Sunday, April 8, 2012

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Ajoite In Quartz

Ajoite is known in the metaphysical world as a stone of peace and harmony. It is said to help release and overcome sorrow, anger, fear, and heal old emotional wounds. Ajoite is also said to help connect to the Higher Self and God/Universe/Goddess/All That Is, and be excellent for meditation. Ajoite is noted in metaphysics to be able to remove and release negative energies from the physical, emotional, and etheric bodies. It is said to act as a stone of transformation, bringing change and growth. Ajoite is related to and excellent for work with the throat and heart chakras. Ajoite is a great stone for spiritual healers and spiritual seekers, and is said to be a very powerful healing booster. Ajoite is usually related to the throat and heart chakras.

Ajoite promotes self awareness and helps increase you self image.  Ajoite will help you accept and overcome the mental trauma that surfaces as you are recovering from rape, incest, grief, anger and loss. Ajoite removes negative thought patterns and will assist you in finding the affirmations that are needed for you to move forward so that you are able to achieve your desires. Ajoite will remove unknown stressors from your life. This stone will aid you in finding forgiveness for yourself and others.

Ajoite emits the loving energy of the Goddess and of Mother Gaia, aiding sweet loving communication with Spirit and the Angels. It often occurs in quartz and is a lovely emotionally supportive stone, especially for women. Ajoite in Quartz is among our favorite crystals and is unparalleled for its sweetness and positive energies. It is ideal for self-healing in all realms and is perhaps the most beneficial stone for emotional healing. It links one's soul with the soul of the earth. This crystal embodies positive metaphysical properties that aid healers and bring peace and harmony. It is a highly spiritual stone... that elevates you to the spiritual realms where you can meet with the angels and speak with spirit. It then encourages you to communicate that wisdom to those on the earth plane. It has strong feminine energy from the Goddess that stimulates forgiveness and aids healing of karmic wounds from past lives. 

Angel White Ajoite is Ajoite in lovely white Quartz, embodying both the energies of Ajoite and Quartz, bringing both into higher realms of energy. It is said to combine the gentle, harmonious energies of pure ajoite with high angelic realm vibrations from the quartz. Some say it's as though they contain the energies of Ajoite and Azeztulite combined. Sometimes an angel image is seen in the Angel White Ajoite, although it is reputed that all of these stones carry high angelic energies. Angel White Ajoite is used for ascension into higher realms while maintaining a close tie to the heart in our manifestation here on Earth. Thus, Angel White Ajoite is excellent for meditation to reach higher consciousness and deeper meditations. In the physical realms, Angel White Ajoite combines the energy and folk crystal healing properties of both Ajoite and Quartz. Angel White Ajoite is said to bring our Spirit energy to its full potential. These lovely stones relate to and resonate primarily with the third eye and crown chakras.

Ajoite transmutes negative energy into positive energy and is a stone of feminine empowerment and activates the throat chakra. This stone washes negativity from your mind and opens you to the higher planes. It assists you in communicating your deepest inner truth. This stone dispels negative thoughts in a soft and loving manner. Meditation with Ajoite can bring both tears and laughter, as feelings arise in what is often a deep but gentle release of tension. 

Ajoite will help you connect to the angelic realm. It will connect you to the Divine and bring forth a deeper knowledge and understanding that you can share with others. It’s a terrific aid that you can use in your meditation because it will allow you to connect to your higher self. This stone also has the ability to make you understand the reasons behind your past life circumstances and situations. It will help release old karmic wounds and implants.

Ajoite surrounds you with feelings of unconditional love and guidance to achieve an understanding of the Divine and help you understand that you are loved and appreciated. It helps with feelings of worthlessness  and will increase feelings of respect for yourself. Ajoite aids physical and emotional immunity from outside diseases and negative energy. Ajoite is considered an important healing stone because it exhibits outstanding physical healing properties. Crystal healers use this stone to rejuvenate the skin and improve physical vitality. Ajoite activates your creativity and helps you express your inner truth. It is a soothing stone that brings in calming energy. It is good for youthfulness, overcoming prejudice, and expressing your truth.

Ajoite is considered a stone of transformation, and it can help you greatly when you want to hit new financial goals or start over with a clean slate. It will bring about positive change that will allow you to let go of bad habits and practices. The energies of this stone will also help you grow, recognize your mistakes, and learn your lessons from them.

Ajoite is an important metaphysical stone and is much sought after by crystal lovers. Its energies are emotionally soothing and healing, and many people report that Ajoite connects them to the heart of the Earth itself. On some occasions, people break into tears the first time they hold a piece of this deeply healing and supportive stone. Ajoite transmutes negative energies into positive energy and relieves unhappiness. It is a stone of feminine empowerment and activates the upper chakras.

Ajoite provides a never-ending stream of high spiritual energy at a high-frequency level. This means that you will constantly feel the presence of the ajoite in your life, and it will help nourish different aspects of your existence, from your spiritual life to your real-world conditions. Ajoite clarifies everything it comes into contact with, including the mind and the emotions. If you feel confused and foggy, or perhaps some karmic wounds are still open and bleeding, the ajoite crystal can come into your life and heal those wounds for you. Particularly interesting here is how the ajoite crystal knows that you need help. The loving emanations and high-frequency vibrations of these crystals are enough to seek out the parts of you that you have hidden away, consciously or not, so that they may be brought back to a better state.

Ajoite's energy supports a sense of nurturance and emotional rescue, it also stimulates the release and cleansing of emotional patterns or lessons.  Ajoite can engage your inner vision and higher understanding as well as the emotional self. Ajoite has a calming and uplifting effect on the emotional body. It can help those are subject to extreme emotional polarities or who are prone to excessive anger or fear. It helps you gain perspective on situations that are emotionally charged and can help you to understand the underlying emotional basis for the experience. It is useful in gaining understanding of the karmic or alternative life roots of emotional patterns and experience. This enables you to see the spiritual basis of life's lessons as it guides you to gently but firmly remove old emotional patterning.

Ajoite is capable of regulating and unblocking chakras starting from the heart chakra, moving up. If you have self-expression problems, self-love, and thinking straight, you can use ajoite as an all-in-one solution to blocked or underpowered chakras. If you don’t know how chakras work, here’s a summary. Chakras are essentially circles or whorls of energy that represent different aspects or dimensions of you. These energy pools have to be balanced in the truest sense of the world to work correctly.

Ajoite is a master integrator, specifically addressing issues of discord. Also known as the "Phoenix Rising" stone, it assists in the spiritual evolution of humanity, not only as an individual, but as a whole as well. It is a powerful mineral of transformation and healing in all areas. Melds the Heart and Throat chakras so that one may truly speak from the heart. Provides peace, joy and acceptance. Eliminates negative attributes (anger, hate, hostility, etc.)


Astrological Sign: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Chakra: Third Eye

Element: Water

Planet: Jupiter, Mars, Venus

                                            Crystals By Rob:

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Papagoite In Quartz

The mineral emits a gentle and tranquilizing energy, useful for clearing and opening the throat chakra and the third eye. It assists one in speaking with love and clarity, bringing smoothness to the verbalization of that which is in the mind. Papagoite provides for an optimistic and broad minded outlook. Can be used to release carefully restrained inhibitions, transforming those limitations to expressions of pleasure. Used in meditation, Papagoite can assist one in the attainment of a state of extreme beauty and delight. Papagoite is also quite useful useful in strengthening the bonding of relationships. The use of the Papagoite and Quartz combination for manifestation is recommended only if one is willing accept and rejoice in that which is fancied.

It has an excellent action to stimulate contact with your spirit guides, and may help you to begin working with your spirit guide. If you haven't previously worked with your guides, and even if you have, it helps to stimulate clarity in your communication. It will also assist with psychic communication in a number of other ways, and is helpful to assist with past life work.


Astrological Sign: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Chakra: Third Eye

Element: Water

Planet: Jupiter, Mars, Venus

                                                Crystals By Rob:

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Fenster Quartz

Fenster quartz gets its name from the complex interior skeletal structure which has created many windows and chambers within the crystal. The name is derived from the German word “Fenster”, meaning window. The unique formation is caused by internal and external dissolution growth which is the result of unstable conditions during crystallization. Light reflects from the interior planes creating dancing patterns of light as you turn the crystal in your hand. The crystals have grown in a very similar formation as a Herkimer diamond in combination with elestial formations. For this reason, these crystals are also known as Elestial Lightkeepers.

Fenster Quartz has natural etched triangle formations “windows” within the planes of the crystal. These crystallized windows open one to the inner landscape of the crystal and stimulate clairvoyance. In addition to carrying the generic properties of Quartz, Fenster Quartz helps to heal dysfunctional patterns and outgrown emotions. Fenster Quartz is an excellent healing stone for sending healing light and for any energy work that requires a higher vibration. It can throw light on the past life causes of addiction and remove them. In healing, Fenster Quartz is beneficial for multidimensional cellular memory healing, cleansing and revitalizing the organs.

The energy of Fenster Quartz is thought to be quite complex and high in vibration, reaching to the spiritual plane, and stimulating the third eye and crown chakras. They are also meant to assist you to channel the pure white light of the universe into the physical world, providing the opportunity for profound healings on both the emotional and physical levels. They’re said to assist with evolution of the spirit, assisting you to vibrate on a higher plane at all levels of your existence, and restoring energy flow and balance at all levels. Fenster Quartz is also said to help you shed old emotional attachments allowing you to move forward on your spiritual path. Meditation with these crystals is thought to assist you to move through time and space like portals to other dimensions which is believed to facilitate deep karmic work with past lives. Fenster crystals are excellent facilitators during any healing session.

Fenster quartz is one of the oldest, deepest, and wisest crystals only found in certain pockets of the world. It activates the Soul Star Chakra, your connection to the stars, planets, and other dimensions. It also opens the channel to ancient wisdom, activates past life memories, heals secrets of the past, and raises energy for intentions. I believe elestial quartz carries a very specific frequency and set of light codes that aren’t accessible with any other mineral. That’s why serious metaphysical practitioners are so drawn to it.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Fenster Quartz is known as the most powerful healing and energy amplifier on the planet because of it’s unique helical spiral crystaline structure. Is used as an energy stabilizer and amplifier within all electrical equipment for this very reason. Most modern watches wouldn’t work without it either. If you ever needed a scientific basis for crystal healing, there it is. Quartz absorbs, stores, releases, and regulates energy and is excellent for unblocking it. When acupuncture needles are coated in Quartz, the effects increase by an estimated ten percent. Has been demonstrated by a Kirlian camera that holding a Quartz crystal in your hand doubles your bio magnetic field. It enhances muscle testing and protects against radiation. It also generates electromagnetism and dispels static electricity. On less empirically proven levels, Quartz is believed to cleanse and enhance the organs and subtle bodies and act as a deep soul cleanser, connecting the physical dimension with the mind. Spiritually, Quartz raises energy to the highest possible level. Enhances psychic ability and attunes you to your spiritual purpose. Mentally, Quartz aids concentration and unlocks memory.

In this sense they are great for working with transformation. Once you have worked through any negative emotion, visualize putting the emotion into the crystal and ask it to transform the energy to positive energy. You can then come back and visualize taking the energy back from the crystal.

Quartz is good for use with any condition, stimulates the immune system and brings the body into balance. Which is why it’s known as ‘the master healing stone’. Fenster Quartz is an excellent healing crystal for sending healing light and for any energy work that requires a higher vibration. Fenster Quartz may energetically throw light on the past life causes of addiction and remove them. In healing, Fenster Quartz is beneficial for multidimensional cellular memory healing, cleansing and revitalizing the organs. 

Astrological sign: Aquarius
Chakras: All
Element: Earth
Planet: Saturn

                                     Crystals By Rob:

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Druzy Quartz

Drusy Quartz is rated at 7 on the Moh’s Scale of Hardness and is best suited for pendants, brooches, and earrings rather then rings and bracelets because of the concern of the Drusy being detached.
Drusy’s are gemstones with a natural surface texture much like fine sugar crystals that formed on the Quartz by the phenomena of micro-crystalline facets millions of years ago. Drusy crystals went unnoticed in the jewelry world until recently, when they began appearing in the work of noted carvers and jewelry designers. The appeal is now starting to grow for Drusy Quartz jewelry as it displays a multitude of tiny crystals with a reflective surface reminiscent of sugar or snow.
The size and evenness of the crystal coverage are both important value factors when determining the quality and worth of Drusy Quartz items.
When ground water carrying dissolved silica is forced into a porous area of the rock, rapid cooling often occurs, causing the formation of tiny crystals on the surfaces or in cavities of the rock. The clear crystals often form on top of previously deposited minerals. This is called a drusy.

Titanium drusy is drusy that has been coated with titanium in a vacuum chamber. It produces a permanent metal coating in spectacular shades of dark blue, magenta or an iridescent white.

Crystals By Rob: