Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Hematoid Quartz

Hematoid Quartz is a powerful grounding crystal, drawing ‘chaotic’ and stray energies down into the root chakra and can assist in balancing polarized opposites of emotion and thought. Hematoid Quartz assists one accept and integrate the shadow self, can be used to manifest dreams into physical reality, transforms negativity into tranquility and clarity.

Hematoid Quartz can be used to stimulate healing of any disease, as its function is to harmonize the higher vibrational energies of the aura, light body or subtle body. It is believed that physical dis-ease is a consequence of dis-harmony in the energies of the subtle body. Hematoid Quartz is useful in the treatment of blood disorders and helps strengthen liver function.

Hematoid Quartz contains both the amplification properties of Quartz with the balance and stability of Hematite. The combination of Quartz and Hematite balances the body, mind and spirit. Use Hematoid Quartz for grounding and balance when feeling scattered.


Astrological Sign: Scorpio

Chakra: Root, Solar Plexus

Element: Fire

Planet: Sun

Crystals By Rob:

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Danburite

Danburite crystals helps remove toxins from the body, helps one from insomnia, to help give a more restful sleep. 

These have a very soft, calming, and angelic energy. It allows others to see you and your capabilities in a true light and helps you get along with others. Danburite is a very spiritual and healing stone that has a very pure vibration, activating the intellect and higher consciousness that helps one to connect with the angelic realms.

Danburite helps you on the path to a higher state of consciousness and allowing access to divine inner guidance and access to your spirit guides.

Danburite activates the heart chakra and promotes self love, while also opening the crown chakra.


Astrological Sign: Aries, Aquarius
Ckakra: Heart, Third Eye, Crown
Element: Air
Planet: Uranus

Crystals By Rob:

Friday, March 29, 2013

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Amazonite

Amazonite can heal emotional disturbances and the after effects of emotional trauma. It balances the male/female energies, helps you receive inspiration from the heart and then motivates you to take action on the inspired thoughts. Amazonite is often used in foretelling techniques such as tarot and rune readings and stimulates the powers of clairvoyance.

Amazonite allows you to spread your wings and fly, soaring to the heights you were made to fly to. Amazonite helps you to see both sides of a problem or different points of view. Amazonite is a soothing stone. It calms the brain and nervous system and aids in maintaining optimum health.

It protects against electromagnetic pollution and absorbs microwaves. It soothes emotional trauma, alleviating worry and fear.  Dispels negative energy, aggravation and blockages within the nervous system.  Amazonite assists in manifesting universal love.

Worn as an amulet it is said to protect against snake bites and a wide range of diseases. In Egypt it was considered a holy stone. Amazonite is said to help alleviate stress and exhaustion.

It is a Spiritual Gem stone of Faith and Self discovery. Amazonite's energies can restore our faith, gives us the self confidence we need to make those tough life decisions and still be able to show compassion to others. It helps to eliminate the aggravation that often causes anger within people.


Atrological Sign: Aquarius, Virgo
Chakra: Heart, Throat
Element: Earth
Planet: Uranus

Crystals By Rob:

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Variscite

Variscite stimulates the heart chakra, and its energy is one of unconditional love. Variscite is a deeply peaceful and calming crystal which clears the aura of any debris. Helps with remembrance of past lives. Balances central nervous system and eases depression, fear, worry, anxiety and impatience. A good meditation stone. Also helps with virtue, self-reliance, moral courage and success. Works on astral and etheric level for healing via the nervous system (Central Nervous System) and at DNA level. Centers the Solar Plexus and heart Chakras and is slightly helpful for intuition center.

Variscite can be a benefit for intuition and psychic perceptions, and is excellent for past-life recall. Physically, variscite is used for helping strengthen cells and tissues, blood problems, nervous system, kidneys, muscles and bones. It is also used for male reproductive healing, including impotence.


Astrological Sign: Virgo
Chakra: Heart
Element: Earth
Planet: Earth

Crystals By Rob:

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Selenite

Selenite has the power to cleanse and clear other crystals and negative energies. You will never need to cleanse or recharge your Selenite crystal. Selenite can increase your psychic or telepathic abilities, place a piece of Selenite on your Third Eye Chakra.

These crystals are particularly effective in stabilizing the emotional body and bringing erratic emotions under calm control.  Being water soluble Selenite will eventually dissolve if left in liquid.  This important characteristic also endows Selenite with the power to melt away exaggerated emotions with the stabilizing light force of true feeling.

Selenite is also thought to have the ability to clear etheric blockages so one can gain knowledge on how to move forward toward a cure. Selenite can be used as a scanning device for those of us who are not visually orientated to get an overall view of a person's light system to see the thought forms in their energy body. You can direct the energy towards your client or yourself by physically pointing the Selenite towards your client and mentally aligning with its vibration to examine the thought forms that are stored within each energy body.


Astrological Sign: Cancer
Chakra: Third Eye
Element: Water
Planet: Moon

Crystals By Rob:

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Aura Quartz

Angel Aura Quartz Crystals are  excellent Aura Cleansers and act to stimulate and clear all of the Chakra Energy Centers. Intuitive sources say Angel Aura Quartz helps bring one into the higher realms in meditation, facilitating conscious contact with angels, spirit guides and inner realm teachers. It is said to assist one in communing with Angels, accessing the Akashic records, channeling higher knowledge, remembering past lives and gaining insight into one's spiritual mission in this lifetime. In addition to transmitting it's own unique vibrational signature, Angel Aura combines the energetic properties of Clear Quartz Crystal with Platinum and Silver.

Apple Aura Quartz helps to purify the energy body, helps to balance and align all chakras, to relieve digestive problems or upset stomach, to bring about necessary change and to break old patterns or belief systems, to instill courage, and to help one to appreciate the beauty in life’s everyday happenings. Main Chakras to use at Solar Plexus or Heart Chakra.

Aqua Aura Quartz has a very high and intense vibration. It has been used to activate the energy of other minerals and gemstones for healing work, and can be a potent stone when used in body layouts for activation of the Chakras. It can be success fully applied to smooth and heal the Auric field, and to release negativity from one's emotional, physical, intellectual and spiritual bodies.

Celestial Aura Quartz is one of the most powerful materials for the development of one's latent psychic abilities and the enhancement of one's conscious connection to Spirit. It is an incredibly potent aid for intuitive of all sorts — mediums, shamans, readers, channeler, healers — as well as those who simply wish to become clearer in their subtle perceptions. It stimulates the third eye and Crown Chakras, blending and unifying their energies. It can, in effect, activate all the mind centers and link them so they work together as one. This is a precursor to whole-brain awakening and the attainment of one's full human potential.

Rose Aura Quartz helps to help heal emotional trauma; to aid in enhancing forgiveness; to aid in recovering from any type of abuse on a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level; and to help one find a tactful way to communicate in difficult situations. Helps to instill a sense of Loving kindness. Main chakra to us at is the Heart Chakra.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Zircon

Zircon was believed in the East that the stone can improve mental faculties, improves memory and intellectual abilities, and cultivate aspiration for sciences and knowledge of truth. Zircon helps to cleanse ones energy fields of negativity. In the middle ages, zircons were believed to promote honor and wisdom as well as to drive away plagues and evil spirits, brings prosperity to its owner and offers peace of mind.

The frequency of Zircon connects to all of the chakras. Zircon can bring many energy resources into a sharp focus, giving to its owner both confidence and strength. It is a talisman of travellers that will protect them from wild animals and snakes bite. The Hindus believe zircon can stimulate spiritual growth. It was believed also in ancient times that if this stone looses its luster, it implies some danger or mishappening. It has beneficial effect on lunch, bronchial and general respiratory problems. While it is a spiritual stone, it is also a strong stone for grounding you. It will work within all of the chakras to stimulate the movement of sluggish energy.

Astrological signs: Leo, Sagittarius, Virgo
Chakra: Root, Naval
Element: fire
Planet: sun

Crystals By Rob: