Monday, February 16, 2015

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Black Tourmaline

Schorl Aslo Known As Black Tourmaline, is associated with the root or base chakra, and is excellent for grounding excess energy. It is a well known as a purifying stone that deflects and transforms negative energy, and thus is very protective. It can transform and remove negativity from an individual or an environment. It is often used as an aura cleanser, and can help one attain higher levels of awareness.

Black tourmaline assists the body to remain balanced between the left and right sides of the brain which can aid in the understanding of oneself and others, as well as improving hand/eye co-ordination.  By balancing the energy in the body and helping to eliminate toxins, black tourmaline healing properties include the power to banish stress, calm anxiety and promote emotional stability.

Black Tourmaline, electrical in nature, providing a connection between Earth and the human spirit. Its supportive energy aligns the energy centers of the body and channels healing light throughout the system. It promotes a sense of power and self-confidence, allowing for a clearer, more objective view of the world. It is empowering to those who must live or work in challenging environments or when facing difficult circumstances.

Black Tourmaline is also used for repelling and protecting one from black magick, and is often said to return the negative spell to the sender. Some claim that it deflects all kinds of energy, but my personal experience is that this is not the case. It is possible that the black tourmaline's effect of grounding excess energy gives this impression. Schorl has also been used to deflect EMF radiation energy from tvs, computer monitors and other EMF sources.

Putting one of these crystals under your pillow will cleanse your etheric body while you sleep, as well as the room where you are sleeping. It will strengthen the immune system and assist pain relief of arthritis and the relief of spinal or muscular problems.


Astrological Sign: Capricorn, Libra

Chakra: Root

Element: Earth

Planet: Earth

                                           Crystals By Rob:

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Super Seven

Super Seven is a very spiritual stone from Brazil. Super Seven Crystal represents the universal brotherhood of humanity. Although not always visible, a piece of Super Seven retains all the properties of Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Cacoxenite, Rutile, Geothite and Lepidocrocite combined. This is part of what makes this stone so desirable. It is one of the few stones that retains all the energy and clarity of each mineral and it never needs cleansing or energizing. Because the Super Seven opens up all the senses and helps one to see auras it is considered and important stone for stimulating and developing all types of psychic abilities, including telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, channeling, telekinesis and others. It is a powerful stone for healing the earth, mind, body and spirit. The very nature of the stone means that it is not associated with any one chakra, instead it is fantastic at healing, balancing and energizing all seven chakras, hence the name Super Seven.

This stone carrys the spiritual and protective qualities of Amethyst, the grounding ability of Smoky Quartz,  the energy-amplifying properties of  Quartz, with Rutile, Goethite, Lepidocrosite and Cacoxenite . Rutile  brings strength, love, ease in making transitions, and stablise relationships of all kinds; Rutile also fine tunes intuition. Goethite facilities clairaudience and metphysical abilities and communication. Lepidocrosite deepens intuition, promotes grounding, dissolves confusion and overcome negative thoughts and replacing them with unconditional love. Cacoxenite brings spiritual awareness, it also helps to overcome fear and clear stress.


Astrological Sign: All

Chakra: All

Element: All

Planet: All