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Saturday, November 17, 2012
Monday, November 12, 2012
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Apatite
Is a cleansing influence on the auric field, especially in the mental body, the vibratory level associated with psychic perception and paranormal abilities. It is stimulating to visionary states and is a good stone to keep in ones pillowcase for lucid dreaming and astral travel. Blue Apatite can enhance ones experience of vertical vision, in which one is able to see multiple levels of consciousness operating harmoniously. It is a stone of inspiration, capable of making one more susceptible to the aha experience in which one has an instant of understanding, which crystallizes the answer to long standing problems or questions. Psychologically, Apatite increases motivation. It draws off negativity about oneself and others. It is helpful for hyperactivity and autism in children. Apatite enhances creativity and the intellect. It clears confusion and frustration, reducing irritability and awakening the inner self. Apatite expands knowledge and truth and eases sorrow, apathy, and anger. Apatite enhances creativity and awakens the finer, inner self. It is a stone of the future and brings knowledge to those attuned to it. It may be used as an interface point between consciousness and matter to translate our humanitarian aspirations into healing, information, communication and teaching
Give in to the inspirational qualities of the Apatite crystal stone and encourage a peaceful respite from the confusion that comes from adulting in the modern world. The Apatite crystal stone helps to reawaken a sense of clarity that lights the path to self-expression. It gives us the guidance we need to maintain the delicate balancing act between following our dreams and the daily responsibilities of adulthood. Made from a common group of minerals containing a calcium phosphate base, Apatite reminds us that truly knowing oneself is the key to opening up the doors of the universe, a place where anything is possible. It gives you a delicate balance between pursuing your goals and juggling adolescence’s demands. Apatite teaches you that understanding oneself is the secret to unlocking the known universe. You will feel motivated when there is an opportunity offered to you that is feasible.
Said to enhance one’s insight, imagination, creativity, and learning abilities, which will in turn bestow increased self-confidence. Stimulating the intellect and promoting the realization that one’s strength of will comes not only from spiritual avenues, but must also be derived of love as well. When this realization comes about, one begins to feel negativity and aloofness dissolving away. When applied with a spiritual discipline and meditation, Apatite creates a willingness to let go of people, objects, and situations that have become useless in one’s life. Apatite is said to assist in restoring a clearer thought process, which in turn increases a deeper state of meditation and reflection. Continued use of Apatite enhances psychic abilities, balances the yin-yang energies, assists in the rising of Kundalini energy, openness to the higher self, and producing a spiritual state of unconditional love. When these attributes are developed, that is when Apatite becomes a “humanitarian” stone.
Apatite has inspirational properties. The interface point between consciousness and matter, it is a stone of manifestation and promotes a humanitarian attitude, inclining towards service.
It balances the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies, and the chakras, eliminating over-activity and stimulating under-activity. When used with other crystals, Apatite facilitates results. Its name is derived from the Greek word apatao meaning "to deceive". This is because of the variety of colors and formations in which this stone occurs, making it easy to mistake it for other minerals. Blue apatite is a great stone for communication. Its soothing vibrations will clear your throat, heart, and mind and allow you to see and say how you really feel. If you are finding it hard to articulate your feelings towards someone, using blue apatite will enhance and heal this communicative rift. Whether it be a friend, colleague, or lover, blue apatite will aid communication and connections.
Blue Apatite is a deeply spiritual stone with a cleansing influence on the aura, especially in the mental body – the vibratory level associated with psychic perception and paranormal abilities. It is a particularly strong stone to use in past-life or alternate-life work, because of its ability to access the energy levels where the Akashic records and an individual’s soul patterns exist. It is excellent as a dream stone for creative problem solving, and for vertical vision, where it is possible to see multiple levels of consciousness operating harmoniously and simultaneously.
Astrological Sign: Gemini
Chakra: Throat
Element: Air
Planet: Mercury
Crystals By Rob: