Saturday, January 5, 2013

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Aragonite

Aragonite is among the most effective stones for beginners in many aspects of your work or inexperienced in crystal handling. Its influential vibrations serve to help balance all your chakras. It promotes inner harmony, clarity of thought, and change. Aragonite, regardless of color, has a strong and mysterious force that can rule over your aura. These vibrations can motivate you to make changes in your lives. This drive would help you gain trust, healing, and improvement. Aragonite is a balancing stone that enables you to center your wellbeing. It stabilizes the physical forces that are hindering you in achieving your goals. That is why it is helpful in stressful situations, suitable for busy people. It aids in meditation in preparation for your spiritual growth to meet stability. It unleashes the root causes of your problems you are experiencing. These stones have an excellent vibration for allowing you to feel more grounded, fully present and centered. They may aid you to be more patient and to be more content about your life circumstances.

Aragonite is a reliable earth healer and grounding stone. Attuned to the earth goddess, it encourages conservation and recycling. This stone transforms geopathic stress and clears blocked ley lines even at a distance. Aragonite stabilizes spiritual development that is out of control. Calming and centring, it restores balance and prepares for meditation by raising vibrations to a higher spiritual level and bringing energy into the physical body. Use aragonite in all outdoor rituals and to connect with nature. Aragonite increases knowledge in herbalism. It is also a good focus for Goddess rituals and for channeling higher energies. Use aragonite to make rituals environmentally friendly and focused. Include aragonite in medicine-wheel ceremonies, smudging, earth-energy connections, dowsing and rituals to the earth goddess. Aragonite is well suited for those who wish to link with the Higher Mind in order to communicate its teachings on the Earthly plane. Aragonite facilitates the clearing and activation of the auric field, chakras and meridians. 

Aragonite crystal properties include the calming energies that help in blocking out mental and spiritual irritants and disturbances. By filtering out chaos and distraction. Aragonite crystals help in smooth meditation and spiritual healing. Crystal healing using Aragonite crystals, is considered a good way to conduct past life meditations. This is so because Aragonite is a fossilized mineral, which are remnants of the past, assist in tuning the mental and spiritual vibrations in such a way that a conducive psychological environment is created. Aragonite is a stabilizing stone that centers and grounds physical energies, being useful in time of stress. It helps to prepare for meditation and stabilizes spiritual development.  It provides insight into the causes of problems and situations.  Aragonite aids concentration and brings tolerance and flexibility to the mind. It teaches acceptance and patience, especially helpful to those who feel they have too much responsibility.  Aragonite provides strength and support, helping to combat anger and emotional stress. Aragonite is attuned to the Earth Goddess, encouraging conservation and recycling.  It is a reliable earth-healer and grounding stone.  Aragonite transforms geopathic stress. Aragonite brings warmth to the extremities.  It combats deficiencies in Vitamins A and D.  Aragonite combats dis-ease and can stop night twitches and muscle spasms. It also helps with general aches and pains.

They give you useful ways to relieve stress and when you are generally having difficulty coping emotionally with the circumstances of your life, these stones may be particularly helpful. They may relieve anger and resentment and they are known to help you if you have anxiety, stress or other negative emotional feelings. Aragonite’s calming properties can help reduce tension and nerve issues that can reduce sleepiness. Place the Aragonite underneath your sheet to help with sleep. You can keep it close with you for a constant calming effect during the day. Aragonite could also improve calcium absorption throughout the physical system and promote healing. Aragonite is attuned to the Earth Goddess. It is encouraging you to shift your focus to living a more conscious and sustainable life, respecting the resources Earth has offered us. This awareness of Earth, Mother Gaia, Earth Goddess, or Mother Nature, will fill your heart with compassion, as a land we should honor, admire, and protect.

Traditionally, it is said that Aragonite is a powerful grounding stone, wonderfully useful for deep, peaceful, and centering meditation.  Aragonite radiates warmth and grounding from the center as a seed of a soul that manifests its life through daily experiences and events.  This stone helps one understand how each individual relates to the Universe as a whole, reminding each soul of their true center. Aragonite is a wonderful stone for families and companionship, helping to calm ones inner restlessness and unsteady nerves, aiding in emotional balance and direct energy to persevere and move past old emotional limitations, so those involved may enjoy and experience more of all that life has to offer. This stone will assist in preparation for meditation and stabilizing spiritual development by aiding in concentration, bringing flexibility and tolerance to one’s mind.  Aragonite teaches patience, acceptance, and provides support for those who feel overwhelmed in their situation. It is told that Aragonite will help one travel back in time to past lives or childhood to heal the emotional wounds that have attached to the spirit from the those times.  Aragonite allows Mother Earth to open up in a gentle way to receive those energies that may be keeping one from moving forward, processing it and radiating it back in a positive glow of healing energy. This same gentle loving energy may help one to once again, or possibly for the first time, to feel comfortable in the physical body that they reside as well as helping one to be content with life and/or relationships, understanding that these are seeds of true happiness and love.

Healers benefit from holding aragonite before beginning a session, to allow their energies to centre and to shut out daily concerns. It is healing for many parts of the body but especially for ovaries and the prostate gland, and for the central nervous system. It is excellent for jagged nerves, frayed tempers and unsettled stomachs, especially when caused by a lack or rest or not taking regular meal breaks. Aragonite will encourage impatient children to wait and take their turn. An aragonite cluster will improve timekeeping for family members and in the workplace. Use for procrastinating family members who put everything off until tomorrow.


Astrological Sign: Capricorn

Chakra: 1st

Element: Earth

Planet: Saturn

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Bloodstone

Bloodstone is an excellent purifier and healing stone, a tool to help bring one’s energies into balance. Bloodstone strengthens the Root Chakra, the reservoir of our physical energies, and encourages one to move through life full of vigor and vitality. It is a grounding stone, providing strength to the physical body and courage to the heart during times of difficulty.

Bloodstone lends support and keeps one from discouragement while encouraging one to maintain faith in the Divine. When one is beset with obstacles and overcoming them is difficult, he or she is suggested to summon the aid of Bloodstone. As suggested by the name, Bloodstone is helpful for all types of blood infirmities. It cleanses the bone marrow, whereby lies the source of blood, and the blood itself, and can be used to treat anemia.


Astrological Sign: Aries, Pisces
Chakra: 1st
Element: Earth
Planet: Mars

                                       Crystals By Rob:

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Lemurian Quartz Crystals

Lemurian Crystals have a distinct appearance.  Look carefully at a Lemurian Crystal and you will see horizontal striations or grooves, like “bar codes,” on one or more sides.  Commonly, the sides of a Lemurian Crystal will have alternating striated and smooth faces.  Lemurian Quartz Crystals are often found in the shape of a Laser wand, where the faces at the tip of a Lemurian Crystal are small and gently taper in size from base to tip.

Lemurian Seed crystals connect with the crown and solar star chakra. These are master crystals within the crystal kingdom. It is believed that in the last days of Lemuria, special seed crystals were placed where crystalline growth was expected to form within the Earth, enabling them to transmit frequencies to other crystals that were created within the Earth. These crystals resonate with energies of love, unity and equality. They align themselves and are attracted to those who are endeavouring to anchor energies to help the planet at this time.

Also called “Lemurian Seed Crystals” or "Lemurian Star Seeds",  Lemurian Quartz Crystals were originally found in Brazil.  Metaphysical Legend states that there was once an advanced ancient civilization called Lemuria, similar to Atlantis but more spiritually developed and peaceful.  As the end of their time on Earth was coming to an end, the Lemurians programmed these crystals to teach their messages of oneness and healing - messages that would be revealed when the energy on Earth was ready to receive them.  The Lemurians then planted (or “seeded”) the Lemurian Crystals, encoded with their ancient knowledge and wisdom, to be found centuries later by us.

The use of crystals was common place, seeing beyond that which was conjured or manifested into physical form. These unique crystals appear to have been carved by a human hand as they have horizontal grooves or striations across their naturally faceted faces. Each crystal is gifted with being able to connect itself vibrationally with all other Lemurian Seed Crystals.

These crystals are programmed with the Lemurian consciousness vibration. Working with these stones instils feelings of the emotional and spiritual awareness of the Lemurians. Connecting with these crystals can open up the heart and create a deep emotional healing and allow you to connect more to your true self.

Lemurian Seed crystals generate a very feminine or yin energy. They act to open the energy of the soul and provide a bridge to higher frequencies, creating a higher level of consciousness. They instil feelings of harmony and ease. The energies they emit are of pure love, helping you feel at one with yourself and others.

Holding a Lemurian seed crystal in your right hand while you walk around and encircle an individual, property or and object creates a circle of light and protection. They sooth and nurture and can benefit everyone and are helpful support for healing work. They help you attune to those higher energies and higher planes of existence.


Astrological Sign: All
Chakra: All
Element: All
Planet: All



Friday, December 14, 2012

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Calcite

Calcite in general will amplify and increase energy, it is protecting, purifying, grounding and centering, that will assist in bringing one inner peace.

Blue Calcite is a calming stone that brings about stability. It will stimulate trust in oneself and enhance the memory. Quite helpful in calming frayed nerves. It also is told to be effective against laziness. Which also makes it a wonderful stone for students, as it helps retain lessons learned and amplifies learning. It will also foster enlightened discussion, and eases communication between people with opposing views.

Clear Calcite is said to amplify images to help one see double meanings that are hidden in common communication.

White Calcite will help to improve memory, support healing and augment the ability to astral travel when the awareness of how to do this with protection has been attained. Thought energy is amplified to specific body areas, so it is an excellent mineral to support healing through visualization and biofeedback. Will also enhance the body/mind connection.

Green Calcite is told to draw money towards its wearer, to increase success, prosperity, business and fertility of all kinds. It is an excellent stone for gardening and considered a stone of manifestation, as it has the ability to develop 'increases' in all areas of life. It will also enhance intuition and psychic abilities.

Yellow Calcite will stimulate the intellect, help one organize intellectual thoughts and information as well as boot one's general energy level. From this it will naturally increase ones personal power and sense of self worth.
Honey Calcite is a stone that will gently amplify energy. It also assists in the challenges associated with change in general. It enhances psychic abilities, astral projection and higher consciousness.

Orange Calcite will help to balance the emotions, remove fear, overcome depression as well as simply dissolving problems standing in your way of achieving your highest potential. It is particularly helpful in removing phobias, as it will help to restore mental and emotional equilibrium.

Red Calcite is an energizing and detoxifying stone. It also has the ability to bring stability to one's will, and increases inner strength. It assists with problem solving. It can also attract love. With it's ability to ease and release fears, it calms the rushes of adrenaline caused by fear, which is particularly helpful to those who "do battle" in their every day lives.

Pink calcite is sometimes called the "Reiki Stone". It has a gentle but powerful energy, and is an excellent complement to energy healing modalities such as Reiki because of its excellent properties of energy amplification.Is a calming stone that eases and heals the heart chakra. It fills the heart with universal and self-love. It offers hope for the best. Manganocalcite heals inner child hurts and past abuse by filling one with a sense of motherly love.

Mangano Calcite is a nurturing stone that helps us take care of ourselves. It enables us to accept love and have self-love, and act on and with loving behaviors. It is a high powered stress reliever that relieves anxiety, stress and tension. It also removes fears of all kinds and reduces nightmares.

Violet Calcite is a very soothing and calming stone, as it will help calm overactive emotions and thoughts, as well it can also help immensely with the grieving process.

Black Calcite is beneficial for relieving depression, heartbreak, anxiety over loss of employment, and handling unexpected changes. It helps you to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and assists with renewal and rejuvenation.

Gray Calcite is a stone that brings calm and peacefulness. It can help one remain detached from the chaos and over-emotionality in the day to day world. It can also help lessen the impact of karmic issues.


Astrological Signs: Cancer
Chakra: Blue: Throat, Green, Pink & Red: Heart, White: Crown, Clear: All
Element: Water
Planet: Clear: Moon, Pink: Venus, Blue: Venus, Green: Venus, Orange: Sun

Crystals And Gemstones For Sale At:

Green Calcite

Honey Calcite

                                                                       Blue Calcite


                                                         Flourescent Mangano Calcite

Fluorescent Mangano Calcite Picture Taken Under UV Light

Fluorescent Mangano Calcite Picture Taken Under UV Light

Crystals By Rob:

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Aventurine

Aventurine is a stone of good luck... most often used in games of chance and gambling. Aventurine is a prosperity stone and makes a good amulet or talisman.  Keep aventurine with you when you gamble, go on a job interview or seek financing. Aventurine makes a good divination tool for spiritual guidance on anything related to money or gambling.

It is believed to not just energize and clear the heart chakra, but also to protect one from those who psychically attach to the heart.

Aventurine balances the male and female energies improving creativity and ability to work with the opposite sex. Aventurine can help one become  emotionally stronger, more decisive and strengthen leadership abilities.

Aventurine benefits the thymus gland and nervous system.  It balances blood pressure and stimulates the metabolism, lowering cholesterol.  Aventurine has an anti-inflammatory effect and eases skin eruptions, allergies, migraines, and soothes the eyes.  It heals lungs, sinuses, heart, muscular and urogenital systems.

In addition to the generic healing properties of Aventurine, specific colours have additional attributes:

Blue Aventurine

Chakras - Third Eye Chakra, Throat Chakra

Blue Aventurine helps those with addictions to take responsibility for their problems. When used in meditation it will assist you in overcoming addictions. Blue Aventurine clears old, stagnant energies, helping you to open up to inner growth and spiritual work. It also strengthens communication abilities, helping you to speak out when required and being true to yourself.

Green Aventurine

Chakras - Heart Chakra
Green Aventurine is a comforter and heart healer.  It neutralises all sources of electromagnetic pollution, blocking out emanations from computers, television and other electronic equipment.  Green Aventurine settles nausea and dissolves negative emotions and thoughts.  It brings well-being and emotional calm.  A good all-round healer.
Yellow Aventurine

Chakras - Sacral Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra

Yellow Aventurine opens and balances the Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras. It is especially helpful for those who are oversensitive or indecisive, aiding in overcoming any feelings of problems with power and control over your own life. It can help focus intentions for manifesting a sense of ease in being yourself, in addition to increasing levels of abundance and prosperity. Yellow Aventurine also enhances creativity.


Astrological Signs: Aires
Chakra: Different For Each Color
Element: Air
Planet: Mercury

Crystals By Rob:

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Amblygonite

Amblygonite is a soothing and healing mineral that works very well with mild anxiety and stress. For people who are very active and/or nervous. Amblygonite provides the necessary elements to calm nerves and over sensitivity. It is a very useful stone to keep in an office type setting when intense mental activity is present as well as places that are full of stress and deadlines.

Amblygonite is calming and soothing and is excellent for use in grids to keep the space balanced. It releases past traumas bringing the emotional body into balance and clarity to the mind. Amblygonite is considered to be the food of the gods, imparting a sense of divinity and immortality

Amblygonite can help to gently end relationships, easing the hurt and anger that often follows. Amblygonite is a high vibration stone that will help you to nurture your soul. It will often remind you to not only take care of the physical body and emotions, but to spend time in the pursuit of spiritual nuturing as well. Amblygonite enhances ones talents and love for the arts, music, poetry and other such spiritual endeavors.


Astrological Signs: Taurus
Chakra: Sacral, Solar
Element: Fire
Planet: Sun

Crystals By Rob: