Thursday, September 19, 2013

Crystals by Rob Receives 2013 Best of Gardena Award

Crystals by Rob Receives 2013 Best of Gardena Award

Salt Lake City, UT, September 06, 2013  Gardena Award Program Honors the Achievement

Crystals by Rob has been selected for the 2013 Best of Gardena Award in the Artists category by the Gardena Award Program.

Each year, the Gardena Award Program identifies companies that they believe have achieved exceptional marketing success in their local community and business category. These are local companies that enhance the positive image of small business through service to their customers and our community. These exceptional companies help make the Gardena area a great place to live, work and play.

Various sources of information were gathered and analyzed to choose the winners in each category. The 2013 Gardena Award Program focuses on quality, not quantity. Winners are determined based on the information gathered both internally by the Gardena Award Program and data provided by third parties.

About Gardena Award Program

The Gardena Award Program is an annual awards program honoring the achievements and accomplishments of local businesses throughout the Gardena area. Recognition is given to those companies that have shown the ability to use their best practices and implemented programs to generate competitive advantages and long-term value.

The Gardena Award Program was established to recognize the best of local businesses in our community. Our organization works exclusively with local business owners, trade groups, professional associations and other business advertising and marketing groups. Our mission is to recognize the small business community's contributions to the U.S. economy.

Crystals By Rob

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Malachite

This gemstone is told to absorb negative energy from the auric field cleansing it, thus balancing the wearer and protecting them from the effects negative energies. Malachite is great for increasing ones concentration skills and is quite beneficial to ones physical, as well as psychic, vision. Malachite clears and activates the chakras and attunes to spiritual guidance. Releases negative experiences and old traumas. Stimulates dreams. Malachite releases inhibitions and develops empathy with others. Malachite is a stone of good fortune and prosperity. Malachite is also a very protective stone. Malachite helps to find a balanced path between the desires of ego and of our higher Will, aiding us in removing blockages and inspiring us with ideas which will help to manifest those goals. Malachite has wonderful healing properties, and because of the high copper content of the stone it has a very steady pulsing electromagnetic energy field.

A hard-working stone, Malachite is said to provide a bevy of unique benefits. According to crystal practitioners, the healing properties it contains generate swathes of transformative energy that can profoundly affect every facet of your life. This stone has a reputation for flushing out energy that doesn’t serve you. It rids your body of darkness, acting as the light of change to make you whole again. No matter what kinds of negativity you’re dealing with, Malachite whisks it away so that you can move forward with confidence and passion.

The Malachite crystal stone meaning echoes its deep connection to nature with colors of a lush and verdant spring bursting with new life. A must-have stone for city dwellers yearning for natural relics, bring the wonders of nature into your home by placing a large piece of Malachite in your living room. It works to remove environmental pollution and also adds a welcome pop of color in your sacred healing space. A powerful way to channel the Malachite crystal meaning is by meditating with a crystal layout that focuses on its healing properties. Following the cleansing ritual used by the Native Americans for thousands of years, smudge the space and crystals with sage to set the mood for transformation and healing. Then, place the Malachite crystal on your heart chakra and feel the crystal radiating with its perfect energy pattern that opens up the heart to love, the medicine to heal the world. This healing and purifying energy can be accessed when you connect with the Malachite crystal properties through peaceful contemplation. Holding a stone in each hand, feel its transformative powers infusing your body and mind with a white light of pure, healing love of the universe.

With its pure energy rays of green, Malachite is dedicated to the Heart Chakra. Located near the center of the breastbone, it regulates our interaction with the external world and controls what we embrace and what we resist. It gives us the balancing ability to be ourselves within the environment. When the heart chakra is out of balance you may feel either controlling or controlled in a relationship, and become critical of the little foibles of others. You may well find yourself having inappropriately strong emotional responses to everyday external stimuli. Green crystal energy is used to resolve blockages and to re-balance the heart chakra, helping us understand our own needs and emotions clearly. We can deal with the ebbs and flows of emotional relationships, understand their cyclic nature, and accept the changes. Malachite is helpful to clear and activate other chakras. Placed on the Third Eye, it activates visualization and psychic vision. Placed on the solar plexus, it facilitates deep emotional healing, releasing negative experiences and old traumas.

As a stone of travel, Malachite protects and overcomes fears of flying if you empower the crystal before a trip by holding it and envisioning yourself in the wings of the Archangel, Raphael. It helps with jet lag, encourages smooth business travel, and protects in travel on congested highways. Malachite is known for being a stone of support for airplane and airline workers as a protection against accidents, miners for protection from unexplained accidents, and for secretaries to stimulate clear thinking. As a stone of transformation, Malachite encourages change and emotional risk-taking. It shows what is blocking your spiritual growth, draws out deep feelings and psychosomatic causes, then allows you to break unwanted ties and outworn patterns. It encourages the expression of feelings, alleviating shyness and teaching the responsibility for one’s own thoughts and actions. It supports friendships and empathy for other people.

Malachite is an important protection stone. Malachite absorbs negative energies and pollutants, picking them up from the atmosphere and from the body. Guards against radiation and clears electromagnetic pollution. Malachite clears and activates the chakras and attunes to spiritual guidance. It opens the heart to unconditional love. Encourages risk-taking and change, breaks unwanted ties and outworn patterns, and teaches how to take responsibility for one’s actions, thoughts and feelings. Malachite releases inhibitions and develops empathy with others. It alleviates mental disturbances and combats dyslexia. Enables you to absorb and process information. Releases negative experiences and old traumas. Stimulates dreams.

Malachite was believed to protect against the evil eye and to cure various types of stomach ailments. The Russian Czars used malachite from the large deposit in the Ural mountains to produce ornaments and paneling for their castles, as well as intricate inlay work. Malachite is an extremely versatile healing stone. It is particularly useful for cramps, including menstrual cramps. It helps with childbirth and aids midwives in their tasks. Malachite treats any sexual disease, lowers blood pressure, treats asthma, epilepsy, fractures, swollen joints, growths, travel sickness, vertigo, tumors, optic nerve, pancreas, spleen and the parathyroid. Malachite can assist in restoring strength and vitality after illness and in rebuilding or repairing tissue after surgery. It supports the formation of red blood cells and hemoglobin—assisting with oxygenation of the body and overall vitality. Malachite is excellent for reducing inflammation due to sprains, strains or other injuries. It can help draw toxins from the body and can be used to support fasting, detoxification and other cleansing rituals. It is a wonderful aid to digestion and it stimulates stomach and colon function.


Astrological Sign: Capricorn, Virgo

Chakra: Heart

Element: Earth

Planet: Venus

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Pineapple Quartz

Pineapple quartz is the name given to a formation of generally cloudy white quartz when the main crystal point is covered by tiny terminations that point towards the termination of the main crystal. The image of wax running down a candle is perhaps the best way to describe this formation. These pineapple quartz crystals bring light, hope and comfort. If you are an energy worker or a healer, you will have many uses for this wonderful crystal.

Pineapple Quartz Crystals, teaches the necessity of moving beyond individualism and into cooperative group growth, and to this end is excellent for group healing or creating spiritual communities. Used in meditation, it creates a safe, structured energetic environment to explore the higher realms. Pineapple Quartz can assist in maintaining spiritual growth and forward progress in ones life.

Pineapple Quartz assist with past life recall, linking ones consciousness to the highest vibrations of soul consciousness. Pineapple Quartz is the name given to the formation of (usually) cloudy white Quartz in which the main crystal point is covered by tiny terminations which point towards the termination of the main crystal. The formation resembles wax running down a candle. It sometimes known as Celestial Quartz or Candle Quartz, may also exhibit a reddish brown coloration. It’s points can substitute for Female Quartz if one is unable to source Female points when used for crystal healing.

Pineapple Quartz assists us to put ancient knowledge into practice and brings totems and power allies closer. It belongs in the south position of the medicine wheel, the place of the past, emotions, and heart. Restoring trust and innocence, Candle Quartz brings healing to our wounded inner child and creates an aura of unconditional love. This stone works to heal our ancestral line and karmic inheritance. Psychologically, Pineapple Quartz dissipates feelings of oppression and despair to create tranquillity and confidence in an illumined mind that sees beyond the confines of everyday circumstance. Emotionally, Pineapple Quartz teaches us that we are never truly alone, and connects us to the divine love of our inner being. This stone helps develop emotional independence and inter-dependence, showing when it is beneficial to rely on and share with a partner in a mutually supportive situation, and when to stand alone. It assists our partners to not feel isolated when we practice emotional autonomy and, if necessary, helps us to leave a partnership that no longer serves us with loving grace. Physically, this stone helps us feel good about our bodies. It shows how the physical body is damaged by emotional or mental distress and heals the heart.

Pineapple Quartz Crystals,  look and feel very different from most Quartz formations. Once attuned to Pineapple Quartz meditating with one can stimulate visions and access to information from the Akashic records. As a channeling tool, Pineapple Quartz cannot be beaten, often revealing evolutionary guidance on a galactic scale. Pineapple Quartz assist with past life recall, linking ones consciousness to the highest vibrations of soul consciousness.

When you see Pineapple Quartz for the first time, you will immediately know that this stone is ancient. Upon touch, you can feel this old earthen energy in the palm of your hands. This energy is capable of cooling and stabilizing not only Earth’s energy but our own as well. The information we receive contains the true cataclysmic events that terraformed our environment. This volatile energy produced a mass amount of atypical, diverse energy and became encapsulated in the crystals forming at that time. Elements of wind, fire, air, and water combined to create massive calamitous energy which we can draw upon. While destruction and damage occurred, it also brought an environment capable of harnessing life. You can begin channeling energy from Pineapple Quartz during deep meditation sessions to help reignite the spark of the divine within your own life.

Connected to the root chakra, it has a very grounding, strong energy to it and can ground energy from the higher planes into everyday life as well as aid those in the physical to connect to the higher planes. This stone is said to be a gift from Atlantis, and through meditation one will be able to access this ancient knowledge. For those working with past life regressions, this is a great stone to use to help access that information. It will also aid with the healing of the soul and ancestral line. The Pineapple Quartz is also connected to the Heart Chakra, and can help one to heal the heart and allow you to feel good. This is a great stone to grid around a healing room or sacred space as it brings group harmony.

Pineapple Quartz crystals can also offer one a layer of amour. If you feel under attack from all directions – visualize and/or ask for a protective layer of crystalline amour from this crystal simply by using Conscious Intent. If you come under a surprise attack – the good news is that you do not need to have the physical crystal in your presence. Do a remote connection by simply thinking about/visualizing or feeling the crystal – this in effect is like dialing up the crystals radio frequency and it will instantly make its abilities and talents available to you. This remote connection works with all Quartz crystal varieties.

It has a very strong vibration that works to align and clear every Chakra restoring us to a state of balance. Pineapple Quartz shines its light upon us bringing a sense of hope and comfort where we once felt lost and unhappy. It opens our heart to love by helping to heal past wounds and remove any anxiety we have in our heart. Additionally, it is believed to store Akashic Records revealing hidden truths and knowledge from our ancestors. Despite its high vibration, Celestial Quartz has a grounding energy as well. It is also known as a “Stone of Insight” connecting our conscious mind with our subconscious mind revealing hidden truths about the true nature of one’s self. Lastly, Pineapple Quartz is an abundance crystal. It opens us spiritually and energetically to pursuing and receiving abundance in every aspect of our lives. Due to the antiquity of this crystal, we recommend it for past life and akashic record readings. For all Reiki healers out there, this is a must-have stone in your arsenal, especially for clients who hold onto past life problems.


Astrological Sign: Scorpio

Chakra: Root

Element: Water, Fire

Planet: Moon, Sun

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Lepidolite

Lepidolite is in the mica group of minerals and contains good amounts of lithium which makes it a beneficial healing stone. While many people believe it is the amount of lithium that creates its specific color, its exact color does depend on the amount of manganese in the stones.

Lepidolite is a stone of calm, trust, and acceptance. It is extremely useful in the reduction of depression as well as stress. It is used to halt obsessive thoughts, and relieves despondency, as well as overcomes insomnia. Lepidolite is supportive in releasing one from addictions and complains of all kinds, including anorexia. This stone encourages independence and protects from any number of external influences when it comes to setting and following your priorities. It is of great help to relieve the consequences of everyday stress. Placed near the pillow, it promotes peaceful sleep without bad dreams and nightmares. In combination with rose quartz, lepidolite becomes stone of renewed love.

Lepidolite is sometimes used to increase spirituality, or increase the desire to seek spirituality. Carried often as a touchstone, simply due to it’s calming properties, it is also known to attract good luck, and drive off negativity – although it protective qualities are not superior. Lepidolite is considered a reassuring gemstone for those who may be new to psychic work, have had bad experiences with it, or who as a child may have dabbled with Ouija boards, played with tarot cards, or held seances not quite understanding their meaning.   Lepidolite will offer a strong screen against negative energies. To promote a restful nights sleep free of nightmares, place Lepidolite near the headboard or under the pillow

Lepidolite clears electromagnetic pollution.  Strengthens the immune system, soothes the nervous system and can be used to restructure DNA.  Lepidolite relieves exhaustion and aids in the relief of tension and related disorders.  It can relieve allergies and greatly help with epilepsy and Alzheimers.  It numbs sciatica and neuralgia, and overcomes joint problems.  Lepidolite stabilises mood swings and is excellent for the menopause.  It treats illnesses caused by “sick-building syndrome” or computer stress.  Excellent for bipolar disorders.

This lovely lilac crystal has a truly unique resonance that aids a Divine connection with the deep innermost part of yourself known as The Divine Presence. It has a quite unusual vibration that helps to activate your connection with your higher self, and aids you to recognize the Divinity within your own self. This is a highly spiritual energy, that aids you to feel a spiritual sense of love, for yourself and for others. Its effect within the heart and higher heart chakra, creates an abundance of joy, peace, serenity and love to flow into your being.

It brings deep emotional healing, soothing and reducing stress and depression.  Lepidolite dissipates negativity and insists on being used for the highest good.  It activates the throat, heart, third eye chakras and the intellect.  It opens the crown chakra, clearing blockages and bringing cosmic awareness.  Lepidolite facilitates astral travel and accesses the Akashic Record.  It helps to take you forward into the future, tuning you in to thoughts and feelings from other lives that are creating a blockage in your life now.

It stimulates a stronger ability for you to be in harmony with Spirit, and it aids you to feel more settled and serene about life. By this encouragement for you to be more in the flow of life, this beautiful lilac stone creates an increased number of powerful coincidences or synchronicities. These coincidences allow the Divine mind to create amazing situations, to aid you to bring into your life those things that you desire and have been thinking about. This is of course strongly linked to the law of attraction. Lilac Lepidolite has powerful metaphysical properties, and a lovely vibration that will work through all chakras. It has strong spiritual powers, with an energy that resonates strongly within the thymus or higher heart chakra, the heart chakra and the crown chakra.

A “stone of transition”, Lepidolite assists in the release and reorganization of old behavioral and psychological patterns, gently inducing change.  It brings deep emotional healing, soothing and reducing stress and depression.  Lepidolite dissipates negativity and insists on being used for the highest good.  It activates the throat, heart, third eye chakras and the intellect.  It opens the crown chakra, clearing blockages and bringing cosmic awareness.  Lepidolite facilitates astral travel and accesses the Akashic Record.  It helps to take you forward into the future, tuning you in to thoughts and feelings from other lives that are creating a blockage in your life now.

Lepidolite is known to clear out all of the redundant messages and voices form the past that hold us back from happiness and/or success. It will aid in attracting supportive friends and colleagues, as well as bring opportunities to succeed. It will help any and all living in unavoidably stressful experiences to maintain a calm, and serene center.


Astrological Sign: Libra

Chakra: Crown, Third Eye

Element: Water

Planet: Jupiter, Neptune

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Serpentine

This stone is an exceptional meditation stone, it will assist one in finding inner peace, as well as clearing the mind to become closer with oneself. Elemental beings may be encouraged to make contact with you and using this stone may also aid you to make contact with angelic guidance. It aids in meditation and enhances spiritual exploration. Serpentine assists the retrieval of wisdom, helping to regain memory of past lives. It clears the chakras and stimulates the crown chakra, opening psychic abilities. Serpentine has been traditionally used for Kundalini activation and clearing blocked energy centers. This stone opens new pathways for the kundalini energy to rise. Serpentine helps you to be more in control of your life.

Serpentine is associated with the serpent or the snake. The serpent's energy is one of rebirth. According to one ancient legend, Adam choked on the forbidden apple when he tasted it. when he spat it out, it turned into Serpentine. According to legend, Romans used this stone as protection against sorcery and the dark arts. Vessels were made of serpentine, as they were said to shatter is they came into contact with poison. Therefore many ancients began using serpentine to craft drinking vessels. In ancient Assyria, it is told that this stone was carried to request of the gods and goddess to provide blessings. In China and India it is quite often incorporated into altars, carvings temple decorations, as it is seen as a protective stone that will bring peace. Serpentine was named in 1564 by Georgius Agricola for the Latin term "serpens", "snake", in allusion to the mottled green appearance of the mineral suggesting the resemblance to some snakes.

Serpentine supports efforts at rebalancing your digestion. While watching your eating regime and following any medical advice you have received, delve into your consciousness to uncover what you might find difficult to swallow, literally and figuratively. Serpentine is a good cleansing stone, it detoxifies the blood and the body. It is said to aid longevity. Serpentine eliminates parasites, helps calcium and magnesium absorption. Treats hypoglycemia and diabetes. It helps with pain relief, especially muscular and menstrual. This stone can assist in cellular regeneration and replenishing your energy levels. Serpentine is ideal for those who are subjected to electromagnetic or energetic pollution. It insulates the aura, protecting the delicate energetic structures of the DNA and cells. It supports healing by aligning your energy field with the Earth, which invigorates the body.

This inner power is accessed through realms such as deep meditation, the use of Serpentine crystals, and yoga. Once released, an effect known as a Kundalini Awakening will begin to take place. When experiencing this great awakening you may feel more in-tune with yourself and notice signs of your inner intuition come to life. This intellectual upgrade tends to lead to an expansion of the mind and attunement to higher realms. To reach these realms one must be willing to open their pineal gland and restore the true confidence of our own mental abilities.

In crystal medicine, the Serpentine crystal stone meaning embodies the power of creation, sexuality, and fertility, which represents the life force of our ever-spinning planet. On a physiological level, it helps balance out the hormones, making it an excellent energy supplement for that time of the month. And yes, men also have hormonal cycles, which makes Serpentine a powerful stone for both the male and female energies. The Serpentine meaning reminds us to shoot for the stars, because everybody's inner child knows their true purpose in life. Even if your dreams have been buried by societal expectations and demands of adulthood, the Serpentine crystal stone meaning serves as the catalyst to free you from the shackles of society and self-imposed limitations.

Serpentine minerals have a harmonious connection with our heart center and assists in bringing our truest desires to life. This will help in our ability to love and display compassionate emotions. Serpentine minerals aid in the release of useless emotions that may feel as though they are glued to our beings. It will feel extremely difficult to let go of these feelings if you still feel as though you were wronged. Serpentine minerals will act as a dissolvent to release these sticky emotions. Once they have been lifted, the relief will be worth all of the hard work. We must learn to love ourselves before we can begin to spread love into this world. A final lesson that Serpentine aids to teach us is the residual effect of promoting love in even the darkest of spaces around us.

Serpentine is soothing to the emotional body, allowing you to release your fear of change and hardship so that you are able to look ahead to the future with expectation and excitement. It reminds you of the great span of time that the Earth and Nature have been learning, versus the relatively short time that humanity has inhabited this planet. This perspective can help you feel less self centered and more willing to spend time and energy contributing to the greater good, rather than focusing solely on personal goals. Serpentine can help you to be less sensitive to the thoughts, comments or opinions of others. It can help you feel more self confident and less invested in receiving external praise or appreciation. Serpentine is a stone of independence. It engenders a sense of being protected, stimulating you to move into new realms and social circles without hesitancy or fear. 


Astrological Signs: Gemini

Chakra: Heart, Crown

Element: Fire

Planet: Saturn

Friday, September 13, 2013

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Stromatolite

Are one of the oldest fossils known, some dating to over 3.5 billion years old. Stromatolites are actually structures formed by huge colonies of blue green algae or cyanobacteria. Some scientists consider these bacteria to be the earliest life form on Earth. The cyanobacteria which dominate stromatolites process many of the building blocks of life, including oxygen, carbon, and nitrogen. Stromatolites are a fossil that show our deep time on earth, the emergence of life, and the eventual evolving of the beautiful life forms.

Stromatolite is known to align the chakras of the torso by obliterating the hurdles of the meditative stream.  The physical properties of this jewel boulder, it helps its carrier to overcome the troubles of degenerative bone as well as its related diseases. Stromatolite is a jewel that deeply links the energies of the crust of the nature’s Earth to that of its carrier. It is a precious stone that helps its carrier to render as well as comprehend the intended significance of life. It as a legitimated emotional mender, it is conceived to cure the stressful intellect of its carrier. The strong vibes of this jewel rock help its carrier to crush the issues of the vision by improving it as well as clear the pharynx. It is too regarded to infuse strength in the physical torso along with the teeth. In the traditions, it is whispered that Stromatolite hidden powers message the chakras to open up and accept the positive incoming vibes of the nature.

Stromatolite helps its carrier to upgrade his skills of versatility. It is too appraised to intensify the personal power of its carrier. This cool fossil is assessed to be a healing jewel nugget that helps its carrier in his regression from the past life. Further, Stromatolite is conceived for its eminent property of meditation, which helps its carrier to meditate so as to mitigate the physical stress from the torso along with the emotional stress. On the physical ground, it is contemplated to reinstate the flow of the torso’s fluid to unbolt the vitality of the torso. The grounding eminence of this jewel boulder helps its carrier to understand the deep and hidden messages of the nature which serves him to lead the present life in a composed manner. 

It is likewise regarded to open up the locked energies of the torso’s chakra of its carrier. It is a jewel boulder that is evaluated to unroll the beauty of the life along with its forms. Stromatolite is too examined to appear in an iron banded form as it distributes itself universally. The chemical sediment deposits of this jewel nugget are composed of silica also to iron oxides. Recognized to be a jewel pebble of transformation, it assists its carrier in dealing with the emotional issues of the life by mending the energy blocks of the emotional spirit. Further, Stromatolite is known to align the chakras of the torso by obliterating the hurdles of the meditative stream.  The physical properties of this jewel boulder, it helps its carrier to overcome the troubles of degenerative bone as well as its related diseases. 

Stromatolite is a jewel pebble that deeply links the energies of the crust of the nature’s Earth to that of its carrier. It is a precious stone that helps its carrier to render as well as comprehend the intended significance of life. It as a legitimated emotional mender, it is conceived to cure the stressful intellect of its carrier. The strong vibes of this jewel rock help its carrier to crush the issues of the vision by improving it as well as clear the pharynx. It is too regarded to infuse strength in the physical torso along with the teeth. In the traditions, it is whispered that Stromatolite hidden powers message the chakras to open up and accept the positive incoming vibes of the nature.

Stromatolite is a stone of transformation assisting healing at an emotional level. Stromatolite gently removes blockages within the meridians and chakra. Stromatolite is a good meditation aid assisting with past life recall. Stromatolite teaches the purpose of life on Earth and our part in it.

They have the very patient, steady energy of a jasper as well, bringing temperance and steadfastness to any process or person. These fossils hold the energies of the earliest evolution of life on this planet. Use them to bring: steadfast persistence, stability, connection to the essence of life, resilience and versatility. The frequency of Stromatolite connects to the base and heart chakras. It cleanses these chakras, allowing for an increased energy flow. Its connection to the base chakra allows one to feel a connection with the third dimensional reality and to feel secure.

This cool fossil is assessed to be a healing jewel that helps its carrier in his regression from the past life. Further, Stromatolite is conceived for its eminent property of meditation, which helps its carrier to meditate so as to mitigate the physical stress from the torso along with the emotional stress. On the physical ground, it is contemplated to reinstate the flow of the torso’s fluid to unbolt the vitality of the torso. The grounding eminence of this jewel boulder helps its carrier to understand the deep and hidden messages of the nature which serves him to lead the present life in a composed manner. It is likewise regarded to open up the locked energies of the torso’s chakra of its carrier. It is a jewel that is evaluated to unroll the beauty of the life along with its forms. Stromatolite is too examined to appear in an iron banded form as it distributes itself universally. The chemical sediment deposits of this jewel nugget are composed of silica also to iron oxides. Recognized to be a jewel pebble of transformation, it assists its carrier in dealing with the emotional issues of the life by mending the energy blocks of the emotional spirit.


Astrological Signs: Aquarius, Pisces

Chakra: Root, Heart

Element: Water

Planet: Neptune, Moon

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Pink Epidote And Scapolite

Epidote is a stone of amplification, as it has the tendency to increase and expand everything it touches, be it energy or material object. It can strengthen emotional and spiritual growth. It releases and purifies suppressed emotions ones and for all. Therefore epidote opens the doors toward spirituality, and individuals attracted to this stone often feel strong desire for spiritual awakening. It is a stone that promotes perception, strengthens interaction and sharing with other people, and increases social awareness. Epidote is a stone of amplification, as it has the tendency to increase and expand everything it touches, be it energy or material object. It can strengthen emotional and spiritual growth. It releases and purifies suppressed emotions ones and for all. Therefore epidote opens the doors toward spirituality, and individuals attracted to this stone often feel strong desire for spiritual awakening. Epidote is a strong purification  stone for the astral body and auras. It is a stone that promotes perception, strengthens interaction and sharing with other people, and increases social awareness.

Rather than keeping protective barriers around your heart, Epidote encourages you to start to break them down so you can open yourself up to love and connection with others. Working with Epidote gives you the strength to face the betrayal head on so that it no longer holds power over you. It will help you get to a place where you are ready to tear down the walls around you heart and start to rebuild your ability to trust.

Epidote increases personal power and enhances the energy of whatever it touches, including other stones. It is said to bring spiritual growth and is a great stone for releasing negativity and raising one’s vibrational energy. It is a very useful stone for those suffering from depression and negative thinking patterns, as it helps to empower the carrier. Epidote can inject a feeling of hopeful optimism into one’s emotional body, helping to bring the mind into a higher vibration. It is also said to increase general perception and the possibility of interaction with spiritual beings.

Epidote is a great stone for releasing negativity and raising one's vibrational energy. It is helpful for those stuck in modes of depression, hopelessness, or other negative thinking pattern. Epidote can inject a sense of hopeful optimism into one's emotional body, helping to bring the mind into a higher vibration. Crystal healers like to work with Epidote for its ability to clear congestion and energy blockages in the physical and subtle bodies. Epidote will help to balance and stabilize the energy flow in the body. Epidote is also used to help dissipate tumors by releasing stagnant energies in the area.

Epidote has the ability to increase your energy levels and is useful for strengthening the physical body. This stone facilitates a more complete assimilation of nutrients. It stimulates the immune system and aids in the healing process. Epidote is useful in convalescence, it supports the body’s healing process and ensures that you look after yourself in the best way possible. It may well bring to the surface the underlying core causes of obesity and so facilitate weight loss. Epidote increases your personal power and increases memory, making it a helpful when looking for lost objects. This stone is helpful for stamina, the nervous and immune systems, cellular memory and dehydration.

Epidote can help those who habitually use judgement, sarcasm, wit or other expressions of negativity to raise the energy of their emotional bodies to more positive, enlightened levels. It helps you overcome hopelessness and depressed emotional states and lends you a sense of optimism. Epidote aligns you with parallel realities in which you already know how to love freely. This stone awakens the realization that there is plenty of love to go around. It is a good stone to improve relationships in which jealousy tends to be an issue.

Scapolite is a complex mineral containing sodium, calcium, silicon, aluminum, oxygen, chlorine, carbon and sulphur. It can form in prismatic crystals as well as columnar and massive habits. The crystals are transparent to translucent with a vitreous luster. Scapolite’s range of colors include white, grey, light green, blue, yellow, pink, violet and reddish. It is common in regional metamorphic rocks. Scapolite has been mined in Sri Lanka and Myanmar. A significant quantity of cabochon grade Blue Scapolite has been found at Mont Saint-Hilaire, in Quebec, Canada. This is a helpful stone for those of you who work at computers, constantly answer the phone or are desk bound as it absorbs and disperses electromagnetic emissions from electrical equipment.

Scapolite is known as a stone of problem solving and achievement. It is said to help find elegant solutions to problems, make changes in one’s life, and bring inspiration and strength of purpose. Use Scapolite for bringing energies of breaking old patterns of sabotaging self and bringing acceptance of success. In this way, Scapolite is a stone of success too.

Scapolite assists post-operative recovery and stimulates cellular memory and calcium assimilation. It is said to unblock varicose veins, cataracts and glaucoma, assist with bone disorders and the shoulders, calm restless eyes and overcome incontinence. Scapolite can be used to counter all manner of stress related illnesses and imbalances. It is especially useful for ulcers and digestive upsets caused by stress. This stone is useful for stabilizing your mental state and helping to regulate brain biochemistry. Scapolite can be used to balance hyperactivity and inattentiveness. It stimulates digestion, assimilation and elimination. Scapolite is helpful for kidney or gallbladder disorders. It assists with arthritis and bone problems and may help relieve the effects of Alzheimer's disease and dementia.

It will work to balance all your chakras so that there will be a good flow of energies. When there’s no blockage in your energy flow, you can enjoy more solid decision making, especially when it involves love and your emotions. Scapolite can be very beneficial for those starting their own business or going into a joint venture. It helps younger children learn to try new things and young adults, who have left ‘the nest’, can gain self-reliance on their own.

Scapolite teaches you that emotional healing is not about revisiting past wounds. It is instead about releasing attachment to them as part of your identity. This stone is a strict, yet powerful teacher of emotional power use. It will help you understand how you may be using your power to manipulate other peoples emotions or actions, so you can come to understand a more balanced use of your emotional energy. Scapolite can assist those with low self esteem to find aspects of self to value and develop.


Astrological Signs: Gemini, Libra, Taurus

Chakra: Heart

Element:Air, Earth, Fire

Planet: Mercury, Venus