Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Creating A Solar Eclipse Bowl

Creating A Solar Eclipse Bowl, use this bowl for connecting with earth energies. Set it up in your main living area or on your altar or sacred space

Items Needed:

Optional Items to Increase Power:

Cinnamon Stick (Sets Intentions, Removes Negativity And Protection)

Candle – Yellow Or Gold (Invites Solar Energy)

Solar Eclipse Oil (Earth Energy)

  • Base Oil: Grapeseed Oil ruled by the Moon and the Element of Water. Grapeseed Oil makes a great carrier oil for blends that deal with fertility money and strengthening mental abilities.
  • Frankincense Oil for spiritual connection & support and creating sacred space. Earth energy, calming and grounding.
  • Rose Petals to support truth, love, beauty and abundance. 
  • Sweet Orange Essential Oil to support limitless possibility and connect to inner child  
  • Jasmine Essential Oil for aligning with spiritual love and invoking prophetic dreams.
  • Rose Buds for awakening the heart and connecting to the power of love. 
  • Chamomile Buds for aligning with gratitude and abundance
  • Patchouli Essential Oil to increase focus and motivation.
  • Vetiver Essential Oil is Mother Earth in a bottle, earth energy which is more of the rich nurturing soil, the plants that are grown from that soil, or the transformation of plant material back into the earth (think of a tree decaying, or the wet leaves of fall returning to the earth) Transformative and grounding. Relieves anger, anxiety, exhaustion, irritability, and stress.
  • Dandelion Petals  represents return of life, the rebirth of growth and green after a harsh winter, and a display of abundant strength and power.
  • Peppermint Essential Oil  to relieve emotional restlessness and assist in a calm demeanor during times of stress.

Creating A Solar Eclipse Bowl


  1. If you are using a Candle, dress your candle with solar eclipse oil and light it before beginning.
  2. Set up your Selenite Bowl in your home. This could be on a coffee table or your altar or in your sacred space.
  3. If you’re using Cinnamon add 2-3 pinches now if using ground herbs or add a cinnamon stick.
  4. Place your crystals next in any order you’d like. If you’re using the Solar Eclipse Oil, add 3 drops now.
  5. State your intentions or affirmations, some examples are: Choose what you are wanting to work on through manifestation - (Lunar Energy, Solar Energy, Fire Energy, Health, Grounding, Abundance)
  6. Let the candle burn for at least one hour if using. You can continue to let it burn next to the bowl for one hour a week to increase its power over a 7-week period.
  7. Every so often repeat your intentions or full moon manifestation over your bowl to keep it active

Sunstone is warming, energetic, and radiant – just like the sun. It is said to help boost confidence, increase vitality, and support independence and agency. Sunstone is also said to be a stone of luck, good fortune, and abundance. Sunstone is also said to be helpful in bringing back the joy in life.

Sunstone is linked to luck and good fortune. It clears and energizes all the chakras. Sunstone instills good nature, heightens intuition and allows the real self to shine through happily. It dissipates fearfulness, alleviates stress and increases vitality. Encourages independence and originality. Especially helpful to those who have difficulty saying “No” to others. Sunstone facilitates self-empowerment and independence. It acts as an antidepressant. Increases self-worth and confidence.

Encourages optimism and enthusiasm. Stimulates self-healing powers. The Sunstone crystal stone meaning helps you to clear away limitations and negative energies by replacing them with light and high vibrations. Embodying the power of the sun, the Sunstone crystal meaning blasts away all unwanted energy using the power of positivity. By combining its connection to the heart with its connection to the sun, Sunstone reveals its unique ability to support a range of intentions. From deep emotional healing to boosting happiness and joy, the versatility of the Sunstone crystal makes it an essential component of any crystal lover’s collection.

The Moonstone crystal stone meaning is linked with the energy of the moon. This stone channels the brilliant white illumination of moonbeams shining light on your pathway to balance and harmony. Because it embodies the energy of light, connecting with a Moonstone crystal also works to raise your vibration and uplift your spirit. Together, these forces guide you out of the darkness and into the light.

Moonstone helps all be more comfortable with our gentler feminine/yin receiving side. Especially for water signs. Helps one be more conscious of the fact that all things are part of a cycle of constant change. It is a recommended gemstone for farmers and gardeners, artists, dancers and young men. Placed under the pillow it will allow for a more peaceful sleep, and is often used as a cure for insomnia, and used along with the amethyst. It Honors the Goddess in all women. It aids in gardening, psychic awareness and meditation. It soothes stress, anxiety, women’s hormones it enhances intuitive sensitivity via feelings and less overwhelmed by personal feelings. Greater flexibility and flow with life.

Fire Agate, known as the spiritual flame of absolute perfection, carries a great mystery locked inside its deep brown crystal. You need only touch the stone and fiery embers ignite. Peer into its depths and flames leap within its chambers. Study it closely and it will almost show you its secrets.

Fire Agate is a variety of Chalcedony, a mineral of the Quartz family. It has a translucent deep reddish-brown base, with flashes of orange, red, green and gold that appears as living flames within the gem. Its iridescent colors are caused by light interference on thin layers of iron oxide or limonite crystals within the Chalcedony.

Fire Agate helps manifest Divine guidance through action, and assists one in taking decisive action in unclear circumstances. It increases passion, emotions, and reconnection to one’s deepest desires, and provides the courage to take risks to fulfill those promptings. It is ideal to banish the stupor of a humdrum routine, and when one is wearing Fire Agate, it can also stir the emotions of others, sometimes facilitating attraction between mates. Fire Agate is beneficial in the treatment of poor circulation, lethargy or lack of energy, or depression. Fire Agate enhances mental function by improving concentration, perception, and analytical abilities.

Septarian Nodule is a powerful grounding stone that awakens one’s connection to Mother Earth and the nurturing energy she provides. Ones root chakra will become activated when working with this stone, as well as vital life force energy being channeled throughout your body. This energy being transferred through you is that of ancient origin, being a combination of 3 powerful minerals that will help in the realignment of one’s chakra column. One may experience an “inner awakening” when connecting with this stone, driving drastic change and new habits to replace ones old daily habits. Septarian is a perfect tool for anyone going through some sort of drastic change in their life and can help one repair their emotional body. Carrying this stone daily will provide a protective shield around ones aura full of power earthen energy that will help one slowly heal from the inside out. It may be a long drawn out process, but one can fully repair their emotional body and push through any lingering trauma.

The ultimate stone for living out the spirit of carpe diem, the Unakite Crystal lives up to its reputation, especially with the nickname “living in the now.” The magic of Unakite lies in its ability to inspire a sense of urgency as you realize how quickly time slips through your fingers. Meditate with the Unakite crystal meaning and tell it all your dreams, no matter how daring or wild. Tell it things you can’t tell anyone else because it’s listening and ready to take on your problems.

If you are feeling like you have no options, like you are trapped and don’t know what to do, or like you are being forced to sacrifice one important part of your life for the sake of another, then unakite might be the stone to help you through this difficult time. This unakite meaning is extremely valuable to everyone who comes across it – that talent for measuring the short term and long term gains of a given situation is always difficult, even to the most pragmatic among us. The intrinsic qualities of balance and harmony within unakite helps massively in finding this balance – and reminds us that, whatever age we might be, there is always the chance of a fresh start and a broad road awaiting us. It also helps you to have the mindset to stick with those things you find almost unbearable after a time, with the promise that a new dawn is just around the corner.

The energy of this mineral is especially applicable to the areas of the solar plexus and the chakras located at the hands and feet. It can be used to gently dissolve negative energies and emotional blockages. It softens negative energy and allows the positive frequencies to enter the realm of affection. It works to dissolve the resultant formations, effects, disorders and disease which a problem has created. Citrine is one of the minerals on the planet which does not hold and accumulate negative energy, but dissipates and transmutes it, working-out problems on both the physical and subtle levels. It, hence never needs clearing or cleansing. The word “citrine” comes from the Greek word meaning citron, as many of the earliest crystals found had a color similar to the citrus fruit of that name. As noted, citrine is formed by heat-treating amethyst, specifically purple amethyst. Heat treating, in relation to minerals, gems, and crystals, refers to the process of enhancing a gemstone to give it a more desirable color or remove its flaws by subjecting it to very high temperatures. Citrine is one of of several Zodiac birthstones associated with Leo, as the sign has a strong affinity with the sun, its planetary ruler. Although, it is also associated with the sign Cancer, as it is a summer stone and as such, it has a strong connection with those born in the summer months. It is also one of the two traditional birthstones of November, the other one being Yellow Topaz.

One of the most powerful conductors of energy, black tourmaline in quartz properties are excellent for absorbing and transmuting any negative energy in your body or environment. Black tourmaline in quartz is also a wonderful addition to your home healing sanctuary because it neutralizes toxicity in the environment, such as high levels of radiation and electromagnetic energy. Keep your space free of harmful electromagnetic waves by placing the crystal near a computer or TV, an excellent way to benefit from its neutralizing and grounding effects. The second most important feature of this stone is the grounding effect. It is a very good stone for what we call mindfulness and stillness. If we know how to meditate well with the stone, though there is no right or wrong ways for meditating. I am just saying if we attain this high level of meditating with this stone and connect well with it, this stone will ground us and makes us still feeling safe and protected. Try to connect this stone and feel its unblocking energies for your Root Chakra. It is a very good for working on our root chakra. If you feel that you need to meditate and unlock or activate some aspects of you root chakra, Tourmaline stone is an amazing stone for it. It has the clearing energy that amplifies the deep root connecting energy to our mother earth and to to our own potential. Quartz amplify the purification and protective properties of black tourmaline as well as acting as its own clearer and purifier of energy.

It is an amazing stone for clearing out all the negative energies that you feel inside of you or in a specific place. This stone has the power for to clear and repulse negativities due to the tourmaline in it but which is more interesting that this chasing the negativity energy is already amplified by the quartz contained in it. So it is like doubling or even quadrupling the effect of the black tourmaline. In addition to this amplifying effect, the clear quartz comes here and play another role in the energies; it is the role of clearing out the negativities around you or within you. So it is not only about keeping away the unwanted energy but it is also about clearing out the unwanted energy and make it vanish though the grounding process or the other processes.

Meditating with a Golden Healer Quartz l can open the energetic pathways of the body for multi-level healing. Imagine warm golden light entering your body through your crown chakra and filling every cell with its sparkly healing energy.

Some believe that Golden Healer Quartz access Christ Consciousness, activating the crown chakra and the solar plexus chakra, joining our will with Divine will. Like a ray of sunshine, the glow of the solar plexus chakra lights your path and warms your body with the glow of self-confidence.

Golden Healer Quartz, vibrates with the grounding energy of Hematite and the exquisite high vibration of Clear Quartz. Downloading through the crown chakra, energy moves through your system, anchors you to the earth, and quickly awakens the solar plexus chakra. It alleviates disordered feelings and is fabulous for manifestation, as it allows you to consciously act on your dreams. It helps you see the path ahead and gives you the motivation to jump onto that path with confidence and security. It relieves discord, instills confidence and amplifies intention.

Simultaneously described as gentle and powerful, Golden Healer Quartz is highly valued in the realm of physical healing, it is used to cleanse and enhance the well-being of the organs, stimulate the immune system, bring the body back into balance, balance yin/yang energies, and may be used for energy enhancement.

Golden Healer Quartz is an exceptional stone for grounding energies. Its most prominent property is its ability to protect against spiritual attacks by shielding your aura with Hematite, but it can also be used to ground excess energies that may cause you to feel off-balance or anxious. And because it’s a variety of Quartz, this beautiful stone can also amplify the flow of life force energy in its vicinity.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Flower Agate

Flower Agate is a new crystal that was first mined in 2018 in Madagascar, a region that produces some of the most beautiful crystals in the world. Today, Madagascar is still the only place on earth where Flower Agate can be found. 

Flower Agate is predominantly light pink in color. Subtle hues of cream of dark brown imbue the interior, resulting in a fascinating array of colors. That said, the most standout feature of Flower Agate is the plumes of saturated white. Flower Agate is a magical crystal, with eye-catching colors. This fascinating gemstone is predominantly light pink with white Chalcedony plumes. These 3-dimensional plumes cross sections to create flower-like patterns, which is where the crystal gets its name.

These plumes are not merely flat growths within the agate. Rather, they are three-dimensional bursts of color! In large chunks, the plumes resemble a burst of light and crystals. Cross-sections reveal a flower-like structure, which is where the awe-inspiring crystal gets its name!

Flower Agate is a rare stone that continues to catch the eyes of crystal-lovers. But its beauty goes much further than just aesthetics. 

If you look at the patterns on this stone, you’ll notice that some plumes look like seeds and others like blossomed flowers. They represent the journey to reaching your goals. They remind you that you start out as a seed and blossom as you grow. This means Flower Agate is essentially a stone of manifestation and self-growth. 

Flower Agate has the metaphysical properties of New Beginnings, Growth, and Transformation. It will help you tend to the parts of your nature that hold you back from growth.

This stone has the energy that flows from seed to blossom. It reminds us that we possess the ability to overcome our challenges and manifest our most passionate dreams!

It can ground you and restore emotional balance, similar to how the soil can support a seed and allow it to grow and bloom into a beautiful flower.

One of the greatest properties of Flower Agate is that it helps you explore your spiritual core. It teaches you to learn more about yourself and notice things that will help you achieve fulfillment. More than that, it’ll open your eyes to deeper meanings in your life, helping you see that you are in control of your destiny. 

Flower Agate is a protective crystal that can reignite your passion for living by promoting joy and happiness. Once you start viewing things in your life in a positive manner, you will refocus your mind to a happy, healthy place. 

The pink and white gem is also strongly connected to the Sacred Feminine, which is the positive expression of the feminine side of us that exists in both men and women. It’s an inspiring, empowering, and healing energy that is deeply connected to Mother Earth. 

With the help of Flower Agate, you’ll learn to honor, love, and respect your body and witness the return of your Sacred Feminine Goddess. 

This translates to self growth!

  • Protects us from fears and self-doubt
  • Inspires us to manifest and pursue our dreams
  • Promotes courage, spontaneity, and joy
  • Reduces stress and worry
  • Carries a divine feminine energy
  • Bridges the space between emotion and reality

Benefits of Flower Agate

Flower Agate promotes a sense of possibility and protects against negative emotions such as anxiety, fear, or self doubt. This allows you focus on positive feelings including love, affection, openness, passion, and encouragement.

Flower Agate helps one bridge the gap between emotions and reality by activating and connecting our heart and root chakras together. This unique effect can best be felt through deep meditation, with one solely focusing on their emotional body and it’s current needs. By doing this exercise, one will begin to gain freedom from the deep pain that has attached itself to our hearts and will assist us in looking towards the path of self-embetterment. 

Flower Agate is well known for its wealth of healing properties. As a stone of manifestation, this pink-hued beauty is a great ally to those attracted to the idea of promoting courage, spontaneity, and joy. More than that, Flower Agate can also encourage you to reach your full potential. Below, you’ll find a few more ways Flower Agate can help you soothe your body, mind, and soul.

Flower Agate’s energies resonate with one's core and can help better expose this damaging and sometimes traumatic pain that we still carry. Some of us go about our daily lives not realizing the extra weight that we carry as well as the toll that it takes on our physical and mental health. By releasing the constraints one has unknowingly placed upon themselves, they are able to reignite the ever-lasting love that we all have the ability to release. This pure, undeniably affectionate energy is a direct result of working with Flower Agate.

  • Reach your fullest potential
  • Achieve your dreams
  • Be happier each day
  • Be the you that you always wanted to be
  • Worry less, enjoy more
  • Activate your root and heart chakra

Physical healing properties

Because Flower Agate was found only a few years ago, healers are still learning about the properties of this stone. In fact, many of this crystal’s powers have yet to be discovered, including its physical healing properties. 

Flower Agate focuses more on your emotional and spiritual needs. However, the stone’s impact on your feelings and emotions can also positively affect your body. 

By restoring emotional imbalance, Flower Agate can help you fight the physical symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression. It helps you control your emotions and can be used as a new coping strategy.  Flower Agate brings a deep sense of calm, helping you release muscle tension.  

If you suffer from insomnia or have trouble sleeping, you can use the beautiful energy of Flower Agate to help. With its soothing colors, this crystal will stabilize your mood so that you can sleep better. Thanks to its shimmering high frequencies, Flower Agate is also very effective for reducing the effect of headaches and migraines. Finally, you can use Flower Agate to lower blood pressure, which is another common symptom of stress. 

Emotional healing properties

Flower Agate is a powerful stone that helps you release stress and anxiety while bringing calm and harmony. Strongly connected to the Heart chakra, Flower Agate is often used to promote spontaneity and joy. You can wear it daily to bring positivity into your life. 

By stimulating your sense of purpose, the beautiful light pink crystal will also help you accomplish your goals. Flower Agate promotes motivation, ambition, and courage. This means you will be in the right mindset to be on a path to success. 

Flower Agate also encourages you to live your life to the fullest and enjoy each day. It’ll teach you to get out of your comfort zone and take more risks. This will give you the opportunity to acquire new skills, deal with challenges and finally find your purpose. 

Carrying or wearing Flower Agate can help you remove any negative feelings and help you find light. Flower Agate is a stone that inspires you to grow both emotionally and spiritually. It helps you heal from past traumas, that are stopping you from reaching your goals today. 

If you feel like your life lacks purpose, Flower Agate will help you bloom. Also, this amazing crystal will always encourage you to go for it. Another great benefit of this stone is that it increases synchronicity in your daily life, giving you sure signs that you’re on the right path.

The energy that flows from the stone wipes away the darkness, allowing you to live in the light once again. Flower Agate corrects and balances energy. Many say that it removes the feeling of stagnation and puts an end to procrastination once and for all.

It’s common for us to experience the throws of darkness at some point in our lives. Whether negative energy takes hold through past failures or heartbreak, darkness has an uncanny ability to reside over your heart and mind for years. It’s that darkness that prevents you from moving forward and making the change that you so desperately seek.

Flower Agate tackles that dark energy, providing a heightened sense of synchronicity. This allows you to identify those past traumas and learn from them. It won’t make them disappear, but the crystal imbues you with enough light and clarity to ensure that their effects don’t take a toll on your mental being any longer.

Rather than feeling the weight of the past on your shoulders, you can feel energized and find the strength to move forth with a greater sense of passion than ever before.

Flower Agate is the epitome of emotional growth. It’s a beautiful benefit that can take your life to another level. The stone is said to assist when you need it most, revealing the strength you’ve always had inside you. You can re-emerge from the darkness and flourish to become who you were truly destined to be!

Who Should Use Flower Agate?

Flower Agate represents the kind of passion and perennial strength that is sometimes needed to begin again. It evokes a nurturing and nourishing energy, making it especially helpful for anyone who needs help:

  • Flourishing in their business
  • Improving their sense of self worth
  • Embarking on a new endeavor, especially one that they are worried about
  • Moving through a period of transcendence, transformation, or renewal

Flower Agate and the Chakras

Flower Agate’s pink energy stimulates the Heart chakra, which will encourage love, beauty, and compassion in your life. The Heart chakra is the center of our emotions and governs our sense of trust and our relationships with others. 

Also close to the Root chakra, Flower Agate can help you stay grounded, safe, and strong. When the Root chakra is out of balance, we ourselves powerless, disconnected from the world, and lost. You can use Flower Agate to promote positive thinking and increase your sense of self-worth. 

How To Care For And Cleanse Flower Agate


Astrological Sign: Taurus, Scorpio, Gemini

Chakra: Crown: Heart, Root

Element: Earth

Planet: Neptune

Crystals By Rob

Saturday, July 31, 2021

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Red Quartz

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Red Quartz, When combined (included) in quartz, it will form in several ways. One way involves hematite in its gray form, either attached to the quartz, or covered entirely by the quartz. When in this form, the hematite quartz piece appears heavier in hand. You might call this form “The General” as it is definitely one to take action. This type is often preferred over the second type we will discuss. Hematite, in many quartz pieces, shows up as a red powder in the included quartz. In this way, your quartz piece will have an all over red appearance, or it may be flecked with the red powder. This type of hematite included quartz is much more gentle when you are using it. Here it acts as the supportive friend, with the question “How may I help you to balance your need.”

Red Quartz offers an energy that at first, may feel rugged, extreme and “in your face”. A raw form of Earth’s essence, this coated Quartz embodies pure life, fortitude and protection. Life force energy is the essential ingredient in one finding their way in this ever confusing world. It is the gas to one’s fire and works towards shaping the existence of who we truly are. When one’s flame begins to smolder and die out, the inner spirit you house does so as well. This only leads to negative vibrations, which we all know are easier to attract than positive light and love.

This crystal is not a standard crystal for protection like many other stones you see. It doesn’t just provide a wave of good luck and call it a day. Instead, Red Quartz actively imbues you with feelings of confidence and fortitude. For this reason, the meaning and properties of Red Quartz can be overwhelming at first. The energy it produces is potent and requires an adjustment period for some practitioners. But once you adjust to the vibrational energy, Red Quartz is a powerful companion to have by your side.

Just as our spirit and overall energy begins to strengthen as we grow with Red Quartz, so does the etheric shield this mineral provides. One can freely walk into environments full of negative vibrations without the fear of absorbing them. Evil deities that wish us harm and serve us no good do not stand a chance. So much so, we suggest this talisman for any deep meditation sessions with the goal of “slipping” out of your body. As one projects their very existence into the abyss, they must be protecting the vessel that houses them. Your physical being can be compromised in these states, and can pick up multi-dimensional activity. One must always be caring for and providing the essentials needed for both your consciousness, as well as your human existence. Pure Red Quartz, a true definition of Mother Nature’s power, provides the needed tools for this spiritual journey, and much more beyond that!

There will be times when you will need either one of these quartz pieces. The General, who takes action immediately, or The Supporter who tends to negotiate the situation to a very successful conclusion. The quartz in this, as well as in any other included mineral, acts as an enhancer of the overall energy presented by the piece. I would suggest that when you are checking out any stone that you also connect with the Elemental of the stones or quartz pieces. As I am sitting here with the types of hematite in quartz, I am feeling happy, balanced, and confident.

We know that quartz conducts heat or electric impulse. That it is programmable, that is we can put an intent into it. Quartz also acts to enhance the energies of other stones or that which is included in it .When we find Hematite Included Quartz we naturally assume that it will increase the energy intent of the Hematite. Knowing that both the Quartz and Hematite are both protective we can be assured that energy is a higher vibration and will assist in repelling the negative or discordant energies that come at us. Because of Hematite’s nature, we can become even more grounded and focused because of this combination.

This red crystal is used to facilitate deep understanding between the lover that opens each heart to the other, strengthening the connection between them, dissipating any misunderstanding or block of communication errors. These dark red quartz crystals have a ray of scarlet influence that combines the energy of the pure red ray and the exuberance and joy of orange in a precious gift of nature. Scarlet is the color of strength and vitality, both physical and spiritual.

Have you ever had one of those low points when you find yourself at the bottom with what looks like no way out? This stone will lift you up and out of that state, supporting in a positive way. This piece can be found with the Hematite stone itself embedded or included within. It can also be found as Quartz with a red tint or the powdered inclusion. If you’re lucky enough to get your hands on Red Quartz, you have a lot to gain. Not only is this stone a sight to behold, but it also has a powerful meaning and healing properties that few other crystals can replicate.

Known as the stone of eternity, Agate, brings comfort to the idea of growing old with ever growing inner beauty, wisdom, and gratitude for all that is and will be. It helps to release old emotions, and brings a positive outlook on life. It brings a calming, and tranquil vibrations to the heart. Agate promotes strength, willpower, and creativity. This is the stone worn by the garlands, holy men, and sages of India; worn for their divinity. 

Red Quartz is the ultimate strength-bringer. That makes it a great crystal for manifesting and reaching the resolution you’re after. Whether your end goals are akin to a mountain or a molehill, the properties of this crystal will help you get there. It keeps you motivated, enhances your brain, and gives you the zeal you need to accomplish anything. Red Quartz can also influence how you think by shifting your perspective from an “I can’t” mindset to an “I will” attitude.


Astrological Sign: Gemini

Chakra: Root, Sacral

Element: Fire

Planet: Mercury

Red Quartz For Sale: https://crystalsbyrob.online/?s=red+quartz+from+morocco&product_cat=0&post_type=product

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Charoite

 Charoite is a stone of transformation. It cleanses the aura and chakras by transmuting negative energy into healing. It opens our hearts and stimulates unconditional love.  Re-energises, reducing stress and worry. Charoite stimulates and regulates the blood pressure and pulse rate. Improves sleep, overcomes insomnia and allays nightmares. Charoite treats the eyes, heart, liver and pancreas as well as healing general conditions of the nervous system. Charoite is a mineral that helps to maintain the skeletal frame. It’s also a valuable method for identifying the source of disease to help you administer the proper care you need to take. It aids in attracting the right nutrients, physicians, and other healthcare professionals to cure all diseases.

Charoite is recommended for alcohol and food detoxification.It will regulate your blood pressure, and regenerate cells. It will help insomnia, and restless leg syndrome. If you place this stone under your bed or pillow, you can receive relief from all sleep disorders, particularly if used with Amethyst. Charoite gives you much needed energy when you are exhausted and will regulate your blood pressure. Charoite treats the eyes, heart, liver and pancreas. It will reverse liver damage due to alcohol consumption, and eases cramps, aches and pains. Charoite is helpful where there is dysfunction of the nervous system it also can help with autism and bipolar disorders.

This stone embodies a unique synthesis between the Crown and Heart Chakras, bringing high spiritual energy into union with unconditional love from the physical plane, and grounding it here on Earth where it is needed most. It is a Stone for This Age, assisting in the here and now…conveying the message that one is exactly where one should be during this moment. It is a talisman of acceptance and letting go; a “bestower of good,” encouraging service to humanity, and for attaining approval of the Self. 

Charoite is a stone of connection for all who work away from home, and for those who live alone with little contact with others. It provides emotional healing for those who suffer acute loneliness and alienation from life, and eases fears of ill-health, pain and dying. Charoite awakens analytical abilities and the capacity for keen observation. It assists in decision-making and facilitates faster responses. It imparts vigor and determination in overcoming obstacles and tackling huge piles of work

Charoite helps to strengthen the body and energy field by grounding high-frequency energy into the physical systems. Charoite supports your skeletal structure. It is also a very powerful tool to use when trying to determine the source of disease so proper treatment can result. It helps to attract the right nutrition, doctors and other healthcare practitioners to heal all types of disease. Charoite relieves difficulties with blood pressure, eye and liver problems and migraines or headaches with severe visual disturbance. It will prevent insomnia and sleep disturbances including sleep walking or talking. It alleviates fears of illness, pain, the unknown and mortality.

Charoite increases your spiritual understanding and inner vision. It assists you in coping with life’s unexpected twists and turns. Charoite purifies the atmosphere and encourages your thoughts and emotions of selflessness for oneself and others. This stone lifts the Earth’s power to your crown chakra and takes enlightenment to the physical plane. It allows you to be mindful of aspects outside your physical body. Charoite will restore the mind by waking you to the idea of karma and the fact that there is a more excellent plan in action. Charoite will assist you in taking control of your life journey. Your heart chakra will start to open by the charoite’s encouraging kundalini power to flow into the throat, third eye, and crown chakras. Charoite will stimulate the flow of your spiritual energy further into the third eye by opening the core.

Charoite is a crystal of inner wisdom that will help you channel vibrations and cleanse the insentient self. Charoites play a role in the tolerance of high-frequency sensations and the prevention of spiritual exhaustion, making it familiar between healing practices and clairvoyants. Charoite attracts the earth’s different energies, encouraging it to harness into this world through the beholder. It helps the body’s natural energy balance by eliminating buildup and avoiding over-activity in general. Although charoite is a stone that helps you reach better energies, it is also an energetically defensive stone that helps you safeguard yourself from harmful or destructive powers. Charoite stimulates the third eye and unlocks the consciousness to dormant awareness, nurturing insight and predictive skill.


Astrological Signs: Scorpio, Sagittarius

Chakra: Heart, Crown, Third Eye

Element: Water

Planet: Mars, Pluto

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Zebra Jasper

Zebra Jasper is typically white with black stripes like a zebra, but it also comes in color variations like green, red and brown with white. Zebra Jasper holds the energy of balance, uniting the energies of the masculine and feminine, Yin and Yang. It also balances the chakras, and the physical, intellectual, emotional and etheric bodies.

Like other jaspers, zebra jasper is found all over the world and has been used since antiquity. But, unlike much jasper which is spotted, this variety of jasper marble is striped. Jasper, an opaque chalcedony, comes in a wide variety of colors, each with unique patterning. Zebra jasper is the variety of jasper known for its mottled warm brick red and avocado green appearance. The term “jasper” itself comes from the Greek work iaspi, which means “spotted stone.” Jasper in general has been a gemstone used all over the world, worn by ancient Egyptian priests and carved as seals by the Minoans. While jasper is more widely available today, jasper was once considered a valuable stone.

Zebra Jasper is a stone that brings contentment. It helps you to have compassion and understanding for others. It provides you with courage and motivation, helping you to face the challenges and to solve the problems you may have in life. It gives you the determination needed to see things through. Zebra Jasper stimulates physical energy, providing stamina and endurance, making it a wonderful stone for athletes. It can also help to alleviate muscle spasms, heart palpitations, and vitamin deficiencies.

Zebra jasper motivates us to move out of apathy into action. It helps us avoid over-thinking and encourages us to just enjoy the experience of living. Zebra jasper’s striking colors intensify that message. Like the swift, wild animal for which it’s named, it shows us how to live. It says: Get out of your head! Get into your body. Let the zest for life flow through you. On top of this, zebra jasper stimulates the root chakra. This grounds us, helping us find enjoyment in the beauty of our world.

Zebra Jaspers energy is very motivating, mood lifting and energetic. It carries within it a reminder to the bearer that it is impossible to lose all of one’s energy and love by giving it away. The source of energy and love is never-ending and is always accessible and is constantly being replenished. It is said to be good for grounding during meditation and when doing spiritual work with the higher realms, it also helps to stimulate the transition from the material plane to the astral plane during meditation. Zebra Stone helps you to find your balance in life.

On the physical plain this semi-precious stone is known to aid in healing ailments of the digestive, circulatory and sexual organs. Since it does not over stimulate the body, it is also a good gem elixir. Insomniacs benefit from it since it helps in a sound sleep and also get sweet dreams. Particularly helpful for people who have recently recovered from illness and increases their appetite and imbibes an enthusiasm for life in them. It helps in combating depression and aids in the formation of great relationships. Physically jasper helps with healing the kidneys, spleen, bladder, liver and stomach. Jasper can heal the deterioration of internal organs. Jasper can also be used to soothe the nerves and treatment in the loss of sense of smell.

This stone is very special and has many uses. It was originally revered by the Native Americans for its healing powers and also was used by the Egyptians to increase sexual energy. It was also used for protection and creating a balance between conflicting energies. Carrying this during travel also ensures that you are safe during the course of your travel. It also has nurturing and healing properties and helps to deal with depression and anxiety. It absorbs all the negative energy and makes you calm and tranquil.

Zebra jasper is the stone of opportunities and success. Meaning of zebra jasper is action and decision. It vibrates at the numerical vibration of 11 with the energy to make you radiant. Jasper with zebra stripes is a stone of manifestation. It brings your dreams to reality. It called the stone of anti-apathy.

Jasper is said to contain the spiritual teachings of nature and is often used during earth healing rituals. Its energy strengthens the physical body and calms the emotions. It also has the ability to restore ones faith, creating a vibration of love and peace. It is thought to provide a channel through which to contact nature spirits and devic beings if desired, allowing them to work in harmony with the individual. Jasper strengthens feelings of self-respect and self-value. With it we can more clearly see and accept ourselves as we currently are, without longing for a purer past or better future. Instead, we stay in the present moment and find what has value within it. Jasper brings feelings of hope, renewal, and energy. It is a wonderful stone to work with if you suffer from depression, nature-deficit disorder, or have need to more actively engage in the life around you.


Astrological Sign: Gemini, Taurus

Chakra: Root

Element: Earth

Planet: Mars

Crystals By Rob: https://www.crystalsbyrob.online

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Tree Agate

Tree Agate crystal meaning is linked with its distinctive bands and swirls of green, which gives it an earthy and robust aesthetic. Its unique composition reflects the colors and shapes of a forest, bringing you closer to nature and its peaceful, soothing vibes. If you're stuck in an asphalt jungle or the manicured lawns of the suburbs, reconnect with the forest when you go deep with the Tree Agate crystal by harnessing the magical energy of nature through daily meditation. The overarching meaning of Tree Agate revolves around personal power and inner peace. Like the hanging branches of a massive willow tree, this stone protects you from bad vibes and produces a sense of calm that few crystals can replicate. It brings peace and helps you overcome unique challenges you might face in your day-to-day life.

Tree Agates can also be useful in reconciling trauma and shock by treating imbalances in the nervous system. They produce water balances in the body to help the flow of capillaries and veins within the circulatory system. Physical effects caused by stress such as back pain or headaches can are also treated by the positive energy produced when holding the stone close to the affected areas. By holding the stone close to your heart, you can relieve the effects of emotional imbalances in the heart and even calm the effects created during sleep that cause sleepwalking.

Meditating with Tree Agate is the best way to find a little solace from the noise. Like a fresh breeze and the warm glow of sunlight, this crystal instantly transports you to the haven of Mother Nature. Its healing properties surround you with calming energy that harkens back to the springtime calm and hypnotic beauty of emerging plant life. It’s a fantastic tool for connecting with nature even if you’re surrounded by nothing but asphalt! The peace it brings is second to none, making it a must-have for your collection. Tree Agate is a highly supportive stone that boosts the immune system and regulates the balance of water in the body.  Tree Agate helps to clear energy blockages in the Nadis (energy channels) to allow for a greater flow of this energy throughout the body.  By opening up these pathways, Tree Agate can help connect to the natural cycles in life, thereby opening one up to a flow of abundance and prosperity.

The best way to access the lush and invigorating vibes of the Tree Agate crystal is by meditating with it on a daily basis, which gives you a chance to get up close and personal with this magical stone. Hold a crystal in each hand and notice how it feels to the touch. Sit quietly with the stone and imagine breathing in the highest white light into your spirit. Give your Tree Agate a job to do by visualizing an intention, which it will store for you to call on whenever you feel the intuitive pull of its energy. If the stresses of life constantly bombard you, Tree Agate is a beautiful companion to have by your side. It’s often recommended for those who live in chaotic environments. City-dwellers have the most to gain, as the concrete jungle is ripe with dark energy. However, those living in the perfectly manicured lawns of suburbia can benefit as well.

Tree Agate is a stone that connects you on a deeper level with the earth and nature. It helps to clear blockages within your body’s energy field to open the flow of both abundance and prosperity. A good stone for cultivating plants, and is useful for gardeners. Tree-Agate is an excellent stone to use as a personal talisman. It will help your body gain physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual strength. It will give you the stamina to handle everything that you’re supposed to do and everything that’s expected of you. It will also give you a sense of your own power. When you’re in possession of this stone, you will feel your nerves calm down and your body relax. You will also enjoy a lightness in your heart, mind, and spirit.

Tree Agate is all about clarity and awareness. You can receive all the spiritual guidance in the world, but if you can’t read and understand those messages, you have no way to utilize them for spiritual growth. This stone’s spiritual energy cuts through the spiritual fog to put you on a direct path to enlightenment. Having a deep connection to nature, Tree Agate can assist those involved with conservation projects.  Tree Agate is a healer of geopathic stress; by emitting its calming and centering energies into the environment.  Physically, Tree Agate can help ailments of the nerves and blood capillaries, but is especially helpful to those with neuralgia.

Tree Agate helps you to see the beauty in everything. It is a calming stone that helps with matters related to the ego. It carries the quiet energy that will help you work diligently and ignore all the things that are causing you confusion or pain. It will also help to improve your mental functions and give you mental clarity. Tree Agate is thought to help with trauma, and shock. It is said to help align the vertebra in certain skeletal disorders and treat conditions that affect the nervous system. It is also thought to be beneficial to the blood vessels and the heart. It is believed to stimulate the capillaries and the veins of the circulatory system.

Tree Agates are considered to be a source of inner peace and are used for meditation and spiritual prayer. When used in meditation, Tree Agates promote a sense of calm both physically and spiritually. They are also thought to broaden or enhance one’s connection to nature and are often associated with healing and restoration. When placed in a yard or near your home, they can also be used to draw animals and wildlife. Agates themselves promote a sense of stability and are useful in providing clarity and a sense of control over one’s life and can be helpful when making difficult or complicated decisions. These stones are known for their low intensity and slower frequency vibrations.


Astrological Signs: Taurus, Virgo

Chakra: Root, Heart

Element: Earth

Planet: Venus

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Red Aventurine

 Red aventurine crystal can be red, orangey red, or reddish orange. Its coloring is provided by hematite and/or goethite; this stone may be of benefit to those needing to boost physical energy levels. When you have a project that requires your imaginative input, red aventurine can help there too; first by getting those creative juices flowing, and also by supporting your mental processes and your strength and vigor. Red aventurine inspires us to look at the bright side of things, and increases the production of chi energy. As well it brings about an understanding that we can get things done, and it inspires dedication to task.

The gemstone benefits the nervous system and the thymus gland. It normalizes blood pressure, and enhances the metabolism where cholesterol is lowered. The gemstone eases allergies, migraines and skin eruptions, as well as soothes the eyes. It helps treat disorders in the lungs, heart, sinuses, adrenal glands, urogenital and muscular systems. 

Red Aventurine is a remarkable crystal for helping one choose their highest path, offering discernment and the ability to perceive which plans and ideas are best to follow, and which are less than ideal. It allows one to see the Self and overcome ego when it prevents better judgment, and lends assurance to those who fear commitment to choose a path and follow it through. It encourages self-forgiveness and the ability to laugh at one’s own mistakes.

In physical healing, red aventurine bolsters energies vital to physical vigor and strength. It enhances healing throughout the circulatory system; and as well it calms the nerves, which leads to normalization of blood pressure. It enables healing within the reproductive system, reproductive organs, the endocrine system, the musculoskeletal system, and the immune system. As well it heightens a declining libido and improves fertility.

Aventurine is a variety of Quartz characterized by bright inclusions of Mica or other minerals that give a shimmering or glistening effect to the stone, referred to as aventurescence, especially notable when tumbled or polished. Its name is derived from the Italian a ventura or all’avventura, meaning “by chance,” and refers to the Italian glass from the 1700s, produced when a worker accidentally dropped metal filings into a vat of melting glass. Once cooled, the result was pleasing with its randomly spaced iridescent sparkles, and it was used to make jewelry and other items. The name Aventurine was later given to the natural stone which looked like the industrial product.

Red aventurine is used by some to treat those with cancer, and is said to reduce the likelihood of having a stroke. Weight loss is supported by it stimulating the metabolism. Furthermore, its properties are known to alleviate various skin conditions, including rosacea, eczema, and fungal infections; just caress the skin with it, or else you can make an elixir and use it that way.

Aventurine is a lucky stone as people holding it can envision good fortune and make it come true. This is used in any game of chance or gambling. It is also a stone of prosperity and it can be a great talisman or amulet. Always carry this gemstone when you want to gamble, go for a job interview or find money from other sources. This is a good tool that has something to do with your search for money. 

Red Aventurine enhances creativity, prosperity, diffuses negativity, and balances the male-female energies. Red Aventurine can also help to ground excess energies within the body. Simply hold a piece of Red Aventurine, place your feet flat on the floor, visualize forming a connection with the earth and allow the energies to flow down through your feet and into the ground.

Aventurine is known as a healing stone that relieves a troubled heart. It promotes empathy and compassion, and encourages perseverance. It alleviates stammers and severe neuroses. It strengthens one’s state of mind, enhances creativity and invigorates perception. It makes people weigh things and see alternatives and possibilities. It calms down anger and irritation, and promotes feelings of wellbeing. And it protects against environmental pollution.


Astrological Signs: Aires

Chakra: Root, Sacral

Element: Fire

Planet: Pluto