Thursday, December 13, 2012

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Spirit Quartz / Cactus Quartz / Fairy Quartz

Spirit quartz can be found in amethyst, citrine, a combination of amethyst and citrine as well as a whitish to clear color. This type of stone is also known by Cactus Quartz, Fairy Quartz or Porcupine Quartz.

Spirit quartz is made from quartz that shows a very unusual growth pattern. The typical growth pattern of spirit quartz is that of a main crystal formation with a main termination at the top, that is covered with small crystal points.

Has a powerful healing energy is directed through the main crystal while also being simultaneously radiated out in all directions by the tiny crystals that cover it.  There are many paths the magnified energy of Spirit Quartz can take, and it stimulates on all levels the physical, intellectual, spiritual, emotional and subtle bodies.  Simultaneously, Spirit Quartz brings focus to the energetic center of an issue, the “heart of the matter” or the core of dis-ease.

Spirit quartz, in exceptional stone that enhances the energy of quartz bringing it to a higher vibrational level. This stone assists in carrying out the gifts of Spirit that we all have inside of ourselves.

Its ability to focus and bring energies together also makes Spirit Quartz an excellent stone for groups.  Spirit Quartz fosters unity, peace, and a willingness to work together that is beneficial to families, communities, or businesses alike. Use Spirit Quartz in group meditations to connect the energies of all participants.

This stone helps to connect you with the spirit realm and your higher self. You can use in meditation and ask it to bring you into connection with the the energy of spirit. Doing this allows you to release the ego and understand that we are all connected to one another. When using it in this fashion, spirit quartz brings out freedom from fear and peace of mind.

A protective stone, both energetically and physically, Spirit Quartz shields the aura, transmutes negative energy, and protects from physical harm.  The sense of calm and peace Spirit Quartz brings helps decrease fears, and makes it an excellent stone to use when dealing with the loss of a loved one, easing the grief of transition.  Spirit Quartz can aid to increase physical and intellectual fertility.


Astrological Signs: All
Chakra: Crown
Element: All
Planet: All

Crystals By Rob:

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Chiastolite

Chiastolite is a variety of Andalusite which contains a naturally occurring cruciform pattern or black cross and is also known as the “Cross Stone”. It occurs in brown, grey, reddish brown and olive green varieties. The name Chiastolite derives from the Greek “chiastos” meaning cruciform or cross marked. In some ancient texts Chiastolite was also called “Lapis crucifer”, which literally means “cross stone”. The meaning of its name comes from the Greek word “chiastos” meaning cruciform or crosswise. This crystal also has the common name of Cross Stone. The stone Andalusite is the same stone, in another form, that does not have a visible cross within it. These brown stones with a black cross in the center are found in a number of countries, including Australia, Spain, Sri Lanka, China, France, Chile, Brazil, Russia, Canada and the USA.

Chiastolite is a highly protective stone. It’s a very good stone because of its psychic resistance. It will protect you from negative energies, and it will help prevent your energies from getting drained.It will act like a protective shield around you, making you feel safe and secure. Everyone around you can be feeling overwhelmed with the demands of the job, but you will feel light and energetic. You will have reserves of strength even on the busiest days, and you will still have plenty of energy left to spend on yourself or with your loved ones. Chiastolite will help you channel your abilities when communicating with the spirit world. It’s also an excellent stone to use during meditation because it will help you focus on the energies surrounding you. It will also allow you to see memories of your past lives. This mineral is also a perfect talisman for protection and warding off negative vibration and deities. Simply holding this stone helps raise one's awareness to their surrounding energies, as well as etherically shielding one’s aura. Old Native Americans believed heavily in the protection aspects this mineral provided and would readily have it with them during rituals and ceremonies.

Chiastolite helps one open up their root chakra and connect their energies to that of Mother Earth. These energies can provide one with mental clarity and inner peace, as well as accelerating one’s self healing process. One’s aura will constantly be filled with positive energy when working with Chiastolite, thus leading to joy and enlightenment. This mineral also assists in peeling back the layers of who you truly are, helping you deal with all of your life experiences. We recommend this mineral for anyone who is looking to personally grow spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Chiastolite has long been used for protection from illness and the negative thoughts or ill wishes of others. It was worn or held to ward off the evil eye, among other negative influences. It is thought to protect astral travelers, meaning experiencing “travel” or “awareness” outside of the physical body, from physical harm by grounding their physical bodies. As well as protecting travelers, It is thought to enhance the gateways of astral travel, making the process of out of body experiences easier. This stone is associated with balancing the immune system, healing hormonal imbalances and calming the nerves. Practiced healers use this to lessen the effects of fever and rheumatism as well as increase lactation in nursing mothers. This brown stone has a highly protective vibration.

This stone has strong metaphysical properties, and in meditation it will aid you in connecting with the Akashic records to discover past life information. Its use as a bridge between worlds, or in times of change as an accelerator to release old limiting beliefs is renowned. Chiastolite can be used to empower and enhance astral travel. It is a gateway into the mysteries, and is helpful for those making the transition beyond death. It facilitates understanding and exploration of immortality and is linked to death and rebirth. It dissolves illusions and calms fears, enabling you to face reality. It aids in the transition between one situation and another, especially at the psychological level, and releases worn-out patterns and conditioning.

In ancient times chiastolite was used to ward off the “evil eye” and help protect one from curses and ill wishes. It can help to transmute conflict or discorded energies into a more tranquil and empathic vibe. Because of those factors – it is great for someone that is passing into the next realms and helpful for those that are facing the transition of death or rebirth into another situation. It can be very healing to someone that has a lot of fears about transitions into other things, this can be death or some other major or minor life transition.

In the distant past Chiastolite was used to ward off the evil eye and curses by ancient people. This is a stone of balance and harmony… and will counter disagreements between people of differing ideas, and transform their attitudes into one of harmonious agreement. This is an excellent stone for you to use alongside the higher vibration stones, as it is a powerful stone to aid you to journey to higher spiritual realms and to learn about the contents of the akashic records, while remaining grounded.


Astrological Signs: Capricorn, Libra

Chakra: Root, Sacral

Element: Earth

Planet: Saturn

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Carnelian

Carnelian encourages the formation of new blood cells, and bleeding will respond favorably to treatment with this stone. Physically, carnelian has been used to encourage healing of open sores, rheumatism, kidney stones and other kidney problems.

Carnelian aids in understanding the inner self and strengthens concentration. It helps one to overcome the ear of public speaking, increases the self worth, and is a fast acting stone to succeed in one's career.
Carnelian is said to assist in stimulating creativity. It seems to have a clearing effect, dispelling negative energies as it replaces them with positive ones. This can make it easier to find direction, and its grounding effects can make it easier for you to feel in control of your life. This makes carnelian a good stone for people who feel like they are going nowhere.

Carnelian applied physically, can promote balanced digestion. For lower abdominal pain, especially in woman and in pregnancy, this stone placed on the pubic bone each day for twenty minutes will reduce the pain.

It is said that this stone will help cleanse and purify the blood, thus giving more physical energy.

Carnelian balances creative and organization abilities, opens doors and creates a need to follow through on plans. Wear this stone to prevent other people from reading your thoughts or from dark forces attempting to influence your mind. There are quite many ancient beliefs associated with Carnelian, which centered around protection during travels after death and against evil.


Astrological Signs: Taurus -- also helps Airies, Gemini, Virgo
Chakra: 2 nd
Element: Fire
Planet: Sun

Crystals By Rob:

Monday, November 12, 2012

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Apatite

Is a cleansing influence on the auric field, especially in the mental body, the vibratory level associated with psychic perception and paranormal abilities. It is stimulating to visionary states and is a good stone to keep in ones pillowcase for lucid dreaming and astral travel. Blue Apatite can enhance ones experience of vertical vision, in which one is able to see multiple levels of consciousness operating harmoniously. It is a stone of inspiration, capable of making one more susceptible to the aha experience in which one has an instant of understanding, which crystallizes the answer to long standing problems or questions. Psychologically, Apatite increases motivation.  It draws off negativity about oneself and others.  It is helpful for hyperactivity and autism in children.  Apatite enhances creativity and the intellect.  It clears confusion and frustration, reducing irritability and awakening the inner self.  Apatite expands knowledge and truth and eases sorrow, apathy, and anger. Apatite enhances creativity and awakens the finer, inner self. It is a stone of the future and brings knowledge to those attuned to it. It may be used as an interface point between consciousness and matter to translate our humanitarian aspirations into healing, information, communication and teaching

Give in to the inspirational qualities of the Apatite crystal stone and encourage a peaceful respite from the confusion that comes from adulting in the modern world. The Apatite crystal stone helps to reawaken a sense of clarity that lights the path to self-expression. It gives us the guidance we need to maintain the delicate balancing act between following our dreams and the daily responsibilities of adulthood. Made from a common group of minerals containing a calcium phosphate base, Apatite reminds us that truly knowing oneself is the key to opening up the doors of the universe, a place where anything is possible. It gives you a delicate balance between pursuing your goals and juggling adolescence’s demands. Apatite teaches you that understanding oneself is the secret to unlocking the known universe. You will feel motivated when there is an opportunity offered to you that is feasible.

Said to enhance one’s insight, imagination, creativity, and learning abilities, which will in turn bestow increased self-confidence. Stimulating the intellect and promoting the realization that one’s strength of will comes not only from spiritual avenues, but must also be derived of love as well.  When this realization comes about, one begins to feel negativity and aloofness dissolving away. When applied with a spiritual discipline and meditation, Apatite creates a willingness to let go of people, objects, and situations that have become useless in one’s life. Apatite is said to assist in restoring a clearer thought process, which in turn increases a deeper state of meditation and reflection. Continued use of Apatite enhances psychic abilities, balances the yin-yang energies, assists in the rising of Kundalini energy, openness to the higher self, and producing a spiritual state of unconditional love.  When these attributes are developed, that is when Apatite becomes a “humanitarian” stone.

​Apatite has inspirational properties. The interface point between consciousness and matter, it is a stone of manifestation and promotes a humanitarian attitude, inclining towards service.
​It balances the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies, and the chakras, eliminating over-activity and stimulating under-activity. When used with other crystals, Apatite facilitates results. Its name is derived from the Greek word apatao meaning "to deceive". This is because of the variety of colors and formations in which this stone occurs, making it easy to mistake it for other minerals. Blue apatite is a great stone for communication. Its soothing vibrations will clear your throat, heart, and mind and allow you to see and say how you really feel. If you are finding it hard to articulate your feelings towards someone, using blue apatite will enhance and heal this communicative rift. Whether it be a friend, colleague, or lover, blue apatite will aid communication and connections. 

Blue Apatite is a deeply spiritual stone with a cleansing influence on the aura, especially in the mental body – the vibratory level associated with psychic perception and paranormal abilities. It is a particularly strong stone to use in past-life or alternate-life work, because of its ability to access the energy levels where the Akashic records and an individual’s soul patterns exist. It is excellent as a dream stone for creative problem solving, and for vertical vision, where it is possible to see multiple levels of consciousness operating harmoniously and simultaneously.


Astrological Sign: Gemini

Chakra: Throat

Element: Air

Planet: Mercury

Friday, October 19, 2012

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Ruby In Zoisite

Ruby in Zoisite is an energy amplification stone that can energize the entire field of one's body. It is used for psychic ability and empowerment, as well as altered states of consciousness. Ruby in Zoisite stimulates the crown chakra as well as the heart chakra. Physically, it is beneficial for heart disorders, and physical vitality.

It is an energy amplification stone that can energize the entire field of one's body. It is used for psychic ability and empowerment, as well as altered states of consciousness. Creates an altered state of consciousness, enabling you to reach and utilise talents and abilities of the mind.

Instills joy, spontaneity, laughter and courage, bringing passion and a zest for life.  It increases sexual activity, treating impotency and frigidity. Improves circulation and quality of the blood, and heart disorders.  It aids in recovery from disorders associated with diminished physical vitality. Is often used in treating disorders of the middle and upper jaios in Chinese Medicine, considered the heart, spleen, stomach, pancreas and lungs.


Astrological Sign: Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Sagattarius
Chakra: Heart, Crown
Element: Air, Water
Planet: Mercury, Moon

Crystals By Rob:

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Self Hypnosis and Subliminal Technology

Peripheral Perception Is Natural

Peripheral perception, shadowed or masked information—it’s all subliminal technology, which is one of the most powerful techniques presently available. It can rescript the preconscious mind, stripping away negative expectations and self-doubt and replacing those destructive patterns with positive input, thereby eliciting positive changes in an effortless and natural way from the inside out.
There’s nothing mysterious about all of this. Yet part of the difficulty in understanding subliminal rests in the word itself. A subliminal message, at least in the instance of an audio program, could be defined as a verbal stimulus perceived below the threshold of awareness. Now, the key word here is perceive. A whisper two blocks away is below the threshold of awareness, but it isn’t perceived. In order for perception by an individual to occur, there must be sufficient stimuli to trigger a neuron in the brain.
Neurons have no neutral state. They’re either off or on. Therefore, the perception level that exists and is taking place with subliminals is, in fact, a neural excitation. Without it, there exists no perception, with or without awareness.

What’s It Like?

In the many lectures I’ve presented in the United States, Asia, and Europe, there has always been a nagging need to find an analogy that could accurately describe what occurs for the users of InnerTalk audio programs. I’ve worked with the construct of peripheral perception to describe the manner in which voices speaking positive affirmations to the subconscious can—and indeed do—impress the listener even though they’re unaware consciously of the process.
Peripheral perception is normally thought of as that aspect of sight that borders on the fringes of how far out to the right or left side we can see. The fringe always has clarity problems. That is, we may report the ability to see an object to the side, and even slightly behind us; but the further the object moves toward the limit of vision, the less clear it becomes. This is a substantially similar process to how audio perception occurs with InnerTalk subliminal self-help programs.
The fringe is known as the “threshold,” and the audio threshold is established by determining the point at which the conscious mind can hear a particular sound 50 percent of the time. A threshold is that place where sometimes we hear the signal and other times we don’t. With InnerTalk, this point is relative to the primary carrier, music or nature sounds. Thus, the words are sometimes audible and sometimes not. The entire message may not be understood, but the voices are acknowledged by the conscious mind. Thus, from time to time we hear the message even if we don’t understand every word of it.
Similar to the limit of peripheral vision, where we see an object but without the sharpness that comes from looking directly at it, InnerTalk audio messages are sometimes heard, but without the clarity the conscious mind requires in order for it to repeat the information. Shadowing the messages, as described earlier, facilitates this.

Change . . . from the Inside Out

The comparison of peripheral vision to the audio perception of an InnerTalk stimulus continues to be effective. The analogy of what happens to users of the audio subliminal program as they listen to it was much more difficult for me until a friend and I sat down to discuss just that. As we reviewed our personal experiences with InnerTalk, it became very obvious that our benefit had been gradual and from the inside out, almost intuitive in its inner direction. Often, only when the affirmations contained on the program were reread did we have an “Aha!” that acknowledged consciously why certain aspects of our drives and emotions, and therefore behavior, had changed.
Intuitive perception is just what seems to take place when you work with a well-designed program. One day you act differently because you’re thinking differently. Gentle nudges from the inner mind begin to guide one’s choices. In my friend’s instance, creativity became natural. New ideas and concepts just seemed to flow through him. Later he experienced successes with different programs, but they were in process substantially the same as with the first one: I Am Creative.
All my experiences are akin to his. At first there seems to be little noticeable change, but after a few days things just seem to have a different arrangement. One day I was afraid of public speaking, to the point that I would do almost anything, invent almost any excuse, just to avoid it. Then it seemed like the next day public speaking was tolerable, and the following day I was excited about the opportunity to share with others. Today lectures, workshops, radio, and television are just something I do like any other activity.
What we believe in our subconscious is who and what we are! The conscious mind can only guess at what’s in the subconscious, while the subconscious has every thought the conscious will ever have long before it comes to awareness. In order to change, we need to change the way we think. Speaking directly to the subconscious is what subliminal messages do. One day there simply seems to be more positive than negative information in the subconscious. Then, as that wonderful bio-computer changes old inner beliefs about ourselves and the world around us, almost magically those goals, ideals, and ambitions become ours! And it happens without doubt, without fear.