or wear Malachite bracelets to attract more money. Once in a while, bury your Malachite stones in the ground to cleanse the accumulated energy and recharge.

When the negative money mind chatter begins to creep in, there’s no better crystal to turn to than Citrine. Citrine is the light maker and the ultimate wealth crystal for manifestation. When you want to manifest more wealth and abundance, shift your mindset by bringing in the light with Citrine, a powerful crystal for money. It helps you to open yourself up to embrace a more positive mindset.

Citrine is one of the best crystals for abundance because it raises your vibration. When you are operating at a higher frequency, you can achieve your intentions faster. The energy of light that radiates from this stone also supports your intentions in a similar manner.

The money stone is famous for its warm and loving energy that can lift an entire room and make a smile travel like a wave. But its money-making properties are something else.

The greatest crystal for wealth comes in a bright yellow color that fills the heart with joy and positive energy at a simple glance. It naturally raises your vibration, which is key to speeding up the manifestation process. With a higher frequency, you experience more in less time. Picture a wavelength graph with time running along the X-axis. A high frequency (tall and narrow peaks) will enable you to experience more in the same period than a low frequency (short and wide peaks).

Citrine also activates the solar plexus chakra. It increases self-esteem and reduces self-doubt, making you more confident and enthusiastic about achieving your goals. Golden Lamp of Wealth - Citrine Tree encourage you to focus on what makes you happy. You can make money anywhere, but if you don't enjoy what you do, you will subconsciously resist the opportunities available.

Tiger’s eye is often used for good luck and fortune but is also closely linked to the mind. It gives you patience, strength, and determination to help you follow the right path. When you carry a tiger’s eye with you, you’ll find it keeps you grounded.The best way to use this crystal for wealth is to hold it in your hand or simply keep it close in a pocket. The stone will serve as a solid reminder of what you want and the path you need to follow in order to get it.

If you need of to shift your perspective, look no further than Tiger’s Eye. This multidimensional stone reminds you that there isn’t only one way to get things done. When you look at a situation from one point of view for too long, you can get tunnel vision. Connect with the energy of Tiger’s Eye to see the situation through a fresh pair of eyes. It reminds you that there are multiple ways and paths to find financial success.

This wealth stone will give you the willpower and determination you need in order to achieve success. It will help you overcome your fears and move past any hesitations you may have, guiding you instead to take bold action as you pursue your goals. Learn more about the tiger eye stone meaning and properties here.

It's known to bring more direction to your career and is commended for its ability to manifest abundance. Tiger's Eye crystals specialize in transforming financial goals into reality.

This yellow-striped crystal is great for grounding your energy and keeping you connected to mother earth. It supports you in the decision-making process so that you remain sensible with your finances. Another Tigers eye benefits include being revered as a protection talisman, warding off the evil eye, and shielding you from the negative intentions of others. It's a lot more difficult to be manipulated during business deals or at work with Tiger's Eye bracelets on you.

Tiger's Eye opens the solar plexus chakra and helps you access your inner strength. It increases confidence, determination, and self-belief, boosting your passion for money-making projects. It shows you the tools for getting what you want, and it provides the energetic support to do so. But it also reminds you that it's you who has to choose to act.

Chiastolite is used by many to help target their goals and set them with strong intent. This is thanks to the black diagonal lines that often cross through the stone to form a bull’s eye. When setting your goals, you have a clear space to focus on and that draws the energy of the stone straight into what you want.

A visualisation meditation works brilliantly when using these crystals for prosperity. Use the point where the lines intersect as your focus point and create your goal for financial well being right there. Using crystals for money is something we can all try, and any one of these ten will be sure to enrich your life in so many ways. If you want to bring wealth into your life, crystals that attract money are a great starting point.

Chiastolite will bring energies of calm, creativity, and productivity into the workplace. It’s also a stone of prosperity, affluence, and wealth. It will enhance the energies of other high vibration stones, particularly prosperity stones. Chiastolite will guard you against negative energies and encourage creative thinking and problem solving. You will also be able to get rid of old thought patterns that have been keeping you from moving ahead.

This stone is all about opportunities and attracting good fortune. There are many stories of people winning big or coming into money thanks to their use of green aventurine to manifest their financial desires. It’s certainly not a bad crystal for money to keep around.

Green aventurine works best when kept in places where money should be. Businesses can keep it in their checkouts or cash boxes, while individuals can keep some in their wallets or purse. If you’re entering a competition with a cash prize, be sure to keep the stone with you throughout.

If you often feel that luck isn’t on your side, it’s time to add Aventurine to your collection of crystals for success. 

Like many other crystals for money, the green color of the Aventurine crystal represents wealth and abundance. Connecting with this stone allows you to tap into the energy of prosperity, which helps you to attract more wealth and financial abundance into your life. 

Aventurine is one of the best money crystals because it is considered to be especially lucky when you are manifesting wealth. It is also the stone of opportunity, opening doors to new possibilities for you to be successful, especially in the financial realm. Working with this stone also empowers you to create your own luck, and reminds you to stay open to new chances to be lucky.  You never know when opportunities present themselves, but with this crystal by your side, your luck will lead you in the right direction.

9) Emerald

Emerald is a wisdom crystal and among the best crystals for abundance. Emerald is also a stone for good luck. Generally, Emerald brings harmony in all your life's aspects. It works on your heart chakra to harmonize your relationships. The stone also sharpens your memory, intuition, and creativity. The stone's ability to strengthen your discernment also helps you to resonate with your desire from within so that you can manifest it.

You can meditate while wearing an Emerald necklace over your heart center to kickstart abundance flow. You may find it beneficial to have a tumbled Ruby stone below your spine for grounding during the meditation. When you feel that your wealth manifestation needs a boost, combine your Emerald with other green money crystals. Remember to cleanse the stone in the wind to remove negative energy. You can also rinse it or bury it in the ground.

Emerald is a crystal associated with personal growth, prosperity, and abundance. Emerald has long been a symbol of wealth and financial prosperity, having been sought after by kings and queens from many different civilizations. Emerald can appear in many different forms. Commonly recognized as a deeply hued precious gemstone, Emerald can actually vary from an opaque grey-green mineral to the jewel toned translucent gemstone we all know - depending on the  quality of the stone that is. The properties of Emerald align it with attracting wealth and opportunity, not only of the financial variety but also in many other aspects of life. Emerald is a crystal that inspires you to think up new and innovative ways to make money, such as ideas for new business ventures or creative ways to reinvent your current ones. 

10) Peridot

So often what stands in our way for financial prosperity is our own insecurities and our own emotions holding us back. In order to manifest wealth into your life, it’s important to get rid of these emotional and mental blockages. Peridot is the right prosperity crystal for doing this.

Use peridot while meditating over your heart and solar plexus chakras to focus the stone’s energy. This will help you to feel worthy of using crystals that attract money and reaching your financial goals. This manifestation crystal is like a cornucopia that brings prosperity and opens the Heart Chakra to help bring your desires into reality. Work with this stone to channel a dose of good luck into any and every endeavor.

Peridot’s green color is a popular symbol for money, thus giving this gemstone the nickname, “money stone.” Peridot is traditionally known to bring financial success and help with decision-making involving money. This stone can help increase willpower and luck in wealth. If you’re looking for gemstones for good luck and fortune in your money-related endeavors, peridot jewelry can be an asset in your financial journey.

This is the stone of success and abundance, making it a critical part of manifesting wealth and financial happiness in your life. Using it can help you to focus on creating a strong work ethic so that you can reach your goals. Amazonite is connected to both the heart chakra and the throat chakra. By using it with the former, you can open your spirit to good fortune and positive feelings. By using it with the latter, you can bring calm and focus to your efforts. The two combine to bring you financial success.

Amazonite is also a great stone to have if you want something to manifest in your life. This stone will encourage you to be bold and brave, to make your dreams come true, and to keep trying until they do! Amazonite is known for helping to manifest money, luck and success. It’s often referred to as a gambler’s stone, as it helps to encourage good fortune. It will also help stabilize you, promoting wise spending.

 By dissipating energy blockages, Amazonite can help bring positive feelings and work-ethic to any financial venture. It reinforces leadership qualities and calms the mind. So, this is a fabulous stone to use for luck and success in business.

Many times, the difference between getting the opportunity you want and getting passed over for someone else is about carrying the right energy. Is your energy stuck or stagnant and blocking the flow of prosperity energy? Red Garnet gets the energy moving and flowing, dissolving any blockages that exist within your body. You will soon see a difference in your personal energy field. It brings a certain grounded-ness that reinvigorates your passion and your heart with a new found energy; one that has you feeling more connected to yourself in the present moment. Radiating with this energy can open new doors for those who choose to welcome it.

If you’re ready to get rid of the stagnant energy cloud hanging above you, and shift your mindset toward one that sees prosperity on the horizon, then use the garnet meaning to create the energy of success. When you perform a simple practice with at least 2 Garnet stones, you will begin to see results. Fire up your abundance when you work with Garnet and Malachite: two top crystals for money and success.

Garnet is another stone that helps you recover from financial loss. Garnet has bright rays which attract wealth while at the same time frees you from the financial burden. If Garnet and Citrine are kept close together, they help you take flawless decisions. Crystals have quite extraordinary powers. They heal, calm, bring prosperity, luck and so much more into one’s life. Using crystals the right way can make you healthy, wealthy and happy. 

Adorn yourself with a wealth and fortune Garnet Pendant during meditation or ritual, or whenever you wish to channel its abundance attracting magic. However you choose to work with garnet, it will bless you with a dose of good luck and help you draw in the prosperity you seek.

A powerful warrior in the world of stones, Bloodstone not only keeps your money corner well protected but also invites even more flow into that space. It’s a stone that echoes with all the energy of strength, power, courage, and building endless resilience along the way. When we are tapped into all of those traits, we are better equipped to deal with the ups and downs that can come with money issues. As Bloodstone keeps us stable in our root chakras, it means that we are unshakable and therefore don’t collapse under pressure but stay open to receiving all that could come our way if we ride the storm.

Bloodstone can be worn to attract money and wealth and has been traditionally used in spells to gain prosperity. Merchants used to put Bloodstone in the cash box to attract sales. In your home put Bloodstone in the rear left hand side of your home to attract wealth.

Bloodstone is like a conservatory of money. Place Bloodstone in your money corner to help retain your current wealth. Don't let it slip away! Not only will it help you conserve your money, but Bloodstone also assists you in gaining more. After all, like attracts like.

To use any of these stones for manifesting wealth, money, success or prosperity:
1. Hold a stone in your dominant hand.
2. Visualize your money desire and project it to the crystal in your hand.
3. Wear the crystal to keep the manifestation vibrations around you all the time.

Top 25 Stones For Happiness

 Top 25 Stones For Happiness, Welcome in for a good read on some of the top stones for happiness.

The Shungite is a black and powerful stone that is said to be helpful in promoting balance and harmony. It is also known for its ability to increase positive energy and vibes, as well as promote feelings of happiness and joy.

Users of shungite say the stone has the ability to shield you from EMF emissions. Many people refer to an old 2003 study, where shungite reportedly protected rats against electromagnetic irradiation. Yet, the study is outdated and only involves animals. This phenomenon has some support theoretically, but more research is needed to see if there’s any benefit for humans.

It works to cleanse and align all the particles in the body so that they are open and in alignment with the light. It carries strong purifying, cleansing and detoxifying properties. It can be used to clear your body of any dysfunctional patterns, which in turn can manifest as negativity, emotional difficulties or even certain diseases. Place a couple Shungite stones on an affected area and you will see an accelerated resolution of the problem. If you are looking for a more full body healing, instead of concentrating on a particular area, simply hold or meditate with the stones. Shungite crystals are also very beneficial for relieving stress and anxiety, soothing insomnia and boosting your overall energy level.

The Bloodstone is a dark green stone that is said to be helpful in promoting courage and strength. It is also known for its ability to increase positive energy and vibes, as well as promote feelings of happiness and joy.

It heightens intuition and increases creativity. It is grounding and protecting. Bloodstone draws off negative environmental energy, helping to overcome influences such as geopathic or electromagnetic stress. It stimulates dreaming and is a powerful revitalizer. Gives courage and teaches you how to avoid dangerous situations. Bloodstone encourages selflessness and idealism. Assists in acting in the present moment. Bloodstone calms and revitalizes the mind, dispels confusion and enhances decision-making. Assists in adjusting to unaccustomed circumstances. Reduces irritability, aggressiveness and impatience. Ideal for anemia, Bloodstone purifies and fortifies the blood. It detoxifies the liver, intestines, kidneys, spleen and bladder. Bloodstone regulates and supports blood flow and aids in the circulation.

Emotionally, this stone helps ground the user in their physical body, and enhances feelings of strength and courage. It’s an excellent tool during stressful times, since it helps the user navigate chaos with dignity and determination. These properties make it pretty much ideal for anyone suffering from bullying, a toxic work environment, abuse, or major upheavals.

The Black tourmaline is a black stone that is said to be helpful in promoting protection and grounding. It is also known for its ability to increase positive energy and vibes, as well as promote feelings of happiness and joy.

Wherever you happen to be on your spiritual journey, Black Tourmaline crystal stone is an excellent crystal for everyone because it’s the bodyguard stone that provides protection and elimination of negative energy. Wear it as jewelry, keep it in your car, place it all over the house, near computers. Seriously, just put it everywhere because this all-around energy cleanser is a must-have for every gemstone collection.

Black Tourmaline is a pyroelectric stone, meaning that it produces electricity when it becomes heated. It’s also piezoelectric, which means that it’s also capable of storing electrical charge. The Black Tourmaline crystal properties work like a sponge, soaking up all the negative energy that surrounds it. Through absorbing negativity, the stone can prevent unwanted energy from entering your home, mind, body, or spirit which gives this stone its protective quality. Because of its powerful ability to clear negativity, Black Tourmaline crystal is also a key component in everyday cleansing rituals and can help to release any unwanted energy already stored in your energy field.

Black Tourmaline healing properties are also highly grounding and stabilizing because of the stone’s association to the lower chakras. By grounding your energy and providing a deeper sense of energetic security, this crystal helps you to feel safe as you move throughout the world.

The Carnelian is a deep orange stone that is said to be helpful in promoting creativity and individuality. It is also known for its ability to increase positive energy and vibes, as well as promote feelings of happiness and joy.

It is said to assist in stimulating creativity. It seems to have a clearing effect, dispelling negative energies as it replaces them with positive ones. This can make it easier to find direction, and its grounding effects can make it easier for you to feel in control of your life. This makes carnelian a good stone for people who feel like they are going nowhere. Carnelian applied physically, can promote balanced digestion. For lower abdominal pain, especially in woman and in pregnancy, this stone placed on the pubic bone each day for twenty minutes will reduce the pain.

It is said that this stone will help cleanse and purify the blood, thus giving more physical energy. It balances creative and organization abilities, opens doors and creates a need to follow through on plans. Wear this stone to prevent other people from reading your thoughts or from dark forces attempting to influence your mind. There are quite many ancient beliefs associated with Carnelian, which centered around protection during travels after death and against evil.

Carnelian crystal properties go far beyond artistic expression. In fact, this stone empowers your self-confidence in all aspects of your life – from relationships and professional pursuits to personal projects. When you are searching for a stone to help you tap into your passion and inner creativity, look no further than the Carnelian crystal healing properties.

5) Onyx

The Onyx is a black stone that is said to be helpful in promoting focus and determination. It is also known for its ability to increase positive energy and vibes, as well as promote feelings of happiness and joy.

Black has been associated with regeneration and new beginnings. Black onyx is thought by some to have protective qualities, making it advantageous to carry when traveling. It is said to be useful in fighting basic fears and helping to move beyond bad relationships--as well as to heal old emotional wounds. The Romans associated onyx with courage and it is thought to be useful when one is defending him/herself against unfair criticism.

Onyx gives strength. It promotes vigor, steadfastness and stamina. Imparts self-confidence, helping you to be at ease in your surroundings. Onyx banishes grief, enhances self-control and stimulates the power of wise decision-making. It encourages happiness and good fortune.

The Jasper is a deep red stone that is said to be helpful in promoting courage and strength. It is also known for its ability to increase positive energy and vibes, as well as promote feelings of happiness and joy.

Jasper stimulates the solar plexus, heart and throat chakras with its beneficial vibrations, conveying the urge to feel, speak and act more positively, it supports the expression of love in one’s words and deeds, and it helps one to realize what and whom one truly loves. Ocean jasper helps to bring unresolved emotional issues to the surface so one can accept responsibility for oneself. It also assists one in acquiring and learning patience.

Everyone goes through a crisis of faith at some point. We start to question everything, sometimes even the very concept of right and wrong! Hardships push us to see the darker side of things and dwell on the pains rather than embracing the successes.  Jasper provides wisdom and enlightenment. It inspires you to “go with the flow!” Like the ebbs and flows of ocean waves, life is full of ups and downs. The meaning of this stone reminds you that you have to ride things out and embrace everything that comes with the journey. Otherwise, you’ll sink to the bottom and drown!

The Moonstone is a beautiful stone that is said to be helpful in promoting clarity and vision. It is also known for its ability to increase positive energy and vibes, as well as promote feelings of happiness and joy.

Moonstone helps all be more comfortable with our gentler feminine/yin receiving side. Especially for water signs. Helps one be more conscious of the fact that all things are part of a cycle of constant change. It is a recommended gemstone for farmers and gardeners, artists, dancers and young men. Placed under the pillow it will allow for a more peaceful sleep, and is often used as a cure for insomnia, and used along with the amethyst. It Honors the Goddess in all women. It aids in gardening, psychic awareness and meditation. It soothes stress, anxiety, women’s hormones it enhances intuitive sensitivity via feelings and less overwhelmed by personal feelings. Greater flexibility and flow with life.

The Malachite is a green stone that is said to be helpful in promoting change and transformation. It is also known for its ability to increase positive energy and vibes, as well as promote feelings of happiness and joy.

As a stone of transformation, Malachite encourages change and emotional risk-taking. It shows what is blocking your spiritual growth, draws out deep feelings and psychosomatic causes, then allows you to break unwanted ties and outworn patterns. It encourages the expression of feelings, alleviating shyness, and teaching the responsibility for one’s own thoughts and actions. It supports friendships and empathy for other people.

Malachite helps you connect with life’s sweetness. It is a good stone if you have diabetes or are healing from pancreatic issues or digestive challenges. This copper carbonate mineral aids those suffering from the symptoms of arthritis as well. Malachite can assist in restoring strength and vitality after illness and in rebuilding or repairing tissue after surgery. It supports the formation of red blood cells and hemoglobin—assisting with oxygenation of the body and overall vitality. Malachite is excellent for reducing inflammation due to sprains, strains or other injuries. It can help draw toxins from the body and can be used to support fasting, detoxification and other cleansing rituals. It is a wonderful aid to digestion and it stimulates stomach and colon function.

Malachite clears and activates the chakras and attunes to spiritual guidance. Releases negative experiences and old traumas. Stimulates dreams. Malachite releases inhibitions and develops empathy with others. Malachite is a stone of good fortune and prosperity. Malachite is also a very protective stone. Malachite stimulates inner imagery. Dreams, imagination and memories become alive and real. Suppressed feelings are suddenly brought out into the open. Malachite takes away inhibitions and encourages the expression of feelings. Moods are experienced more intensely and then rapidly dropped again as fast as they arose. Old pain an traumas may surface and be dissolved if we are in a position to face them. Malachite is a stone that helps you get to the heart of a matter. This stone reminds you that patterns that repeat in relationships again and again contain a lesson to be learned. This stone helps you grow emotionally, mentally and spiritually as you recognize emerging patterns.

A stone that symbolizes physical love and the relationship between loving partners, the Garnet crystal meaning was used as a popular ornamental adornment among royalty and aristocrats. And all the animals of Noah’s Ark can thank a large Garnet stone for providing the only light on their biblical journey and guiding them safely to land. Featured in a range of red colors, which symbolize a deeply vibrant and powerful vibration, each stone possesses a special beauty with shades ranging from ruby red and dark brown to pink and orange.

Garnet is said to have been one of the twelve stones in the Breastplate of the High Priest, and has been used as a sacred stone by the Native American Indians, the South American Indians, the Aztecs, the African tribal elders, and the Mayans. It acts with speed to expand one’s awareness due to the flash of lightening contained within, and enhances one’s internal fire to bring creative powers to implementation.

Garnet regenerates the body and stimulates the metabolism. It treats disorders of the spine and spinal fluid, bone, cellular structure and composition. Purifies the heart, lungs, blood and regenerates DNA. Garnet boosts the immune system and energy levels. A stone of commitment, Red Garnet represents love. It revitalizes feelings and enhances sexuality, bringing warmth, devotion, understanding, trust, sincerity and honesty to a relationship. Red Garnet controls anger, especially toward the self.

The Hematite is a grayish-black  and protective stone that is said to be helpful in promoting grounding and stability. It is also known for its ability to increase feelings of happiness and well-being, as well as dispel negative energy and vibes. These healing crystals open the entire body to a healthy state of conscience.

The Hematite crystal healing properties stem from the stone’s high iron content, which gives it a heaviness and a weightiness that gives you the feeling of being anchored to the earth. With the simple act of bringing you back down to earth, Hematite calms a troubled mind and puts your spirit at ease so you can release any feelings of stress, tension, worry, or nervousness. The stabilizing effect of the hematite makes it a trusted companion to keep by your side everywhere you go.

Hematite is beneficial to those who are nervous or restless for no apparent cause. It aids in the removal of deep-seated anxieties and the maintenance of a person’s calm and cool. Hematite bestows tenacity, resolve, and the bravery to stand up for one’s rights and views to those who wear it. It also assists in the removal of bad ideas and promotes focus and logical thinking. It is also thought to improve relationships by bringing calmness, dissolves negativity and keeps you from absorbing other people’s negativity. Hematite is a powerful stone that may help with shyness, self-esteem, and survival, as well as increasing willpower and dependability and instilling confidence. It aids in the treatment of overeating, smoking, and other kinds of overindulgence, as well as compulsions and addictions.

Hematite helps to absorb negative energy and calms in times of stress or worry. Hematite is a very protective stone and is great to carry to help you stay grounded in many situations. Hematite is also good for working with the Root Chakra, helping to transform negative energies into a more positive vibration. Those in relationships can benefit from the cooperation vibe coming from Hematite. Hematite can help one to find their own, unique gifts and to release self-imposed limitations, while still maintaining a healthy amount of self-control. Hematite aids in the Ascension process, by facilitating the integration of higher spiritual energies into our physical 3-D existence. This allows those who are doing spiritual work to still be able to function in the physical world and relate to others.

The Clear quartz is a clear stone that is said to be helpful in promoting concentration, clarity, and focus. It is also known for its ability to dispel negative energy and promote positive vibes. Clear quartz crystals are gorgeous and great for welcoming all that happiness.

Quartz can be used to imprint with any energy or information and helps to focus the mind, aides in concentration and enhances mental ability. This crystal has been used to counter black magic, to perform diagnostic healing, and to communicate with spirits and other worlds. Quartz has the ability to receive, store and send energy, which makes it a powerful manifestation tool. Hold/gaze into the crystal, and put your thought/need (what you wish to manifest) into it. The Quartz Cluster receives the thought (and the feeling behind the thought), then stores and transmits those thoughts and feelings into the ethers. Thus, even while you’re not thinking about that particular manifestation, the Quartz Cluster is still working on your behalf, putting out your thought forms.

Crystal Quartz is probably the most versatile, multipurpose, powerful healing stone on the planet due to is unique helical spiral crystalline form. It is a master healer and can be used for any and all conditions. It’s stimulates the immune system and brings the body into balance. It takes the energy to the most perfect state that is possible; going back to before the disease set in. It cleanses and enhances the organs and subtle bodies and acts as a deep soul cleanser, connecting the physical dimension with the mind. One of the most dominant crystals on the planet earth. Clear quartz crystals are ubiquitous and can develop in different common conditions and environments and as such, they can be seen in all the world continents. Hence, they have become integrated into the culture of early civilizations. The name Quartz actually comes from the word “Ice” which formed the basis for some ideologies and meanings.

It is also quite beneficial for clarifying the emotional processes, which in turn will enlighten your creativity and inspiration. A stone used for studying and retaining information as is helps with concentration and retaining what is learned. Crystal Quartz is a power stone that harmonizes and balances. It enhances energy and thoughts, and purifies the spiritual, mental, and physical. It is also a powerfully protective stone, bringing the purified energy in.

The Selenite is a white stone that is said to be helpful in promoting mental clarity and focus. It is also known for its ability to dispel negative energy and promote positive vibes.

Selenite is one of the most important tools in any energy worker or crystal lover’s arsenal. This crystal clears energy blockages, allows for liquid-like energy fluidity. Its extremely high vibration floods your energy field with the highest vibrations of light, uplifting your spirit and guiding you to an elevated state of being. Not only does it have this powerful effect on you, but it also has a similar effect on your crystals and your environment. A Selenite crystal is the ultimate energy tool to purify, clear, cleanse, and uplift your home, plus everyone and everything in it. Selenite is useful in relieving stress and anxiety by washing away negative energy. This promotes more restful and revitalizing periods of sleep. It helps to ward off insomnia and interruptions in sleeping patterns.

Selenite is a very peaceful, calming crystal that has the ability to clear away negative energy. If you feel stressed out, tired, or angry, holding a selenite crystal can help clear away the negative energy and leave you feeling calmer and more centered. Because of its calm-inducing properties, selenite is an excellent crystal to use during meditation. Place one nearby while you meditate or hold a piece in your hand to help keep your mind clear, lucid, and calm. Selenite also has the unique ability to filter out ego-based messages of the mind; those negative messages in your mind that make you feel fearful, angry, or victimized. Because of that helpful filter, selenite can allow you to get in touch with your Higher Self, and expand the awareness of your mind and spirit. Selenite provides for clarity of the mind, expanding ones awareness of the self and of ones surroundings. It opens the crown and higher crown chakras and accesses angelic consciousness and higher guidance. It can be used to access past lives as well as future lives. Selenite is a calming stone that instils deep peace and is excellent for meditation or spiritual work. It assists judgement and insight. It clears confusion and aids in seeing the deeper picture. It aligns the spinal column and promotes flexibility. It corrects deformities of the skeletal system and can stabilize epileptic disorders. It is used to improve disorders associated with metal poisoning due to teeth fillings and can reverse the effects of “free radicals” in the cell structure. Effects that can be overcome include cancer, tumors, age spots, wrinkles and light sensitivity.

The Celestite is a blue stone that is said to be helpful in promoting relaxation and stress relief. It is also known for its ability to increase positive energy and vibes, as well as promoting peace and calmness. The power of crystals can be seen through celestite with its deep connection to happy crystals and potent stones that relieve anxiety.

Celestite is an excellent healing stone, it dissolves pain and brings love to you. It treats the eyes and ears, eliminates toxins from the body and repairs at a cellular level. Celestite relaxes muscle tension and calms mental torment. ​It will help mouth ulcers, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, dry mouth, tooth decay, gingivitis, strep throat and many more. ​Celestite helps you be truly present in your body while still being connected to the spiritual world. If you are in a visionary business like a new age store, a metaphysical practitioner, visionary artist or any other spiritual related business, keep this stone close by. It’s also helpful if you are running a conscious business engaged in integrating spirituality and ethics into business practices. It helps you to still be prosperous while providing conscious or spiritual services.

Aids in spiritual communication and strengthens the power of prayer. It offers strong spiritual protection from negative energy and psychic attacks. It enhances psychic and healing abilities and increases consciousness making it a good stone for those seeking enlightenment. Many seek out Celestite for the various mystic powers that go beyond our standing in the physical world. The most common intention of using this crystal is for the improved access to cosmic realms, which can open up your mind for better clarity in your daily life here on Earth. This crystal can elevate the spirit while helping one achieve a better understanding of their purpose and path to peace! In a world where uncertainty and self-doubt is common (and natural), this kind of clarity can be transformative.

Celestite’s soothing affect is wonderful for when you feel under pressure or stress. It helps to calm nerves and alleviate pain caused from tension. It is also a good sleeping stone to have in your bedroom or under your pillow at night. It helps to resolve anxiety and heal insomnia. Celestite’s contribution in this aspect is that of inspiring honesty and frankness albeit in a gentle nonthreatening way. This would be helpful especially in business situations or during negotiations of any kind. You can meditate with a piece of celestite on your throat area or wear a necklace that includes the stone during the times you want help with public speaking or in knowing the right words to say at the right time. Celestite has many emotional healing properties. It instills a sense of calm connecting the intellect with the emotions bringing clarity to them both. It’s a good stone for worriers to carry on their person to alleviate constant stress. It balances the polarity of the body’s energy field and thus makes an excellent healing stone during massage and energy work sessions. Intellectually, celestite increases the ability to use reason and think rationally. Its balancing quality also applies to the mind and may possibly be used for those with mental imbalance.

The Blue lace agate is a light blue stone that is said to be helpful in promoting calmness and tranquility. It is also known for its ability to increase positive energy and promote feelings of happiness. This purpose stone is one of the top crystals for allowing happiness to flood your life.

The Blue Lace Agate crystal meaning is associated with stress relief, a common benefit of all gemstones. But in the world of crystal healing, Blue Lace Agate is a rock star for soothing an overactive mind and calming nerves. Similar to the effects of gazing at a pale blue sky that stretches out to the horizon, Blue Lace Agate is the best tool for relaxing and maintaining a calm demeanor. Call on this gemstone for a much-needed daily does of positive vibes, the best antidote to the stress of our busy, hectic lives. A powerful throat healer, it assists with verbal expression of thoughts and feelings. Blue Lace Agate is a great nurturing and supportive stone, neutralizing anger, infection, inflammation and fever. Blue Lace Agate helps to strengthen and accelerate the repair of bones, thyroid deficiencies, throat and lymph infections. It soothes red, sore eyes and any skin problems associated with redness and irritation.

Borrowed from the water remedy techniques used by Richard Bach, the creator of the Bach Flower Remedies, energized water is an excellent way to incorporate Blue Lace Agate healing properties into your daily wellness routine. After cleansing your crystal with a sage smudge stick, place your Blue Lace Agate crystal in a glass bowl of spring water and leave it under direct sunlight for one hour. Take the crystal out and drink the water throughout the day, imagining the serene and tranquil energy of this gentle but powerful stone cleansing and rejuvenating your body and spirit. Drink it right before bed and enjoy a blissful night of peaceful dreams.

It is also a stone to help eliminate blockages in the throat chakra that come from not being allowed to express our thoughts and emotions. Blue lace agate can take the edge off of a sharp tongue and help you to choose your words more carefully. It will gently help you to communicate is a healthier and more relaxed manner. The healing from this stone is more gentle than others, allowing an easy transition to a better frame of mind and ability to express oneself. It encourages you to heal your emotions and find balance. Blue Lace Agate allows you to feel empathy and compassion for the person requiring your forgiveness and ensures that any energetic attachments are healed. It is a stone of positive communication, promoting assertiveness and personal power. It opens the Throat Chakra and allows you to speak clearly and with purpose. It also enhances group harmony and cooperation, so it’s the perfect crystal to keep in your pocket or handbag for get-togethers with family and friends. It’s an excellent stone for building relationships, so don’t be shy about meeting new people and growing your network of friends and colleagues when you’re working with this crystal.

15) Turquoise

The Turquoise is a blue-green stone that is said to be helpful in promoting communication and understanding. It is also known for its ability to promote feelings of happiness, well-being, and peace. Additionally, turquoise can be great for healing emotional trauma because of its vulnerability properties. This healing stone helps you reach a higher state of freedom.

Turquoise is a purification stone.  It dispels negative energy and can be worn to protect against outside influences or pollutants in the atmosphere.  Turquoise balances and aligns all the chakras, stabilising mood swings and instilling inner calm.  It is excellent for depression and exhaustion, it also has the power to prevent panic attacks.  Turquoise promotes self-realisation and assists creative problem solving.  It is a symbol of friendship, and stimulates romantic love.

Turquoise aids in the absorption of nutrients, enhances the immune system, stimulates the regeneration of tissue, and heals the whole body.  It contains anti-inflammatory and detoxifying effects, and alleviates cramps and pain.  Turquoise purifies lungs, soothes and clears sore throats, and heals the eyes, including cataracts.  It neutralises over-acidity, benefits rheumatism, gout, stomach problems, and viral infections.

​It connects physical and spiritual awareness, develops inner strength and calm. This is a stabilising stone that heals the emotions and the emotional body. It promotes communication and creativity. Traditionally used for protection blue turquoise also supports the immune system.

The Fluorite is a multi-colored stone that is said to be helpful in promoting focus and concentration. It is also known for its ability to dispel negative energy and promote positive vibes. Happiness crystals can help us focus on feelings of self love and inner truth through deep focus. This powerful healing crystal provides feelings of exhilaration through good spirits and new opportunities with freedom from negative vibes.

Fluorite, can act as a ‘psychic vacuum cleaner.’ It is extremely clearing to mental fog or heaviness and the resulting negativity, and it organizes mental clutter and any astral ‘hangers on’ making mischief in the environment. Fluorite is a force of order and structure. It helps scattered and discordant energies become cohesive and harmonic. Fluorite can bring stability to groups, linking them into a common purpose. It is especially powerful in balancing the brain, helping both hemispheres to work harmoniously together, creating a ‘whole brain’ state of enhanced mental and psychic abilities. This newly organized, focused energy quiets anxiety and worry caused by scattered, unspecific fear of the future.

Fluorite’s energy can assist in changing the etheric blueprint, the energetic model underlying all physical matter. It not only lends access to the higher levels of one’s energy field but also can assist in shifting energy at these levels, especially in molding chaotic vibrations into a coherent pattern and clearing the manifestation of one’s life purpose.

Balance; coordination; self-confidence; shyness; worry; centering; concentration; psychosomatic disease; absorption of nutrients; bronchitis; emphysema; pleurisy; pneumonia; antiviral; infections; teeth; cells; bones; DNA damage; skin and mucous membranes; respiratory tract; colds; flu; sinusitis; ulcers; wounds; adhesions; mobilizing joints; arthritis; rheumatism; spinal injuries; pain relief; shingles; nerve-related pain; blemishes; wrinkles; dental work; libido.

Fluorite assists in balancing brain chemistry, enhancing learning and memorization abilities, and stimulating the brain. It can assist in issues of dizziness or vertigo and can help you be more physically balanced. Fluorite is strengthening for the bones and teeth. Your nervous system is encouraged to work effectively. Fluorite is beneficial when kept close by during physical exercise as it is a great companion to help you stay on course with your fitness plan and to garner strength and endurance. Use this stone to focus on maintaining discipline.

The Smoky quartz is a brownish crystal that is known for its ability to dispel negative energies and vibes. It is also said to promote relaxation, calmness, and security. Smoky quartz is a calming stone that eases your emotional level of anxiety and negative influences. Additionally, using smoky quartz is a gentle way to rid yourself of emotional stress. Above all these stones are powerful tools for healing emotional wounds through crystal healing.

The Smoky Quartz crystal is a grounding stone known for its ability to help you move on from difficult or painful experiences. It guides you to a higher state of being, a place where you can let go of the past so that it makes you better, not bitter. Leave the past in the past and move on toward a brighter future with the help of the Smoky Quartz crystal properties. Quartz crystals are a gift from the earth. They have the ability to amplify or strengthen the things in you that are positive, and can help you put away things that cause you fear or anger. They can strengthen your ability to be a loving person, and can enhance your abilities to enjoy life and accomplish the things you want in life. They can amplify intention, reduce stress, help with centering, balancing or calming, strengthen healing abilities, and surround you with protection by amplifying white light. Any healthy quartz crystal point can strengthen these things and help produce personal growth by amplifying the subtle energies that flow inside you.

Helps one ground themselves to Earth, in addition to opening up the root chakra and solar plexus. It’s the perfect stone for people who constantly find themselves with a wandering mind and an inability to focus. This stone is here to assist in not only clearing your mind but to allow you to be more level headed. Smoky Quartz can also help you find the drive and determination that sometimes feels lost in our daily lives. These personal tools can assist you to bring your dreams, wants, and desires into reality. By putting your own needs first, this stone can become one of the strongest manifestation tools in your arsenal. It has remarkable transformation strength that can help push one into a new life direction if they’re unhappy with the status quo. We recommend carrying a piece or speaking to it daily to let the universe hear the path in which you want to take.

In the psychic and spiritual realms, smoky quartz grounds one during meditation, and can provide a grounded link between the physical and higher selves, helping to uncover subconscious wisdom. Using smoky quartz during meditation enables you to reach higher states of consciousness. Because smoky quartz transforms and removes negative energy, it also protects and cleanses the aura and astral bodies. It can be used for psychic shielding.

The rose quartz crystals are a pink stone known for their ability to promote universal love and compassion. This stone of unconditional love is also said to increase feelings of happiness and peace. If you’re looking for true love or feelings of self-love, rose quartz is a great way.

Rose Quartz strengthens and balances the physical heart and circulatory system, and releases impurities from body fluids. It hastens recovery, reduces high blood pressure, aids chest and lung problems, heals the kidneys and adrenals, and alleviates vertigo. A good energetic support for those with leukemia. Rose Quartz has the power to increase fertility and to protect both mother and unborn fetus from miscarriage. The energy of rose quartz is very soothing and gentle, making it the ideal crystal for “heart work”. Women especially, may find the crystal ideal for wearing as a pendant, but there is no reason men will not benefit from the crystal too. Carrying a chunk of rose quartz in your pocket or sleeping with a piece under your pillow can help you attune to the energy of love; be it love for oneself, or love for others. If unforgiveness is one of your challenges, rose quartz is a good stone to help you work through this issue.

Rose Quartz stimulates the proper functioning of the heart and circulatory system. It aids in relieving tension and stress, palpitations or skipped beats, and may stabilize irregular heart rhythm. It is ideal for premature babies or young children with heart weakness or disease, or anyone who needs a stronger, more stable heart.

Rose Quartz is an excellent heart-healing gemstone. It is a nature remedy that can be used for treating any issue that needs emotional healing. Rose quartz is a pink-colored crystal that carries a very gentle and soothing energy and gives comfort to anyone whose heart has been wounded. Emotionally rose quartz brings gentleness, forgiveness, compassion, kindness and tolerance as well as balancing one’s emotions; thus bringing inner peace and harmony. It raises one’s self-esteem and sense of self-worth. It helps balance emotions and heal emotional wounds and traumas, even grief, bringing peace and calm.

Rose Quartz is a mothering crystal, inspiring nurturing of the self if one has lost their own mother. It promotes bonding and is a good stone to place on the stomach during pregnancy, and to take to the hospital to be near the baby during birth. It is also soothing in the days to follow. Placing baby milk or food within a circle of Rose Quartz for a few minutes helps ease colic or feeding difficulties.

The Amethyst is a purple stone that is said to be helpful in promoting relaxation and relieving stress. It is also known for its ability to increase positive energy and vibes. Above all, it’s a great crystal for creating peace of mind.

Amethyst is a stone of spirituality. It facilitates transmutation of lower energies into higher frequencies of both spiritual and ethereal levels. It is representative of the principles of complete metamorphosis. It balances the energies of the intellectual, emotional, and physical bodies and provides a clear connection between the earth plane and the other worlds. It clears the aura and stabilizes and transmutes any dysfunctional energy located within ones body. amethyst also bestows stability, strength, invigoration, and peace; the peace being the perfect peace which was present prior to birth. You can immediately feel peace of mind by simply looking at this brilliant crystal. In fact, its radiant purple and white colors have represented the sobriety of emotions and spirit throughout history. By placing Amethyst on your forehead, navel or heart, you can immediately sense the angers, frustrations, and furies leaving your body. Psychics, mediums, and other divination practitioners also still hold Amethyst’s worth in high regard. They often decorate sacred altars and spaces with its incomparably beautiful violet designs.

Amethyst is a powerful and protective stone. It guards against psychic attack, transmuting the energy into love and protecting the wearer from all types of harm, including geopathic or electromagnetic stress and ill wishes from others. Amethyst is a natural tranquilizer, it relieves stress and strain, soothes irritability, balances mood swings, dispels anger, rage, fear and anxiety. Alleviates sadness and grief, and dissolves negativity. Amethyst activates spiritual awareness, opens intuition and enhances psychic abilities. It has strong healing and cleansing powers. Amethyst encourages sobriety, having a sobering effect on overindulgence of alcohol, drugs or other addictions. It calms and stimulates the mind, helping you become more focused, enhancing memory and improving motivation. Amethyst assists in remembering and understanding dreams. It relieves insomnia. Encourages selflessness and spiritual wisdom.

The Amethyst crystal properties are deeply connected to the third eye chakra, the center of spirituality and intuition, and the crown chakra, the chakra that governs our connection to the universe. These energy centers can be associated with the color purple, which helps to explain why Amethyst crystal is such a powerful stone to balance, open, and activate the third eye and crown chakras. When working with the Amethyst crystal healing properties to bring more peace, relaxation, and spiritual awareness into your life, you’ll begin to understand why Amethyst is one of the most popular and sought after crystals around the world.

In the spiritual world, an Amethyst crystal provided a connection to the Divine. To the Hebrews, it was Ahlamah, the ninth stone in the breastplate of the High Priest; engraved with the tribe of Dan, as well as the twelfth foundation stone for the New Jerusalem. To the Egyptians, it was Hemag, listed in the Book of the Dead to be carved into heart-shaped amulets for burial. In Eastern cultures, it was listed in descriptions of sacred “gem-cities”, “trees of life”, and used in temple offerings for worship. It was also often used to align planetary and astrological influences. Additionally, Amethyst was popular in rosaries and prayer beads. It was credited with creating an atmosphere of pious calm, imbuing a sense of mental peace, and quietude.

Tiger’s eye is a brown stone that is said to be helpful in achieving goals. It is also known for its ability to promote feelings of happiness, well-being, and security. Goodbye negative feelings thanks to this powerful crystal. Let’s bring back an inner peace and happier life even in a difficult time.

In energy work tiger eye can help one to realize their physical desires and put them to work on those things. Often times we will just realize the desire or dream but do nothing about it, when that is the case, carrying tiger eye or wearing it will help this desires manifest and put into action what you are desiring. Tiger eye is a balancing stone that helps to calm fears and give perspective to upsetting circumstances. It can also help you become more attuned with planetary energies because it serves as a bridge linking sky and earth energies. Tiger eye offers light to dark energies. Tiger Iron (tiger eye with hematite) is an earthy grounding tool. As an amulet tiger eye offers both luck and protection.

The energies of this stone can be used to awaken Kundalini. While to do so is ideal for spiritual conditioning, Kundalini stimulation if misused, can cause crisis. Kundalini is a highly charged energy, and is dormant in us for a reason. It might be better to call for the help of Michael, Uriel, or another being of light. They will assist us to align our will with God’s and we will be better fit to aid humanity with our very own light.

Tiger eye is said to attract wealth, I have often seen people that did not know this wearing tiger eye and they have been very fortunate in the wealth areas of their lives. If you are wanting to hold on to your money placing a piece in your wallet or purse is a great idea! Tigers eye is traditionally thought to give its holder protection during travels. It is believed to enhance practicality, integrity, willpower and the correct use of power. It brings luck in the form of prosperity, or money. The liquid movement of light across this power stone makes it a great tool for vision or divination work. Roman soldiers would wear engraved stones during battle, it is helpful against dark magic.

A stone of protection, Tiger Eye may also bring good luck to the wearer.  It has the power to focus the mind, promoting mental clarity, assisting us to resolve problems objectively and unclouded by emotions.  Particularly useful for healing psychosomatic illnesses, dispelling fear and anxiety.  Useful for recognizing one’s own needs in relation to the needs of others.  Balancing yin-yang and energizing the emotional body, Tiger Eye stabilizes mood swings, imbues us with willpower, purpose, courage and self-confidence, and releases tension.

As its name suggests, sunstone is said to be a stone of good luck and positivity. It is known for its ability to increase energy levels and promote feelings of happiness. Additionally, this wonderful crystal is perfect for spiritual energy and a positive attitude. The energy field created by this perfect crystal is great for long time good energy and positive emotions.

Enables and enhances it’s wearer with self healing powers. It stimulates the vegetative, autonomic nervous system and enhances the harmonious functioning of all the body’s organs. It is quite helpful in cases of exhaustion due to lack of sleep. Sunstone is linked to luck and good fortune. It clears and energizes all the chakras. Sunstone instills good nature, heightens intuition and allows the real self to shine through happily. It dissipates fearfulness, alleviates stress and increases vitality.

Sunstone carries light and positive energy from the sun that encourages independence and originality. Sunstones bring warmth, comfort and compassion. Sunstone can help restore a “zest for life” and enthusiasm for everyday activities. Sunstones can help alleviate worry, fear, doubt, and depression. Encourages independence and originality. Especially helpful to those who have difficulty saying “No” to others. Sunstone facilitates self-empowerment and independence. It acts as an antidepressant. Increases self-worth and confidence. Encourages optimism and enthusiasm. Stimulates self-healing powers. Sunstone is said to help digestion and benefit a variety of areas of the body, including the feet, spine, liver and even throat. In the past times, sitting in a circle made of many sunstone specimens was perceived to ease symptoms of rheumatism.

Sunstone is warming, energetic, and radiant – just like the sun. It is said to help boost confidence, increase vitality, and support independence and agency. Sunstone is also said to be a stone of luck, good fortune, and abundance. Sunstone is also said to be helpful in bringing back the joy in life. Sunstone is linked to luck and good fortune. It clears and energizes all the chakras. Sunstone instills good nature, heightens intuition and allows the real self to shine through happily. It dissipates fearfulness, alleviates stress and increases vitality. Encourages independence and originality. Especially helpful to those who have difficulty saying “No” to others. Sunstone facilitates self-empowerment and independence. It acts as an antidepressant. Increases self-worth and confidence.

The Lapis Lazuli is a blue stone that is known for its ability to increase mental clarity, creativity, and intuition. It is also said to promote feelings of happiness and well-being.

It promotes creativity and awareness and is a wonderful companion to anyone whose employment involves strenuous amounts of communication, such as educators. It has also been useful in overcoming depression, insomnia, and problems associated with the eyes and ears. It promotes a balancing of yin and yang energies and can be used as a physically or psychically protective stone. Use it to soothe throats and all inflammation of the neck and head. It makes quite a powerful elixir to align the etheric, emotional and spiritual bodies. Lapis can be used in meditations, or worn to promote honesty and an ease of communication.

Lapis is helpful in the attunement of creative forces, providing the wearer of the realization of consciousness towards the awakening of the perfection of self. It also promotes the insight of having and sticking to a structured plan providing reasoning and reinforcing the acceptance of subsequent knowledge. A stone of protection that may be worn to guard against psychic attacks, Lapis Lazuli quickly releases stress, bringing deep peace. It brings harmony and deep inner self-knowledge. Encourages self-awareness, allows self-expression and reveals inner truth, providing qualities of honesty, compassion and morality to the personality. Stimulates objectivity, clarity and encourages creativity. Lapis Lazuli assists to confront and speak one’s truth and inspires confidence. It bonds relationships, aiding in expression of feelings and emotions.

Like the other common crystals, lapis lazuli spiritual properties can open your psychic abilities and empower your senses. It is a powerful stone that helps find your inner peace, intuition, and wisdom. It can enhance your inner self to uncover the truth and reveal your true self. It has the energy to connect to your desire with the divine will merging the Lapis Lazuli crystal meaning into your daily living that empowers you to live your life with confidence and authenticity. Lapis Lazuli is known for providing serenity and tranquility that makes the wearer dependent on herself/himself concentrated with truth and trust. It will speak out to you and can change your move with your job, career moving, and goals which made you unsure of your past decisions. This stone has a way of making you fearless with your choice or decisions throughout your journey that increases your spirit to become more motivated every day.

The Aventurine is a green crystal that is known as the “stone of opportunity”. It is said to help bring luck and prosperity into one’s life, as well as promoting positive energy and vibes. Additionally, green aventurine is a great stone that encourages good things and positive feelings to flood your way.

Aventurine is a stone of good luck… most often used in games of chance and gambling. Aventurine is a prosperity stone and makes a good amulet or talisman. Keep aventurine with you when you gamble, go on a job interview or seek financing. Aventurine makes a good divination tool for spiritual guidance on anything related to money or gambling. It is believed to not just energize and clear the heart chakra, but also to protect one from those who psychically attach to the heart. Green Aventurine has a particularly soothing energy behind it and is recommended for working through unresolved emotional issues. You can also use Green Aventurine for gridding a home or workspace. Green Aventurine is commonly known as a “stone of personal growth”, and offers opportunities for learning about oneself and one’s place in the universe.

Green Aventurine also soothes emotional wounds, allowing one to recognize the issues behind illness or imbalance, depression or defeat, and to facilitate the release of unhealthy relationships, patterns and heartache. It encourages one to view hardships in life as impermanent, as an opportunity for growth in a new direction, and for taking all things in stride. It inspires a feeling of lightness, even humor, which can then stimulate a renewed sense of optimism, joy and hope. It is a reaffirming stone, especially during times of change or upheaval and can be the emotional anchor one needs to remain stable and firmly grounded.

Aventurine is a variety of Quartz characterized by bright inclusions of Mica or other minerals that give a shimmering or glistening effect to the stone, referred to as aventurescence, especially notable when tumbled or polished. Its name is derived from the Italian a ventura or all’avventura, meaning “by chance,” and refers to the Italian glass from the 1700s, produced when a worker accidentally dropped metal filings into a vat of melting glass. Once cooled, the result was pleasing with its randomly spaced iridescent sparkles, and it was used to make jewelry and other items. The name Aventurine was later given to the natural stone which looked like the industrial product.

24) Pyrite

Also known as “fool’s gold”, pyrite is said to be a stone of good luck and fortune. It’s also known for its ability to boost energy levels, help with motivation, and increase feelings of happiness and well-being. By sending negative thoughts far away, pyrite is powerful in many different ways.

Pyrite is a powerful protection stone which shields and protects against all forms of negative vibrations and/or energy, working on the physical, etheric, and emotional levels. It stimulates the intellect and enhances memory, helping to recall relevant information when needed. Pyrite assists one in seeing behind facades, promoting an understanding of that which lies beneath words and actions. The ancient Incas used Pyrite for meditation and divination.

Pyrite inspires the universal energies to activate the nourishing energies of the body. It encourages the ideal of health, intellect, and emotional well-being. It allows one to recognise the purity of the universe. It can be used in the treatment of bones and in the healing of cell formation. It treats lung disorders and bronchitis and has been used to reduce swelling and fevers. Pyrite aids in the treatment of infective disease, whilst also providing protection from the disease for the caregivers.

At its heart, Pyrite is all about protection. It’s a stone that wants to shield and protect its wearer in every way possible. Whether keeping you safe from emotional vamps or protecting you from psychic attacks, cutting through negative vibrations, clearing EMF smog or simply stopping those toxic thought patterns from running through your head, Pyrite is ever eager to keep you pure. When we are able to free ourselves of those toxic ties, we find that life loses its facades and we are able to see straight through to the truth and live in sweet authenticity. If you want to know more about the healing powers and protective properties of Pyrite keep reading.

This yellow stone is known as the “success stone” and is said to promote good fortune, abundance, and prosperity. Citrine is also known for its ability to boost one’s mood and overall energy levels. Additionally, citrine crystal is the master healer of negative emotions.

Citrine is a yellow quartz that has been associated for centuries as possessing the healing properties of the sun, but it can also be greenish-yellow, brownish-yellow, or orange. The mineral is often found in association with amethyst, but it is much rarer than its purple cousin. Indeed, citrine is made by heat-treating amethyst. Like all quartz, citrine is made of silicon and oxygen atoms arranged in a tetrahedral pattern, essentially a triangular pyramid. Citrine is found in a large number of locations, including France, Britain, Russia, Madagascar, Burma, Spain, U.S., and Brazil. But the crystal—and its purported healing powers—dates back centuries, to the time of the ancient Greeks. Citrine, just like the range of yellow-orange hues it exhibits, emits all the different emotions and energy associated with both colors. The different hues that Citrine showcases are all reminiscent of the sun throughout different times of the year. Its deep orange, almost reddish variety is reminiscent of the sun during sunrise and its warmer, yellow-orange variety looks like the sun as it begins to set during midsummer. Pale yellow Citrine reminds one of the rays of the sun during late spring or early summer, and the pale brown variety is akin to the color of the sun during a fall afternoon as its rays hit the reddish-brown leaves of trees during autumn.

The energy of this mineral is especially applicable to the areas of the solar plexus and the chakras located at the hands and feet. It can be used to gently dissolve negative energies and emotional blockages. It softens negative energy and allows the positive frequencies to enter the realm of affection. It works to dissolve the resultant formations, effects, disorders and disease which a problem has created. Citrine is one of the minerals on the planet which does not hold and accumulate negative energy, but dissipates and transmutes it, working-out problems on both the physical and subtle levels. It, hence never needs clearing or cleansing. The word “citrine” comes from the Greek word meaning citron, as many of the earliest crystals found had a color similar to the citrus fruit of that name. As noted, citrine is formed by heat-treating amethyst, specifically purple amethyst. Heat treating, in relation to minerals, gems, and crystals, refers to the process of enhancing a gemstone to give it a more desirable color or remove its flaws by subjecting it to very high temperatures. Citrine is one of of several Zodiac birthstones associated with Leo, as the sign has a strong affinity with the sun, its planetary ruler. Although, it is also associated with the sign Cancer, as it is a summer stone and as such, it has a strong connection with those born in the summer months. It is also one of the two traditional birthstones of November, the other one being Yellow Topaz.